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Fate(ful) has smiled on us today, and we now have a list of names, prices, and part-counts for Ninjago’s January 2025 wave! 71823: Kai’s Dragon Spinjitzu / 54 pieces / $10 71824: Sora’s Dragon Spinjitzu / 56 pieces / $10 71826: Dragon Spinjitzu Double Pack / 186 pieces / $20 71827: Zane’s Battle Mech / 92 pieces / $20 71828: Lloyd’s Race Car / 181 pieces / $30 71829: Lloyd’s Forest Dragon / 128 pieces / $20 71830: Kai’s Storm Rider Mech / 333 pieces / $40 71831: Ninja Spinjitzu Temple (4+) / 158 pieces / $40 71833: Ras’ Storm Jet / 510 pieces / $50 71834: Zane’s Ultra Combo Mech / 1187 pieces / $100 71841: Dragonian Storm Village / 305 pieces / $40 It looks like “Dragon Spinjitzu” will be the new gimmick, and possibly a new technique that the Ninja learn in Season 3; Lord Ras survives and continues to be an antagonist (not a surprise, but still a bit of a spoiler), and the villains are storm-themed. Considering that Nokt has blue markings (possibly storm elemental?) and physically resembles the Island Keepers, maybe their species is called “Dragonians” and they (or at least some of them) will return as the villain army in DR S3. 🤔
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This pagoda scene was created for display in the upcoming Cactus Brick display in September. This MOC won first place in the club competition for creating Ninjago related creations. It also tied for most eye catching of the creations entered into the competition. Enjoy!
Hi, LEGO samurai fans. It's my second favourite LEGO series.So I present my poem about them. It is in Russian and I tried to translate it into English and illustrated it with LEGO sets. If you like it, I'll translate some others, too (about pirates, knights etc.) Please feel free to suport my 2 LEGO ideas projects. Waiting for your C&C. Bansai! БОЛЬШАЯ РАЗНИЦА Great Difference В неприступном горном замке самурайский сёгун* жил................... A samurai shogun lived in a stronghold on a mountain. Всю округу он к порядку верной стражей приучил .......................... His guards made all his neighbors obey his orders. Много раз пытались ниндзя по заданию врагов.............................. Ninjas were sent by his enemies many times Штурмовать его твердыню, но глубок защитный ров,.................... To siege his castle, but the moat is deep, Высоки и крепки стены, словно горный монолит. ......................... The walls are high and as strong as mountain monolith. Только в схватке непременно кто-то должен победить. ............... But someone must sure win a battle. Самураи и синоби* – вот заклятые враги................................. Samirai and sinobi are great enemies. Долгу верные до гроба, не отступятся они............................... They are dutiful and never stand back. Только разница большая: есть наёмник и слуга...................... But the difference is great: a mercenary and a servant. Если верность самурая не растёт от кошелька, ................... Samurai's loyalty doesn't depend on money. То у ниндзя чем он толще, тем короче к цели путь................. As for ninja - the more he gets the more he serves. Удовольствие тем больше, чем сложней задачи ждут........... And the harder his task, the more pleased he is. Ведь успех в опасном деле учит многому всегда: ........................... Success in a dangerous mission always teaches you much: Что и где не доглядели стражи нового врага, .............................Where there are weak points of each new enemy's guards, Как возможно незаметней проникать в его чертог .............................How to get unseen into his chamber, И когда в бою полезней лук, кинжал или клинок. .............................And when a bow, a dagger or katana is more useful in a fight. Кто искусства боевые постигает с ранних лет, .............................That one who practices marshial arts from youth Овладеть способен ими. Но в мотивах весь секрет..............................Can master them. But what's the secret reason? В том, как в жизни поступаешь, часто важно – почему?.......................It's often important why you act like that. Воин или побеждает или ищет смерть в бою. ........................A warrior eithe wins or seaks death in the battle. Не прочесть мотивов сердца в выражении лица. ........................No one can guess what's deep in the heart of a ninja just looking at his face. Лишь ему они известны да, пожалуй, небесам. ........................Only