Please read the guidelines!
Type the number, name and theme of the model (I prefer Brickset themes) at the top of your post.
This topic only makes sense if you give a link to your model, so other people can download it
Put a picture of the virtual model in your post.
Say if there are errors, if there are, tell what the errors are.
Not too big pictures, please follow the EuroBricks guidelines.
One set in one file. So not one set in 2 files, or 2 sets in file.
The set should be build using the original instructions.
Exporting models from ldd is forbidden unless you have the permission from the original author. Pleas do check everything very, very carful (also the inside of the model), because the export is not very accurate.
Models like Montly Mini Builds or Club models are allowed.
software files/programs that are allowed
SR3D Builder
BrickDraw 3D