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  1. Prologue: Bran was able to get a job on a ship going to the islands of Yureishima. The fare was long and exhausting. They faced sea serpents, low sand banks and at the end a fearsome storm. On the third hour of the storm, the boat was challenged with enormous amounts of water hitting the deck until the cause was lost. A large wave flooded the deck and everything beneath. Every passenger tried to grab something suitable for floating, when the boat started to flip to its side. Bran fell into the ocean holding nothing more than a single board. Hours went by, dancing on the high waves, gasping for air every time he could, before the strangest thing happened. His feet touched ground. Orien: It seemed he washed upon a shore. Surprisingly the island showed some kind of civilization. Or at least it used to have that, because the buildings on the shore looked abandoned. The next hour a few more lucky souls drifted close to the shores of this island. Bran and his newly acquired best friends scouted the surroundings of the old buildings, until one of the men found a bookroll about this. These buildings used to be the Temple of Airjitzu and was inhabited by a clan of martial arts warriors. Further in the logs, they found out a folk called the Ori ambushed them and destroyed most of the clan. They were in luck, the buildings were filled with ancient katanas and building tools. Bran placed a few guards on strategic points and the rest used the next couple of days to make the buildings habitable and finding food. The latter wasn’t too hard, the scaled animals crawled out of the ocean themselves and the waters are flooded by fish. Anomaly: For the fourth time within a day’s cycle the ground shook, like an earthquake, but different. Bran went on a stroll, scouting the rest of the island (if it is just that). After just a brief moment he encountered something strange. The sandy surface transformed into greens, more dense than he remembered about Avalonia. The plant-life had even stranger seed-like flowers and the plants moved. Further ahead a large root grew taller than the clouds and with every burst of growth the ground trembled and made a deafening roar. It looks like the plants are taking over the island... So is this a safe haven or not even close to that...
  2. First of all, sorry for my absence. It has been very busy. I collected my thoughts and decided something, you can read in the following thread: Where is Narbilu Godspeed in Andromeda, I hope Kawashita manages to outsmart the other two.
  3. Prequal: A Leader Lost - Part 4 I climbed down the cliff with all I had, leaving the ridge with the closed portal behind me. Before descending I left a homing beacon, but it still seems all electronics malfunctions here. It was a rough climb down, being used to using jetpacks. But the soft soil containing grasses, mud and pebbles reminded me of the Salvaged Gardens back home. This place, this planet has it all. All the beauty of the stories my grandfather told me home was like back in the days. I shuffled my feet around, just being able to stop myself from taking off my boots to feel it with my bare feet. I looked up, everywhere towering trees with green leafs and pine blocked the burning midsummer sun from reaching the moss on the open spot I sat down to rest. After an hour, my head was clear again, my hunger was appeased and I was ready to investigate the surrounding area. Rations were getting scarce, so the main goal for today was to find food of some sort. But without my com-pad I was unable to scan or identify what I would find. Every bite would be a gamble. With sharp eyes my head glanced between and past the dense foliage, scanning for any form of life, food, but foremost; residences. Because where is folk, there is shelter and food. Probably some kind of functional weaponry also, which could come in handy in questionable situations. I was in luck. Something that looks like a building, just ahead. I circled the building from a distance for three times, before I stepped out of cover towards it. Up close, the building looks decayed. It is decayed, abandoned. The technique used to construct this seems outdated. Layers of bricks, uneven and stacked together with some kind of cement in between. Very old school, almost medieval. The door was hanging half broken down in its hinges, so entry was a piece of cake. Inside, I was surprised how spacious it was. One large room, some wooden furniture, stone floor and small stuff scattered all around on the floor. No light switch, not even a bulb to switch on. A small window in the roof provided me with a single beam of sunlight, casting large shadows on the floor. Phase one accomplished, a roof over my head. In a large trunk I found some rags, strings and a small blade. Could come in handy. The rags seemed to be of a fine quality, so I changed clothes in the hope that I would blend in more easily when I engaged the locals of this planet. The hood on the rags could cover most of my face when necessary. Now for the most important step, finding food. From the floor I grabbed a leather water flask, which I stuffed in my pouch. Nothing more of importance was scattered around this shed. I took a moment to collect my thoughts. I need a weapon of some sort, and this knife won’t do the job. Just outside I cut down a large branch and a few smaller ones, which I used to construct a simple bow. The next hour I took the time to sharpen the smaller branches to make a small dozen of arrows. Enough to keep adversaries at distance or hunt for small