he himself and the heavens may know that. Под одеждой полотняной металлический корсет .......................There is a metal corset under his robe Для защиты от ударов, пуль и стрел. И в нём секрет. .......................To protect him from strikes, bullets and arrows. There is a secret in it: Ядовитые пластины вплетены в его узор, .......................... Poisonous stripes are a part of the corset's decoration Чтобы смерть врага настигла, если с ним проигран спор...........................To kill the enemy even when he wins. Как трофей возьмёт кольчугу, но, надев её, умрёт, .............................He will take the armour as a trophy but will die Если точно знать не будет, в чём для яда антидот. .............................Not knowing the antidote for the poison. Всё, что путь облегчит к цели, чем бы ни было оно, .............................Anything that can make his goal easy to reach Применять в бою умеет тот, чья жизнь и путь клинок. .............................That one can use in the fight whose life and path - katana. Ведь ниндзютсу есть искусство обладания мечом .................Ninjutsu is an art of using katana И способность даже чувства контролировать умом. ..................And also an ability to controle emotions and feelings. Не бояться даже боли, как бы ни была сильна, ...................Strength of will if it's trained allows Позволяет сила воли, если развита она. ...................Not to be afraid of any pain. Раны тела крепость духа неспособна исцелять, ....................Strength of spirit can't cure woundsof body/ Но пока к ним сердце глухо, бой возможно продолжать....................But while a ninja's heart doesn't feel them, he can fight. Кто из схватки не вернётся, но сумеет победить, ...............He , who will die but win Лучше тех, кто содрогнётся и отступит, чтобы жить. ................Is better than those who run for life. Самурай служитель долга, господину верен он. ................Samurai is a man of duty, faithful to his master. Одолеть способен многих, защищая знатный дом. ...............He can defeat many defending a noble house. А взамен не благ и славы, лишь почтения он ждёт. ................And his reward be not wealth or glory. He expects only respect. И героев чтит держава, им по чести воздаёт. ................And heroes are honoured by the country. Самураи в сёгунате* на почётнейших местах. .................Samurais have the best seats in shogunate. Сам великий император держит власть на их клинках. .................Their swards help the great Emperor keep his power. Опираясь на достойных в начинаниях благих, .................Being supported in his deeds by worthy Может быть монарх спокоен за судьбу границ своих. ................A Ruler needn't worry about his boarders. Только в мирном государстве благоденствует народ. .................The people are well off only in a pieceful country. А в годину смут и распрей и древнейший трон падёт. ..................Disturbances and faction can ruin any throne. Предводитель самураев титул сёгуна несёт, ....................The head of samurai has a tytle of shogun. Перед троном отвечает за страну и за народ. ...................He is responsible for the country and people before the throne. А у ниндзя предводитель мастер тайн и злых интриг, ...................The head of ninja is a master of misteries and evil plots. С кем угодно ради выгод может сделку заключить. ...................He can make a bargain with anybody for the sake of gain. Вечен спор щитов и копий, нежных вод и твёрдых скал, ....................The controversy of a shield and a spear, of tender waters and hard rocks, Самураев и синоби, словно инь и янь начал. .....................Of samurai and sinobi - is eternal as yin and yan of elements. *сёгун – глава самураев shogun - the head of samurai *синоби – наёмный убийца sinobi - asassin *ниндзя – тайный человек ninja - hiding man *сёгунат – высший военный совет shogunate - supreme militaru council in fudal Japan
Hi 2 all! I`d like to present my MOC - Japanese temple. I build it for Ninjago exhebition in my museum of LEGO bricks in St-Petersburg size for now 4*4 baseplates, but on display it will be lager. So i want to show you some fotos and fotos from the display will be later. Hope you will like it. add/ video from assembling diorama on display foto from display
It's my pleasure to share with you this full-length animated film. You've never seen anything like this before done with LEGO.
