Hello to all. My daughter lives and breathes Ninjago, therefore so do I. Ninjago has maybe even pushed aside pirates as my favorite theme. The Temple of Airjitzu is one of my top three all time favorite sets and after building it I was inspired to design a feudal style Japanese Samurai house and small tea house in LDD. It seemed logical that all of this needed to be on one table including 70728 and 70756. So after a trip to the hardware store and a couple of bricklink orders we (i mean she)had an expanded ninjago city table that is 80 studs by 128 studs. Presently we are watching Day of the Departed hence I thought it was a good time to share this.
Dragon's eye views
Upgraded version of 70756 Dojo Showdown (here it is called Dareth's Dojo)
Tea House
Wu's abode ( basically a redo of ToA blacksmith shop in white that's slightly modded)
Wu's abode (interior)
Lloyd keeping an eye on things
Samurai House
(open back for playability)
first floor
second floor (armor and weapons)
Third floor (bedroom)
(ToA garage door element based roof technique done slightly different)
(garage door element roof just done different)
view from inside
Random samurai