creatures. I practiced a few rounds, before strolling into the woods. My days as a sniper came in handy, the hunt for food didn’t last very long. A swine popped up from a large bush and before realising it was stared at, an arrow whistled through the air hitting the poor thing in the neck. Before nightfall, I was back in the cabin, next to a small fire, roasting the animal. With a filled belly, I had a good night sleep. Nothing was more true, the fire attracted someone or something. As I opened one eye, I saw something luring in the shadow of the western wall, just beside the door. I jumped up and charged in. The man lifted his hands to show me he was unarmed, so I did the same. We stared at each other for about a minute or two before speaking. I took initiative and it seemed we almost spoke the same language, his turned out to be the old, or even ancient, version of my native language. I invited him by the fire and gave him what was left of the piggy. His name was Fredrick, his eyes grew a size when I told him my name. Narbilu. Because that is the same name of the lost Lord of this region, Hemresa. (could it be?, did I travel back in time?). So I let the man talk for over an hour and my suspicions were correct. I am back in Historica, the time of my great grandfather after who I was named. All my senses sharpened and the rest in my head was gone. Dawn came quickly. I asked the man where to go to learn all about the Avalonia and its history. He promised to accompany me to Kaliphlin, a land far away, where the University of Petraea is. All knowledge is lodged there. We travelled for a month, I had a lot of new impressions, learned the way of Historica and blended in pretty easily. Maybe I will share this journey later with you. Fredrick somehow got me in the university, said his goodbyes, gave me a hand full of coins we earned on our way to Kaliphlin and left. We promised each other that we would meet back in Hemresa. A promise I can’t hold, if the university grants me intel how to travel back to Andromeda. Three whole weeks I stayed in the library of Petraea, reading all about the journey of my great grandfather, his role in Avalonia, Hemresa, his battles and where he disappeared to. Halfway the third week, in a dark corner of the library, I came upon a book about gateways, called “the portal to the unknown”. Could it be a way out? A quick scan of the content, made me decide to study it further. I snuck out, with the book under my clothes. It was no easy way out, guards everywhere, checking everyone before leaving, preserving their knowledge. I needed to wait until the shifts of the guards ended and security was at the lowest point, but I managed to pull it off. In the harbour I got on the first ship sailing for Avalonia. The captain was kind enough to drop me off on Hemresa for a few gold coins. The four day travel was useful time to read the book. The book described how to open a gate to whatever you think of. Sounds dark, unreliable. Still, it could be a way back to Andromeda, where my fellow Kawashita members count on me. Reading further, I come to the conclusion that it will be no easy task to perform. I need a hand full of supplies to craft a rod, but the hardest part will be finding a magic vein. After digging back in my mind about all the information I gathered about Hemresa, it popped to mind. Bow’s Arch was going to be the pride of Nar Bilu, a home town, a refuge, build on an ancient elven vein on the northeast side of the island. As expected most of the supplies were easy to find or buy. Except the emerald green stone. For a later concern, first I will try to find the location of where Bow’s Arch was supposed to be build before the Civil War. Knowing the elves still rule over Hemresa, I had to be careful. But when I strolled around the island I bumped into a few kids playing my great grandfather, a solid lead. I asked the small ones if they knew anything more about him, especially about the mystical place he was going to build. It turned out, I was close and for a small fee the little brats showed me the location. From a distance, because their parents told them never to walk upon Death Row, what it is called nowadays. With a pounding heart I walked the dusty part of the island, bones scattered all around, no living organisms and a single ruin were lit up by green, yellow and bluish sparkles. The magic vein, surrounded by emerald green marbles. I was thrilled, excited and humble all at once. I just couldn’t wait. The entrance of the ruin offered me a path down a stairs, where a trophy room awaited my arrival. As I sat on the floor with the book next to me, I started constructing the rod. I stood up with in one hand the rod and the other holding the book open at the page with the instruction how to open the gate. A little too enthusiastic I started to wield the rod and speak the phrases from the book. The earth started shaking, the floor cracked and my thoughts wandered off. Then it happened. Greenish glows, light beams sprouted out of the floor. Devastating screams filled the room. I was pushed down, blown back by ... ghosts, armed men with transparent faces. The gate closed when I stopped the murmuring. The creatures hovered along the ceiling till one stood still before me. He called me by name. Calling me Lord also. Instead of thinking about Andromeda, my mind wandered off to my great grandfather and his fallen soldiers. How I might be able to win Hemresa back for him, for our family. That thought caused not a gate back into the future, but a portal to the lost souls of Hemresa. To be continued....
