This build takes place after this
Mage visits his allies in kaliphalin, the fire mages, to discuss the looming possibility of a massive war in kaliphalin.
Here Mage is seen visiting on of the order's ancient underground vaults, where the magical defenses are being strengthened by a female fire mage.
Guards stop mage from going too close to one of the orders most secret locations.
Additional pics:
A close up of the pedestal
The fire mage strengthens the magical defenses of the vault. She has an cicular aura of magic around her.
Comments; Again I'm sorry for the rather poor description. I had this build built for almost a month now, but i couldn't find my other Santis helmets for the other guard. Ive been putting it off for a while, since i figured i would find it eventually but after searching through my entire collection 3 times it is still missing, which is very annoying considering i have at least 2 more that I could not find. Anyway that is why one guard has a helmet and the other doesn't.
C and C appreciated
PS-If you didn't realize the fire mage is from my CMF series