When I was a child, the current buildings' scale was yet to come, and all the houses were in the same scale of the first "town plan", the one that contained the first Lego service station, the well-known #310. I still have one of the buildings of the early '70s, the #356 and a fow cars of that age (those survived, of course )
Sometimes I'm still fascinated with that pre-minifig scale, and while many people builds MOCs in the so-called "microscale" size, I've seen only very few people building stuff in mini-scale (or maybe I should call it "'60's - 70's scale" or "pre-minifig scale".
Being currently busy with my job, I've put my diorama on hiatus, so when I have some free time, I prefer to do only small things that not require a lot of time.
So here it is a remake of the #310 Esso service station, done as usual with spare bricks and using of course modern parts: the size and shape are still the same of the original model.
Of course the tanker truck is made of bricks, since the original HO model is quite expensive
I think I'll make more stuff in the same scale, even if i'll tear them down when I'll have more time to work on my main diorama (because I'll need the pieces...)
Here the pictures:
Hope you like