This kind of vehicles are used for checking and assuring the level and the alignment of the rails. The MOC is not a replica after a real engine but I've used a real vehicle as a source of inspiration. I've built it in town style and it works very well.
I am sorry for the poor quality of the video. I'll make a proper one in one of my LUG's future events.
More pictures could be seen here:
The real vehicle could be seen here:
LEGO Matisa 24 by Severus A, on Flickr
LEGO Matisa 1 by Severus A, on Flickr
LEGO Matisa 19 by Severus A, on Flickr
LEGO Matisa 14 by Severus A, on Flickr
LEGO Matisa video by Severus A, on Flickr