Alright so I remember the original Ninjago when it first aired in 2011 with the skeletons. I remember loving the theme, but had never gotten many of the sets. I remember the snakes and then the stone army. I remember the rumors and debates on Chima replacing Ninjago. But most importantly I remember the original show. I enjoyed the show and watched the whole thing. So my question is what exactly is the new Ninjago. Is it a reboot of the theme, or a continuation. I haven't really payed attention to the new line so I'd appreciate if some people could explain it to me.
Totally custom. All hand-painted with a tiny brush. Custom stickers too. I realize this isn't purist, but I'm sure you can appreciate the involvement in making these figures.
[MOC] Kai's Elemental Fire Mech
Traykar the swift posted a topic in LEGO Action and Adventure Themes
Wanted to make the mech a bit more unique build-wise while also bringing in multiple elements from the Climber Mech. Also, I feel like the Elemental mechs released this year would have been way better if they had each come with an extra limb to further the mix and match gimmick. -
I've decided that I want to get back into Ninjago, but I would like some tips on what sets to get or anything in-between. Also here's my experience with the theme so far. 2011: At first I hated Ninjago, but one day I was browsing the internet and stumbled upon the Fire Temple set for half price, I thought "why not, it's cheap!", little did I know what this would turn into. 2012: I'm now into Ninjago, and I'm buying sets frequently. I went to my aunt's house in England, which had a LEGO store close to it (this was before the LEGO store in Scotland opened), I had saved up a very large amount of money, and then spent most of it on Ninjago... I wasn't good with money back then. 2013: I knew that these weren't the final sets. That's all I can say, this year wasn't very interesting apart from that, at least I got two sets. 2014: After the missing summer wave of 2013, I lost interest in Ninjago due to how long it was since a new wave, so I didn't buy any, mainly because I sort of forgot about it. There were three sets I regretted not picking up. 2015 Wave 1: I tried to get back into the series, but I bought an eight pound set to use as my judgement, i know it's not a very good representation of Ninjago. I might come back and buy some of these if I can actually find them any more. 2015 Wave 2: This is the main reason I want to come back to Ninjago. I think the designs are a lot better than Rebooted or the Tournament of Elements. 2016 Wave 1: I don't think it looks as good as the Possession sets, but I think it's better than the Tournament of Elements sets, that's to be expected, because Wave two sets are usually better than wave one sets.
WHy are people so exited over ninjago? I remember when bionicles where the coolest thing?!? what happended to this generation???
This MOC is a rebuild of the Ninja’s Hide-out set, 6045, from the Ninja theme of 1998. I’ve added some details and made the MOC more look like a cave. Original set: Picturs of my rebuilded version: 01_Ninjas_Hide-out by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Ninjas_Hide-out by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr I’ve added the same playability of the original set, a working trap. 06_Trap by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr I’ve redesigned the hangglider. 05_Hangglider by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures at Flickr: Hope you like it :)
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I'm taking a quick look at this old set that I got recently. This is not counted under my Reviewers Academy reviews as it does not follow the same format. This is more like a pictorial review. Overview Name: 4805 Ninja Knights Theme: LEGO System / Castle / Ninja Year: 1999 Pieces: 34 Minifigures: 5 Price: USD 6.00 Resources: Brickset and Bricklink There is no build involved here because this is a battle pack for the Castle subtheme Ninja. Apart from the accessories and weapons, there's no bricks at all. It is more aptly marketed as 5 Ninja Warriors in the UK version of 1999 catalogue. Minifigures front view - with headgears & armour back view - without headgears & armour front view - without headgears & armour back view - without headgears & armour All geared up with weapons and armours Final thoughts I bought this set with the intention of getting all the other Ninja minifigures that I missed during my dark age period. Was it really just 6 USD back in 1999? I bought this for 15 USD and I know I could get this cheaper if I bought the used minifigures individually. However, I don't want to waste money on shipping from multiple sellers. As these minifigures are in very good condition, I think I made the right decision to get them all together in 1 set even without the box. The play factor in having 5 ninja warriors is better than having mediocre build, fancy torso prints or unique minifigures. Back then there is no storyline to follow. From this set kids will get 2 ninjas, shogun, robber and samurai minifigures -- they can make up stories to stage their own medieval Japanese civil war. Adjusted for inflation the price of this set is only 8.75 USD. Compare that to new blister packs that are starting to appear with only 3 minifigures and retailing between 12 to 15 USD, somehow along the way TLG just stopped producing good army builders like this.