  4. :: A leader lost – Part III :: :: Guinevere :: Astonished, I looked at the gate showing a Jules Verne like “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”. The temptation was pulling me towards the glowing centre of the portal. When I reached the portal at four feet the gravity pulled me further in and before I knew it a bright flash took me into a wormhole. Steaks of red, orange and yellow sucked me into a fifteen minute flight through nothingness, until my feet felt rocky soil. The lit stripes were replaced by a glowing sun. Blue sky everywhere, white clouds and the damped atmosphere pearled small drops on my harness. From my backpack I pulled the binoculars. The hi-tech gear didn’t seem to work. The energy was lost in the journey here. The same applied to every other piece of equipment I brought. All batteries and energy packs dried out. Even my plasma gun couldn’t fire a single shot. So I have to rely on my keen eyes and bare hands for protection. The small cliff that I was standing on, gave me an excellent view of the area. Small streams, green meadows, tall treelines and grey mountains. It looks like home, but prettier. Unimpaired. When I turned around to see what the gate would look like from this angle, there was only a silhouette of the portal. Stone carved, but no energy. No portal, no way back. What now?
  5. :: A leader lost – Part II :: :: Guinevere :: More days past behind the screens of the library, until I crossed some documents of a similar case decades ago. When he dug into the story deeper he found out it was his ancestor Nar Bilu of Hemresa, Lord of Avalonia who was stung by a creature. Tales told it was a curse, but we now know better than that. Those same stories told it was a person from far away who cured him. Those terms could mean two things, he was not from Historica or not from that planet. Further investigation of the documents tells me that the latter is more reliable. Days went by, trying to find out what cured my great grandfather, after who I was named. I had to translate dozens of files from languages I’ve never seen before, but... I found something that seems like an answer. There is a cave here on Guinevere, which carries an odd plant. That mixed with the essence of Biomass, should do the trick. I assessed myself and decided that I have gained enough strength to burden myself with an exploration mission on Guinevere. Try to find the cave. I packed a gun, binoculars, a vile of Biomass essence and a medikit. The hoover-scooter took me upon the surface of craters, lava streams and erupting volcanoes until I found a couple of mountains with caves on a quiet piece of the planet. The directions in the documents were not very clear, but research pointed me to this location. The first few caves were not fertile enough to support any form of life, but when I searched for the fourth cave I was surrounded by fungi and trees. Initially I found the cave. The entrance was build, with some sort of technology and when I approached it, it came to life. It lit up and behind it, I saw green meadows, trees, water and a building. My curiosity couldn’t withstand the temptation. To be continued...
  6. :: A06 Guinevere :: :: A leader lost - part 1 :: Since Narbilu was stabbed by the alien on Hyreal, he hasn't been huimself. Although the recovery of his injuries are improving, the alien must have injected some kind of toxin into his body giving him moodswings and agonizing pains in his spine. The day he was released from the medical centre, he took the first vessel to Guinevere. The species on that planet has some kind of ancient archive. For over two weeks in a row, Narbilu read every file there was to find on curing anomoly and toxin... but in the process he stumbled upon something related to his past. To be continued...
