After months of exploring islands in the New Haven Sea, Eslandola’s expedition finally set foot on the island of Maldria. Initial exploration had identified a prime location for a settlement on the north side of the island, and preparations for a base for further exploration of the island were begun. Now, after much hard work by the ship crews and troops that made up the human capital of the expedition, a permanent base was established.
Even though the fort was done, work crews continued on other tasks, as a dock and other infrastructure was needed for the new settlement.
Ship gun crews and troop leaders worked to make sure the fort’s armament was ready.
Outside the fort, musketeers patrolled the perimeter, as the island was still a great unknown.
Inside the fort, expedition leader Philip “Pip” Janszen discussed matters with somewhat-renowned explorer Thaddeus Calvo.
Pip’s protestations aside, Calvo informed Pip that the men had already named the fort after their expedition leader. It was Fort Janszen. He was stuck with it.
This is a part of my ongoing AMRCA exploring the New Haven Sea, but I’ve posted it separately for licensing purposes. All C&C welcome.