Link: Wanted to make a set based on japan that would include a section of a forest as well as some buildings. While having cliffs that could open up and have more of a display/play area in the process. Tried to cram as many details as I could to generate a certain feel to the set. While trying to make the trees in a new realistic way so they stand out. Front view with the characters: Opened View: Tree and ground that's accessed at the center when it's opened. The front of the design. With the stonepath staircase, waterways and waterfall. Marketplace The big statue on the bottom level can be turned. Back of the cave system below the building: Roof: Side view: Kitchen Room (above the cave) Samurai Armour Room (Above the Kitchen) Roof Room: Statues: Characters, some are fantastical like the short Nuppeppo (folklore creature) and the Samurai guardian: Thanks for viewing, let me know what you think.
Gotta get back, back to the past... Samurai Jack! Armed with a magic sword, a heroic samurai warrior sets out to defeat the evil demon sorcerer Aku. However, Aku transports him into the distant future, where the residents name him "Jack". Now Samurai Jack must find a way to return home to the past and obliterate Aku once and for all! Don't forget your hat, Jack! "Who dares to summon I, Aku?!" Using all the pieces to make his main form, Aku can "shape-shift" by being rebuilt into a scorpion... …or even a winged creature! Summary of Aku's rebuildable forms. What do you think of my product idea? If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding what you'd like me to improve or add to my project (bonus forms for Aku, supporting characters, enemies, etc.), I'm more than happy to take them into consideration! Link to my Product Idea
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Here it is, my second MOC dedicated to my setting, Season of the cherry blossoms. This time, it's a board game for two players, with lots of minifigures and with the possibility to customize the playing map for endless fun. The game manual (be kind to me, it's home made) and building instructions (from LDD, so you know how they look like) can be found on my blog: http://seasonofthech...ego-board-game/ A gallery of photos: If you like it, and would like to support it, you can find it on LEGO Ideas:
Hi guys, I recently went back to Lego after a 20 + year hiatus ^^ and I spent a couple of days designing the Turtle's van from the classic 80's show/toy. Always wanted to have it. - It can fit 5 characters with 4 of them seated. - The inside of the van is filled with turtle gadgets and...PIZZA! - Doors on both sides of the van can open with optional Flick Missiles for playability. - The cannons on top can move around. - The roof is easy to remove, revealing all the turtles' weapons beneath it. - The weapons seamlessly disappear when looking at the front of the van. Let me know what you guys think .
Hi all! Here is a gallery of a MOC I've realized in LDD. It's part of a concept set in a fantasy feudal Japan, a setting I played with table-top RPGs some years ago. This is the first of a series, and my first project submitted for LEGO Ideas. A small gallery (more can be found at the LEGO Ideas page).
Hi all. This is my first post in this subforum. I'd like to share my first Ninjago themed MOC that I made late last year with you, a raid on a shrine (and defending it!). Overview Ninjago Shrine Raid 1 by Magma X, on Flickr Close up (of bad guys in action!) Ninjago Shrine Raid 2 by Magma X, on Flickr Alternative view Ninjago Shrine Raid 3 by Magma X, on Flickr (Larger versions available on Flickr). I have no idea what the plots of Ninjago are - I just used some of the figs I had acquired to make a little scene based on a variety of Asian inspired influences (like Ninjago itself really). I hadn't bought any Ninjago sets until a few years ago (the Temple of Airjitsu seduced me), and since then I've bought a few more sets - there have been a number of great sets released lately and I quite like the dragons and buildings. This MOC started from an attempt to build a roof using the "cheese" slopes - getting the centre roof section done took the longest part of the build! The rest of it flowed from there and it was an opportunity to use some of the exotic leaf colours I had acquired to see what they looked like in a MOC. This was built for the "Ninjago" monthly build theme for our LUG. Thanks for looking.