  7. :: Retreive and Treat :: :: Hyreal to Sorn :: Inside the Hummer the com operative received a distress call. Besides that, he didn’t have contact with Narbilu the last thirty minutes, which concerned him. Three minutes ago he already rallied up a task force to search and extract the Kawashita Group CEO from the last checkpoint. The distress call was only two clicks away from that last checkpoint, so the team was lucky enough to reach the exact location where the fallen leader bathed in a pool of his own blood. The critters who were eating from the lifeless body were easily scared away, one even got killed in the process. The medic fitted landing craft loaded up a barely breathing and heavily bleeding Narbilu. Fortunately, within a minute, they were onboard the Hummer orbiting space, docking the Collision. The onboard medic decided to take their leader to Sorn, where one of the high end hospitals of the Kawashita Group is located. The Collision jumped a few gates and Sorn was in sight. Preparations were already at full blast. They operated on him for days and the next three weeks, Narbilu was in a coma instated rest, before he had the strength to open his own eyes. When he did, the first thing he did, was summon his loyal right hand man Commander Turtle. Commander Turtle hasted to Sorn to speak to Narbilu. Loyal friend, it is still unclear how my body reacts to the poison the creatures injected me with. If I will be able and regain strength to stand before my people to address them, command them or even participate in operations. I grant you the position of acting CEO until my destiny is unfolded. You are the one who is best informed about what Kawashita Group’s goals are. You can encourage people, you have the diplomatic skills and you know how our organization is fitted. Take this responsibility with honor. I will somehow get my strength back, we have excellent doctors, but I don’t know how long it will take. Godspeed, for honor & glory. Narbilu closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep.
  8. :: Kawashita Group Hummer KG8 :: - troop dropship - The Hummer is a troop dropship which can carry 8 soldiers in four detachable cabins, which makes it easy to scatter scouts around a small area of interest. In the main hull the Hummer can store rations, ammo and two smaller or one large ground vehicle. If necessary the vehicles can be exchanged for an additional 20 seats suitable for troops. The cockpit seats only two pilots, but with the two hull crew and an engineer included that makes a total of five standard crew members and one squadron of troops. Four Hummers are assigned to every Collision colonization ship of which Narbilu commands one of. The Hummer is capable of GATE jumping, but docked to the Collision it moves around far more efficient. But when the Hummer is undocked it glides through space and atmosphere with such grace it can outmanoeuvre most smaller fighters. The thrust engine can drop the Hummer to ground level within seconds when the Collision enters close orbit of any planet. inside cockpit troop cabin side engine
  9. Grant a wish After the debacle of the spell, causing a black hole sprouting fallen spirits into Historica, the one taking up the position of leadership called (the future Narbilu) to him. As a grateful gesture for their release, he would grant him a wish. And although Narbilu opened the portal to get home to the future, he paused. The past couple of weeks he found out that his ancestor had vanished after the Kaliphlin Civil Wars. He wished for Nar Bilu to return home, to Hemresa. Remove the curse The room filled with a blinding light. A split second later the two found themselves inside a tomb. A manlike figurine was dead or resting on a large stone altar. Up close they saw the leader of the Wingless Serpents, of which Narbilu read a lot during his travels in Historica. The creature seems to be hibernating. The ghost wizard asked Narbilu to leave the tomb and wait outside. Generations apart meet Narbilu grabbed his gear and walked out the tomb, passing dozens of hibernating Wingless Serpent warriors until the sunlight and the harsh temperatures of the Kaliphlin desert struck his face. Fortunately a small group of palm trees gave him the shade he desperately yearned for. Moments later a second person exited the tomb. A majestic person, in full armour closed on Narbilu. He presented himself as Nar Bilu, Lord of Hemresa, Defender of the Southern Forests, Lord of Avalonia. (Future) Narbilu introduced himself as Green Shade, ranger of Avalonia, in search of a lost leader. Nar Bilu was pleased to be released of his curse, but disappointed he had to leave his army behind. They talked for a while and then set course back home. Set foot in Avalonia There is a lot to do in Avalonia before he can reclaim his heritage, Hemresa. They had to keep low when they returned to Avalonia, not alarming the return of a Lord. An army has to be forged to expel the occupiers. Green Shade and Nar Bilu became friends during their travels. The plan was to split up when they set foot on Hemresa and search for followers. Followers of the Lord of Hemresa. People who are willing to fight for their freedom. On both ends they seem successful. Nar Bilu even met a couple who directed him to go north, to the encampment called Backom. Which was build out of the ruins of Bow’s Arch, one of Nar Bilu’s projects when he was facing the civil war in Avalonia. With a smile on his face, he sets forth his journey. Not forgotten by his folk and still the acknowlegded leader of Hemresa.
