While looking over the parts list that would be required to build my Space Police I T.A.R.D.I.S., I realized that, although most of the parts exist/ed in the colors I used, there were two that do not.
http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=60601 - Glass for Window 1x2x2 Flat Gront, I need 8 of them in Trans-Red.
http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=43888 - Support 1 x 1 x 6 Solid Pillar, I need 3 of them in Blue.
I was wondering if anyone could perhaps tell me what the best paint/dye for each of them would be, and what would be the best color to buy the parts that will be dyed in*? I want the window to stay transparent, even after having been painted/dyed.
Reference Image:
Thanks in advance!
*I imagine that the best color for the window would probably be Trans-Clear and the Pillar White?