Day 14 has us revisiting some of Kaliphlin’s wildlife. We are in the northern badlands on safari, and this morning you are all in for a treat – a lone Oliphant has wondered onto our safari’s path.
huntcard by skaforhire, on Flickr
But what is this? Lerik’ai? This is a rare treat indeed. It is not often that one gets to see these often hostile and private people. It looks like they have their eye on our Oliphant bull too.
DSC_2883 by skaforhire, on Flickr
Oh my, cover your children’s eyes, the Lerik’ai are going in for the kill!
Oliphanthunt by skaforhire, on Flickr
Well, let’s get out of here before they decide to come after our tour.
lerikhuntwhite by skaforhire, on Flickr
The previous days on the tour:
Day 1 - The Withered Woods
Day 2 - The Jungles of Gorr
Day 3 - The Lone Mountain
Day 4 - The Qar-Akhen Marshes
Day 5 - The Dune Sea
Day 6 - The Great Dragonboat Race
Day 7 - Arkbri Falls
Day 8 - Okatowan Gardens
Day 9 - The Triumphal Arch of Petraea
Day 10 - Amrakect Market
Day 11 - One Year Party
Day 12 - The Lion Dance
Day 13 - The Fighting Pit of Mophet
Day 13.5 - Digging for History