  10. The Civil war and the events which occurred on Hemresa left a lot of folk in despair. The elves took over the Avalonian island with the help of the dark and vicious drow. Every man, creature and other inhabitant of Hemresa was enslaved by those ruling the island. Nar Bilu was banished to the island of Norra and disappeared when he faced the wars in Kaliphlin. Recently he was released of his curse by his future great grandson and together they travelled back to Hemresa to reclaim their heritage. The tremendous amount of loyal followers gave them the opportunity to fight off the elves and gain control of the greater part of Hemresa. This event reached the outer parts of the island, freeing the slaves and giving Nar Bilu the opportunity to make new alliances with the races of the island. Now it is time to pay some respect to those who fouled the pride of Avalonia. Nar Bilu decided to take a hand full of archers and footmen to Nocturnus. The drow will have to face their trial. Out of the northern, rocky part of Hemresa came an unexpected alliance. Those of the Giants of Rock. A strong ally who will surely make the difference. The master builders of Avalonia designed an armour for the Giant and together with the army they faced the Kelra Labyrinth. With the towering creature looking over the walls, every challenge was dealt with and almost in a straight line they found their way into Nocturnus. Ready for a fight!
  11. Narbilu With the knowledge that the elves pull back and accept the fact that the Avalonian Lord is returning, Nar Bilu has taken up arms. Ready to face the elves and whatever menace is taunting Hemresa, Avalonia and the other lands of Historica. The numbers of his army is growing by the day, cheerful men and women who are loyal to their Lord, walk with him, fight for him and even die for him when necessary. Nar Bilu is back to his old self. Green Shade and Biter The future Narbilu has taken on a new name, when he decided to stay here in Avalonia for the time being. No-one knows his real identity, him being the far descendant of the Lord himself. His former profession as a scout and explorer for Kawashita makes his skills exceptional for leading the rangers or taking on spy missions. The new army has no real cavalry, except for a few biters which the rangers use to travel large distances in short time. Nobleman Thungsen and Rothger The most loyal servants of Lord Nar Bilu are both the Nobleman Thungsen, who kept an eye on Hemresa in the Lord’s absence. Not that he could do much against the reign of the elves, but he tried his best to keep everything at bay. His task is clear, be the voice of the Hemresa folk and local affairs. Rothger was the shadow of Lord Nar Bilu, following his steps all over Historica, from a distance. Keeping track of where the Lord was fighting, writing the tales and reporting to the nobleman. Axemen When the word was spread that the Lord will be returning to Hemresa, a hand full of commanders recruited, trained and prepped full sized armies. The most hardened men will be on the front line, armed with axes and shields. Versatile, agile and bloodthirsty. Real men of honour. Bowmen As a support group and one of the Lord’s favourites, a large amount of men are trained in the longbow. Ready to strike the incoming adversaries with a dark cloud of arrows and thinning the raging front line of the enemy. Never leave without them. Rangers The Green Shadow trained a small group of men to be his additional eyes and ears on scout missions. Intelligence is most important for every battle, if it is even necessary to go into battle. They will be the judge of that, or at least advise the leaders in what they can expect. Still, Nar Bilu isn’t ready growing his army, more will follow. For now he is confident that his strong arm can claim his lands and assist Albion where necessary.
