I could not find a discussion on this already so here goes:
I am a professional freelance LEGO artist. My fondness for the LEGO System developed partly because of the challenge and restraint of the system. When ever something is called LEGO, that is what I relate it to.
I sometimes see some pretty renderings of so-called digital LEGO builds on places like Flickr, and they are promoted as LEGO builds via LEGO groups. The problem is that these builds are often rendered with parts in colors that those parts have not been released in, and thus the build might as well have clone parts in it. That's when it does not belong in a group sharing things build with the LEGO System anymore. People doing this, could just as easily call it something else (Brick Art or something) and everything will be totally ok with me, but calling it LEGO is just misleading, frankly cheating.
What do you guys think? Here is the latest example using a Slope 45 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout in Trans-Black for the windshield. I have nothing against the guy, but calling it LEGO just because LDD was used... Perhaps the problem only really lays with the groups accepting these contributions.