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Train Tech Registry Now with 286 Registered Train Fans! - This list is no longer being updated. * *thomas*, 12v, 12vretrofan, 1974, -R8- A AAwsum, Adam, AgentRick57, Alainneke, Andre1983nl, Andy Glascott, AndyC, Anticyclone, Architrains, Ashi Valkoinen, Asper, Athos B Baard, Badsneaker, Ballast, Bamos, Banditloon, BelValcor, Ben Kenobi 1992, Bernie56, Bileam, Bjtpro, Blondie-Wan, BobaFett2, Bonczyk85, Breezerider, Brenden Perkins, Brickaroo, Brickdoctor, Brickie, Bricks n Bolts, Bricktrain, Bricktrix, Brickviller, Brik-el, Brinstar, Brrrm C Cagri, Campbjj, Capt. Stabbin, Captain Becker, Captain J, Captain K, Captain Zuloo, CarrollFilms, Catanas, CBFasi, ChristopherMcL2, Cinderbike, Clcwong, Commander P5, ConductorPete, Cossack225, Craigstrains, Cwetqo, Cyclone D DaCheese, Daedalus304, Danger19, Darcaesar, Darkdragon, Darthluke824, Dartmar, David (New Zealand), Deanc, Deeks, Defenz, DetroitBricks, Dhivael, Diamondback, DmChylde, Dr Kilroy, Drdavewatford, Drevim, Drexlore, DwarfSleepy, Duq E Efferman, Efullner, Electricsteam, Eliminator, Eness76, English Electric, EPJL, Esben Kolind, Eurotrash F F0NIX, Fede78, Frank STENGEL, Fred67, Freddie, Funkdis, Fuzzylegobricks G Gambort (Tim Gould), Gareth, Gcarstensen, Gigi, Gormadoc, Graafderk, Greg3, Grogall, Grunneger, Gumpoleon H Halfpenguinhalflego, Harmacy, Harnbak, Harold, Hechristensen, Henryhotspurs, HhcBrick, Hikaro Takayama, Holodoc, HoMa, Homer_S I Iarnrod Raille Liath, Icosahedron J J3tang, Jaeson Pryer, JamesP, Jay Sathe, JBucy, JCC1004, Jcnoslegos, Johnny cogs, Ju87, JupiterTwo K k27463, KIERAN2400, Kimi, Kisvakond, Konrad, kost u grlu, kyphur, kyzr44 L L@go, Laka, Landam77, Lazarus, Leg Godt Gud, Lego Man Can, Lego Otaku, LEGO Train 12 Volts, Lego1975, Lego9vtrainfan, Legochief, Legodjw, Legoist, LegoMavrick, Legonz, Legoroni, LegoSjaak, Legotom, LegoTrainFan, LiamM32, Lightningtiger, LisasPapa, Liutas, Locomotive Annie, Loggii, Lostdriveway, LovinLegoSince97, Lyzech M Maciejd, Macoco, Man with a hat, ManitobaMoe, Mapman, Mariano, Markz68, Marl of Kark, Martyboy70, Mathijs-T, Matt Barton, Mattman, Medib, Melfice, Merkal, Merkurius, Missouri BB63, Monorailrulez, Morty, Mrblue, Mred, Muffinman42, Murdoch17 N Nagy Laszlo, Nebsirob, Nexus7, Nielsv, Nikola Bathory O Oddjob, Oky Wan Kenobi, Ozan P Paddyb98, Panda9001100, Patje, Paul B, Paul Sinasohn, Pe668, Pencil_42, Pet-Lego, PeteM, Peter L, Peterab, Picardgk, Pikappa79, Pingles, Piranha, Polish Guy, President of Brick Town, Private_lego, Proraptor, Pugsx3, Pulsar, Puma1824 R R1chstr!, Radar, Rail Co, Rday1982, Renewal, Retrosalad, Reza95, Richie, Richstri, Riograndefan, Ritz Brick, RoamingStudio, RSLego, Rustie86 S SavaTheAggie, SDH, Seany, Sebby, Selander, Sergio, ShaydDeGrai, Shupp, Sixoh, Sjuip, Småen, Smittyfan, Snapshot, Soc399, SONIC883, Sokratesz, Spanks_4, Spzero, Staalis, Stacker9000, Staszek, Stefanwest, Steinkopf T T-Bricky, Talltim, TaltosVT, Tarby99, Teddy, The Red Brick, TheBrickster, TheLegoTrainFan, TheOtters, ThomasB, Toastie, Tom Bricks, Topsy Cret, Tra8cer, Trainmaster5000, Tunamint, Twistopher, Typo U ust60 V vampyre78, Veeb0rg, vgsprites W Wabbajack, Walter Kovacs, Wardlws, Wondermonkey Y Yoshi648, Younge Z ZueriHB Introduce and share your passion for Lego Trains here. Pictures of your Lego Trains and Train Towns are encouraged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, I'll go ahead and start by saying, Welcome to Train Tech! I'm TheBrickster, one of the EB moderators, and long time collector of Lego -since the mid to late 1970s. Yes, my early childhood during the late 70s was spent with Lego basic building sets, followed by Town, Castle, and Space. Unfortunately, growing up in the United States, trains were not available in the shops during the era (at least I don't remember seeing them, except for maybe one push train in the early 80s). What a fabulous theme that I really missed out on. It wasn't until the mid 90s when the My Own Train Collection became available and I had to have the entire collection. Ordering track, rolling stock, and a 9V transformer, I soon had a great starter set for Lego Trains. Now, I have this fabulous collection which I very much enjoy building and running around the track: I live in the Western United States where trains play an important part of our history; from mining, cargo, to transporting people from the East Coast during the 1800s. While my personal experiences with real trains are pretty limited, I enjoy looking at pictures of old steam locomotives, Pullman coaches, as well as the refined and sophisticated look of European trains (both passenger and cargo). I love the old German steam locomotives with their large black engines and red wheels and base. Fantastic engineering marvels! I'm currently admiring all the fantastic 12V sets from Lego as well as older 9V sets like 4563 and 4564. Trying to build these out of a limited collection of train bricks is rather difficult without the original sets, but very fun and enjoyable. Lego trains are truly a great theme ring twould encourage riy Lego fan to purchase at least one set. So, again welcome to Train Tech, and I hope you enjoy the forum; and please, share your experiences and Lego train interest with our EB train community here. -TheBrickster