  12. After a small month Nar Bilu and his compagnons gathered together to discuss strategy how to regain control of Hemresa. The Elves are brutalizing the island, claiming taxes, crops and any other kind of resources that Hemresa provide. The folk is not satisfied with the reign of the elves and is moving back to Albion or feel enslaved when they stay. Nar Bilu draws out his plans and everyone learns their task of the plan. Nar Bilu awaits back in his tent for the others to complete their tasks before heading to his assignment. Rothger visits the largest of Hemresa’s towns, where the elves try to keep a hardened control. In a dark alley he summons some of the rebellious townsmen and confines them that there will be a change on it’s way if they co-operate. The townsmen recruit a hand full of strong men to fight the elves and draw them back out of town. The nobleman Thungsen heads into the mountains, where it is said, that some of Nar Bilu’s old guard is training. An army worthy of Albion is preparing for the rumors, that Noct will be the next place where Avalonian armies will fight their way through civil wars. The nobleman talks to one of the commanders. The commander is surprised to hear that his Lord is still alive and willing to fight for his land. They comply to the request and start packing their rations. After the word is spread that the townsmen are grabbing up arms to liberate them of the elves, future Narbilu (now called the green shadow) gears up and heads to the forests close to the king’s castle. From the bushes he attacks two guards and forces them an audience with the king. A long discussion takes place and the king is not convinced that the Avalonion Lord is returning from a land he is banished from. The green shadow tells the king to send out some scouts to check out the army that is approaching. Only a day later the scouts return with their tails between their legs. The king asks what the Lord wants. The terms are reasonable. Hemresa will be split in two, the west if for the elves and the east is for the men All troops will be retreating to their own territory Lord Nar Bilu will build a border wall to ensure the treaty Free passage to all non-hostile The king agrees after a nights debate with his loyal servants. Now that the green shadow completed his task, Nar Bilu travels to Dunholm. It is told they specialize in the strongest walls and the best fortifications. A spy made contact with one of the official architects, who is willing to sell the original floorpans of Dunholm for a large stack of gold. Nar Bilu does the tradeoff himself and heads back to Hemresa with the plans. Every night Nar Bilu sits with the plans in front of him at the campfire, studying the structure and the materials which are used to build this wall of indestructibility. a new era will start for Hemresa, for men of Avalonia.
  13. (due to lack of time, I post this as a freebuild instead of Categorie C of our last challanges) Is this the end of this Era? Hemresa, Narbilu and his men was preparing for the final battle with the Spire. The Tower of Doom was set to travel to the north east corner of their controlled land to wipe away their border post to give access to the army to finish the job. One last good night of sleep before the journey. In the midst of the night a large explosion woke everybody up. A mushroom cloud lit up the square where the Tower of Doom used to be standing. Everyone, not caught by the explosion, rushed towards the burning structure. The fire and destruction was massive. everyone was there except their leader, Narbilu. An observant officer noticed that and send two guards to his tents, when the church bells started to sound. Odd for this time of night and even stranger, because everyone was watching the blazing tower. The officer send two other guards to check it out. When the two entered the church, a gruesome scene wrote a nightmare in their memories. The Lord of Hemresa was nailed to the main cross behind the altar. The Spire was one step ahead of them, was this their victory? Was this the end of Historica as we know it? - to be continued -
  14. With Bran and Levy scouting the area, the rest of the crew should keep their belongings and themselves safe from other scavengers or even the undead creatures menacing the streets. Will they survive?
  15. The last scavenging round Tolly acquired a reasonable looking truck. Trish placed some TLC into the vehicle and prepped it for any encounter. Now it’s time for Bran and Levy to map the surroundings and scout for any other survivors.
  16. From left to right Pucket His size makes him a perfect scout and don’t let his age fool you. He is one of the bravest I know. Trish Knows her way around trash, she can repair anything with just a piece of tape and some scrap metal. Bran Fearsome, excellent leadership capabilities and one h*ll of a shot. Levy The booze doesn’t temper his judgement, just keeps away any obstruction in his brain. Tolly Scavenginger and master of the blades.
