Somehow, Eslandola's Willem Guilder had still not departed King's Harbour after travelling there for the Great Ball, and was becoming quite adept at conducting business while travelling. Last month he spent much time with his predecessor as Admius Legistrad of the Colonial Council, Román Fontonajo. Today finds Guilder sending off another set of dispatches.
"See to it that this gets to the master of our shipyard. The MCTC is commissioning a sistership of the Piece of Eight," Guilder told his courier.
"Yessir," the courier replied. "And might I say, sir, the Piece of Eight was a fine ship. One of the fastest on the seas. A sistership to her will be a fine addition to the MCTC fleet."
"My thoughts exactly, Eduard. Now, off with you!" And the courier hurried away, dispatch in hand.
Just a little build for the sistershipping requirement, and a chance to use my copy of the hall for the Great Ball that I never used at the time.