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Found 8 results

  1. With an influx of newcomers to Interlagos, the settlers in this growing town decided it was time to build a proper church (rather than use the tavern as a makeshift meeting place). Field stone was used for the walls, and timber from the local sawmill was used for the roof. Stained glass was brought in from Fuerte Unido for the windows. Some more pics: To be licensed as a small art & culture property. ------ After working on some micro builds recently, I decided to go to an in-between scale, building this mini-scale build that is big enough to qualify for a small property, but not so big as to require more bricks than I have access to at the moment. All C&C welcome.
  2. With the establishment of a brick kiln and a lumber mill in the Eslandolan settlement of Interlagos, settlers have been able to build houses, and the growing population has made Interlagos a proper town. The core of residences has started to give the town a feeling of something more than a military outpost. With the incoming settlers have come chickens and goats. Here Mrs. Boer prepares to get some milk. And her husband shoos the chickens away from the cellar door. Next door, Mr. Cazador heads out to take his son hunting. Small game animals are plentiful in the light woods around the lakes. The streets are still nothing but worn paths with some loose stone scattered about. A sailor and a merchant walk by the new residences on their way down to the dock. Interlagos has already come a good distance from its beginning as a frontier fort. As more settlers come to the town, Eslandian officials hope it becomes a thriving port. ----- This MOC started as way to experiment with the roof on the tan building and grew from there. I'm trying to capture the early growth of a small settlement in these builds. All C&C welcome.
  3. The growing town of Interlagos on the island of Maldria has begun receiving regular shipments of supplies for the new settlers, and trade with the local natives has increased the interest of the trade companies in the settlement. As such, the town has built a wood retaining wall and a proper dock to make loading and offloading cargo much easier, and a collection of warehouses has cropped up along the newly built quay. A closer look at the micro warehouses: I finally got around to taking advantage of my micro prize from the El Oleonda challenge. To be licensed as a medium commerce property. All C&C welcome.
  4. Eslandola’s new settlement on Maldria continues to work toward self-sufficiency. With the brick-making factory established, the new bricks could be used to build the forge for a blacksmith. The quartermaster from one of the expedition’s ships discusses what they need. Workers take a wagon wheel around to the side of the shop. The blacksmith at his workbench. Working on a sword in the forge and at the anvil. ------- A blacksmith for the Eslandolan settlement of Interlagos on Maldria. All C&C welcome.
  5. After months of exploring islands in the New Haven Sea, Eslandola’s expedition finally set foot on the island of Maldria. Initial exploration had identified a prime location for a settlement on the north side of the island, and preparations for a base for further exploration of the island were begun. Now, after much hard work by the ship crews and troops that made up the human capital of the expedition, a permanent base was established. Even though the fort was done, work crews continued on other tasks, as a dock and other infrastructure was needed for the new settlement. Ship gun crews and troop leaders worked to make sure the fort’s armament was ready. Outside the fort, musketeers patrolled the perimeter, as the island was still a great unknown. Inside the fort, expedition leader Philip “Pip” Janszen discussed matters with somewhat-renowned explorer Thaddeus Calvo. Pip’s protestations aside, Calvo informed Pip that the men had already named the fort after their expedition leader. It was Fort Janszen. He was stuck with it. ---------------------- This is a part of my ongoing AMRCA exploring the New Haven Sea, but I’ve posted it separately for licensing purposes. All C&C welcome.
  6. *The "Cookie" in this story is no relation to Captain Cookie of @Captain Braunsfeld fame. My apologies for any confusion. -------------- The sailors and soldiers in Captain Janszen's expedition to the New Haven Sea had now spent weeks on Maldria as they built up Eslandola's initial settlement on the island. Up until now their building efforts had focused on foundational needs: fortifications, followed by a brick kiln, a blacksmith's forge, and a sawmill. It was time to establish some basic facilities for the men who were working here every day. And so, rather than assemble by open campfires or return to the ship galleys for meals, Janszen order the construction of a mess hall. Built from locally produced bricks and freshly cut timber, it was more refined than the previous open-air or log structures erected so far. The men quickly took pride in the new facility. Fish and fowl were plentiful on the island, providing far better meals than when they were at sea. When several barrels of grog were also moved from the ships to the mess hall, the men were soon treating it as a tavern, assembling there whenever they weren't working or sleeping. Various ship cooks took turns manning the cooking fires, but one known as "Cookie" was the men's favorite, and soon the mess hall was referred to as "Cookie's Place". The men loved Cookie, but Cookie wouldn't take any guff. When one soldier complained loudly to his sergeant that there was a funny smell to the food one day, Cookie threatened him with his cleaver! As it turns out, perhaps it wasn't the food that was the problem. --------------- This build was based on a simple drawing of a colonial structure I came across in a book, and it seemed like it could serve the purpose of a mess hall for the troops. All C&C welcome.
  7. Eslandola's settlement on Maldria was growing, especially with the new brickmaker's kiln. But the men were getting tired of cutting all the lumber by hand, so they dammed off a stream so they could build a waterwheel to power a sawmill. The undershot waterwheel powers a saw to cut logs into planks. Some of the soldiers also discovered that the pond created by the small dam was a good fishing spot. The central part of the mill was built with field stones to support the waterwheel, but the storage shed was built of log construction. With both bricks and sawn lumber, more construction would be possible for the settlement of Interlagos. --- This build started out as an experiment with the roof joint, that failed miserably, as the above photo shows. The angle of the joint didn't neatly fit the angle of any wedge plates, and ultimately there's far too much of a gap, so selective photo angles were necessary. Also, only after I had started to disassemble the build did I realize it would have looked much better if I had tiled the upper part of the pond rather than using loose 1x1 round plates. Oh well, live and learn. Still, I was happy with the stone wall, and I got my first experience trying to build a small waterfall. Also, I didn't do an interior for this build. The roof supports didn't really allow for it, and I have done a sawmill interior before. I will try to get back to showing interiors on future builds. All C&C welcome.
  8. If the new Eslandolan settlement of Interlagos was going to grow, it needed a means of construction. The clay of the river banks and lake bed was well-suited for making bricks, so ballast bricks were taken from the expedition's ships to build a kiln. The clay from the river bank was set into wooden molds, then deposited on beds of sand for drying. Once thoroughly dry, the clay bricks were baked in the kiln for a week. The fire had to be tended constantly. Once cooled, the bricks were stacked and sorted, as some might be under-fired and other might be over-fired clinkers. Thus the settlement’s first industry was established: a brick-making factory. Now brick buildings in Interlagos can be built easily. ----------- A horribly over-simplified explanation and depiction of brick-making in colonial times, with some steps omitted for ease of building the MOC, but I am happy with how it turned out. All C&C welcome.
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