  17. After Narbilu received the letter, he was surprised it came from his old war-buddy Osric Isentooth. The Alliance is growing stronger and he would like us to participate in the battle against the Spire. Before the arrival of Osric, he summoned his commanders and other wise men to come up with a plan to overwhelm the enemy. It was a hard task to think of something evil enough to beat pure evil. Greed and ego is the solution. A gift to the Spire, in honour of their evilness. Narbilu and the alliance with the fallen Avalonian warriors forged a plan to beat the Spire. Craftsmen, sorcerers and the fallen started constructing a statue. Just finishing up when Osric arrived. Narbilu explained the idea to his old friend. A gift with a surprise. (sorry for the picture quality, just finished my new Lego room, and the lights aren't in place yet)
  18. Although the Khaor family thinks that anything cultural is a waste of precious time, they can't let the golden city of Kashgar live without the grandeur of a theater. Every seventh day of the week a small group of actors perform a comedy play. In this case a Kaliphlin soldier who has to fight an evil witch. This way, the Khaor can contol the entertainment in the city. Circus and other artists have to audience before Throll first before allowed in the city. *HSS - Entertainment The open air theater is also suited for my MOC of Kashgar
  19. It is a good thing that Bran keeps a short leach with his family on the other sde of the ocean. The abundance of food that grow in Hemresa, a large island within the borders of Avalonia, is a good trade good versus the high quality clothing that the Khaor supply. The Khaor family have a small fleet of trading vessels like the one shown below, that sail to and from Varlyrio and Kashgar almost all seasons of the year.
  20. Note: Didn't have much time, but I just wanted to start this storyline with the build for challenge 2C Bran was summoned by his dad, Narbilu lord of Avalonia, to meet him in the alley of the far east corner of Kashgar... nothing is known what the two talked about, but it will have consequences for the loosing party.
  21. [ Work in process ] For my storyline I started to making my largest MOC so far... also the first time I bought on Bricklink especially for this project. Norra, is the island northeast of Hemresa. The story about this forgotten Mystic Island, will follow soon. [ week 1 ] - planning and making the ocean [ week 2 ] - beach and cliffs [ week 3 ] - first signs of civilization and a forest (out of green bricks) [ detailshots week 3 ] Pallisade and first building (not yet satisfied) Forest edge and Menhir with the runes of the fallen kings Waterfall - not yet satisfied with the steam leading to the waterfall The Vykr - the merchant ship pulled by wind or four stout men Progress: I will keep this post up to date after each weekend where I had time to build. I really hope, it will fit somehow in the next fase of the GoH story. Any tips and suggestions are always welcome. I really can't decide... What should I do? 1) wood based buildings or 2) stone based buidlings?
  22. At the request some fellow Avalonians, I present: Hembrugga: an elven settlement at the far corner of Hemresa. This settlement splits the Enchanted Forest from the Mystic Islands to mainland Avalonia and is considered a strategic home for all those fey that want easy access to both worlds. overview east wall gates west wall great hall
  23. The Battle for the Enchanted Forest Book II - Challenge II - Category C Unfortunately the numbers were to big to hold them back long enough to prepare for battle. Nar'Bilu heard a disturbing sound. Screeming of elves, breaking trees and battle cries filled the air with a terrifying thunder. The war started. A massive monster under the control of a dark mage, tore hole in our walls enabeling the drow to breach our lands. When our walls were beaten, darkskinned blademen entered Hembrygga killing the frontline of our defence. Nar'Bilu rushed to the battlefront summoning every swordsmen he had available, pushing the drow back to the field. It took only a few minutes before the field was covered with bodies, from both sides. But the drow did not expect the Hemresa Legion... they thought they would fight only elves. Hundreds would die, but the forest entrance was saved. We were victorious.
