I've just a spent a few days making these icons for my PC, and I'm that pleased with how they came out that I thought some of you might like to use them as well. These are all 256x256x32 Windows icons with transparency and work best with a dark desktop, I've also included "feature" alternatives in case you want to use the icons for the Recycle Bin (the Sarlacc is perfect for this purpose, so much so that I've included a sound file to use as the emptying effect HERE, just right-click and save).
Note for Windows7 users...
If you find that after changing the Recycle Bin icons, they no longer change automatically to show if the bin is empty or not, just follow these instructions.
Click on the Start button and type REGEDIT in the search box, then click on regedit.exe when it appears in the list above.
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / CLSID / {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} / Default Icon
In here you will find three entries (default, empty, full), each one showing the file path to your custom icon. Edit each one in turn and add ,0 (comma zero) to the end of each line without a space (so for example %userprofile%\path_to_icons\sarlacc.ico would now become %userprofile%\path_to_icons\sarlacc.ico,0)
Once all three have been changed, close REGEDIT and refresh your desktop. The Recycle Bin icons should now change automatically when filled or emptied.
Click each preview below to download the same image in the .ico format.
More to follow, I'll take requests too as long as the .lxf files exist .