  24. Word of the author ::: I also finished part 2::: go to part 2 In order to link my character Nar Bilu to my newly obtained ideas and storyline, I wrote a story. Hopefully fun to read and backed up by small builds. I recently finished the story and found the time this weekend to start building the scenes. Enjoy: I am Bran and I am going to tell you what happened in Hemresa just after the battle over Avalonia was fought. The end of an era The shadow that has been torturing Avalonia is breaking up by the morning sun, pushing away clouds and revealing a beaten up land. Around a extinguished campfire just outside the massive hole leaking out of the Hembrugga walls, Nar Bilu and a handful of his henchmen evaluate the fight, while a group of volunteers remove the casualties from the battlefield. Drow are thrown in the river and the slain Avalonians are given a proper burial. Every hour another scout arrives and join the evaluation, each with the same story about their journey into the designated outskirt of Hemresa. Fortresses are destroyed, fields are burned, forests are chopped down, villages are abandoned and the surviving folk living there are scattered around our country finding salvage wherever they can. Nar Bilu divides the remaining men in three regiments, one to follow him to the site where Bow’s Arch was going to be built, one to recruit local builders and folk who are still loyal to Nar Bilu and the last is send to Albion to do the same and inform the Lords of Avalonia of the current status of Hemresa. Now the infestation of the plaque and the drow are suppressed, Hemresa can be rebuild. Nar Bilu feels, despite of the victory, lost. So many died for nothing, so much is destroyed. It will take a decade to fertilize these lands again. Horses are packed, carts are loaded, men are armed and with a commander in front of them, they leave and wave Hembrugga goodbye. Nar Bilu enters the great hall and thanks the Elven Kings for their support before he leaves. After a days travel, the regiment arrives at the building site of Bow’s Arch. Nothing but sand, rocks and ruins. They set camp in the ruin of the warehouse, where they start planning. Night set, Nar Bilu was one of two not sleeping. He gave a secret order to the scout, who swiftly left in the woods. In the meantime Only an hour after the Avalonians left the sight of Hembrugga, two delegations arrive. One carrying a red and the other a blue flag, both supported by the colours of Avalonia. They are welcomed inside the gates. Once inside, they are summoned for an audition at the Kings. The leaders, both with one commander sit around a large table in the great hall, together with the King Elder and his commander. The Kaliphlin lord, Azural Djun, rides in red with his legion of lions. A strategist with lust for battle. But his lust for gold is even bigger and this is what the elves promised him. He will be duke of Hemresa if they will follow the Kings wishes. When they control Hemresa, he will be made responsible for tax collecting and keeping order on the island. The Midgardian tradesman, Gorl Weighn, sails with a blue flag. Wealth can never be great enough. The road between Avalonia and the Enchanted Forest will be the pearl of his empire. Elven resources from the west and Dwarven craftsmanship from the northeast makes a damn good profit. The Kings promises both men control of their part of Hemresa in return for the removal of the sitting Lord and loyalty to the elves. After some small struggles on rules and compensations, the company agrees. Losing a leader Dawn is breaking, a bright sun sets upon the coastline to the west, while a horn clangs from the east. Alerting everyone in the camp. Shields up, swords pressed into fists, bows strung with the arrowheads pointed over the first line of defence. From the eastern hill arises a red flag, pikes and a strange looking cavalry. The first batch of arrows seem to miss their target, we just weren’t prepared for battle. Before we could even march towards the opponent, the first line was killed by the fearless pikemen of the lions. Fortunately our swordsmen had more success. We pushed them back into the open field, making both of us vulnerable, but we still had an advantage in numbers. On both sides men fell. The fight didn’t take long. The lions pulled back, forcing us further away from our camp. That is when we got outflanked. Out of the blue... the blue came from the south. Golden crowns on their shields, crossbow bolts piercing us from the side. We were surprised and we paid the toll. Before midday, Nar Bilu stood surrounded by a small dozen of his own men cornered by two regiments, on a pile of corpses, awaiting his fate. But the two opponents stood still, when the sun was blocked by a dark cloud. Unfortunately is was no actual cloud. A hail of elven arrows landed in the remaining men of the Hemresa Legion. Nar Bilu looked up when the cloud hit him in the chest, shoulders and back. Kneeled on the ground he watched how the two leaders took down their flags and raised the green flags of Avalonia. ... to be continued
  25. Roadblock Book II - Challenge II – Category B the complete story The disturbing news of Vessla and Okänd means we have to act fast. Nar’Bilu sends out a reasonable sized legion, under command of Vidkvist, to the road ahead, where the closest exit of the tunnels to Hembrugga surface. Long enough to hold back the Drow and give the elves time to reassemble. The other scouts have reported that the Drow are merging their armies above and under the surface to clear the way to the Enchanted Forest. Nar’Bilu fears a massive slaughter soon to come. When Vidkvist and the elves have taken position and formed a defensive formation, a large amount of Drow exit the dwarven dwellings and surface the bitter sun, they hate so much. They must be eager to conquer Hemresa. Will the elves be able to hold them back long enough? the drow rush through the corridors the elven archers form a defensive position around the exit the blademen and eagles await the drow stampede
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