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  1. Hey hey! First time posting over in the pirate's forum, as I'm usually over posting in historic themes. This was a quick 2 day build that I did recently for a gift exchange with some friends. C&C welcome. :) To Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior be the glory!
  2. Hello everyone, this is my MOC of USS Constitution. I estimate it to be between 5-7000 pieces. I will eventually rig the ship fully as well as add minifigs and longboats. I am currently working on the Guerriere for a battle diorama. If anyone has any feedback or changes I should make, plea feel free to let me know. more photos at Uss constitution - Imgur
  3. Minerva is a fast frigate whose sole purpose is to keep the Oceans safe from those Pirates, and dare I may say a ship that has been sorely missing in the LEGO World. She comes with 12 Minifigures and one small cat to keep the food supplies safe from rats. Please Vote Now () at BrickLink.com if you would like for her to be produced as part of the BrickLink Designer Program: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/designer-program/series-4/1451/Imperial-Frigate-Minerva Minerva is a highly efficient design, which is to say that it does a lot with its 4000 pieces. Although the design is ambitious, I have paid close attention to making it as buildable as possible. What I can definitely guarantee is that you’ll come across plenty of interesting techniques as well as those sweet moments where sections come together and fit just perfectly - just have a look at Minerva’s stern. Minerva has several features that make her highly playable and friendly to Minifigures, as demonstrated in this video: Please Vote (): https://www.bricklink.com/v3/designer-program/series-4/1451/Imperial-Frigate-Minerva Thanks a lot!
  4. Since many classic sets used lego pieces still available today, I wondered if there were any classic pirates sets that I could build using brand-new pieces from pick-a-brick. Obviously the classic colors and figures are no longer around, but I tried my hand at recreating these three smaller classic sets using only parts available on pick a brick service. Pirate Lookout: The only part I had to substitute for this one was the old style flag for the new style. Price to buy from lego is $8.17. Pirate Lookout by Captian Bubbles, on Flickr Shipwrecked Pirate: For this one I had to change the oar color from red to brown. Price to buy from lego is $6.17 Shipwrecked pirate by Captian Bubbles, on Flickr Smugglers Shanty: This one needed the most changes. The 6x12 plate got swapped for a 6x10, the old style coins swapped for printed tiles, and the boat/oars changed colors. Price to buy from lego is $19.16 smugglers shanty by Captian Bubbles, on Flickr An interesting note is that while the regular bricks and plates are more expensive than bricklink, mini figures and accessories are less expensive. For Shipwrecked Pirate the flag piece is a 1/3rd of the entire price! If one wanted to explore this route it might be advantageous to split things up between the two services.
  5. [ENG] I made another OSP (Old Set Pirated) set, this time from the world of Star Wars. The original set was called "Ambush on Mandalore Battlepack". It's a small set, and at first I tried to stay strictly within the framework of creating the same one, but pirated. But in the end these early versions were absolutely not to my liking. So I went a bit away from the original and increased the size of the set a bit. I replaced the andalorians with pirates and soldiers. For the more observant, you may notice that all the figures are female. I thought this might give it a little extra, I hope you like it. The free instructions are now available on my Rebrickable page. [HUN] Egy újabb OSP (Old Set Pirated) szettet készítettem, ezúttal a Star Wars világából. Az eredeti szet az "Ambush on Mandalore Battlepack" nevet kapta. Ez egy kis szet, és eleinte megpróbáltam szigorúan a keretek között maradva ugyanolyat kreálni csak kalózosítva. De végül ezek a korai verziók abszolút nem tetszettek. Így egy kicsit elrugaszkodtam az eredetitől és kicsit megnöveltem a szet méreteit. A andalóriakat kicseréltem kalózokra és katonákra. A szemfülesebbeknek feltűnhet, hogy minden figura nő. Úgy gondoltam ez adhat neki egy kis extrát, remélem tetszik majd nektek. Az ingyenes instrukció már elérhető a Rebrickable oldalamon. Ambush at the Cursed Rock - Rebrickable Instagram
  6. Over the summer while we were all consumed with the Steve contest, Bricklink quietly ran their own little Pirates themed contest. I was able to throw in a last minute entry, and have since had time to expand on it. The Bricklink had a part count limit, so afterwards I created a second version with my favorite trans blue tile water technique. This MOC is an an original design, but certainly gets inspiration from the small land based Pirates sets of yore such as 6260 Shipwreck Island, 6258 Smuggler's Shanty, and 1492 Battle Cove. It features a cannon for defense against the pesky Bluecoats, a small cave for hiding treasure, and a hammock under a thatched roof for siestas away from the punishing rays of the Caribbean sun. If ye would like to purchase instructions they are available on Rebrickable. https://reb.li/m/197100 Castaway Cay by Chris Boyd, on Flickr Castaway Cay by Chris Boyd, on Flickr Castaway Cay by Chris Boyd, on Flickr Castaway Cay by Chris Boyd, on Flickr Castaway Cay by Chris Boyd, on Flickr Castaway Cay by Chris Boyd, on Flickr
  7. Steve had enough of evading Captain Redbeard and the rest of the Pirates while sailing his little sloop to and from the Imperial Trading Post. He wanted to make a profit off of those pesky Pirates instead of being plundered by them, so he sold his ship to the Bluecoats and built himself a little dockside tavern next to the Lagoon Lockup. While it may be easy selling sailors some rum, the Bluecoats turn a blind eye to law enforcement on this corner of the docks. Disputes easily turn into full on brawls so Steve must do his best to keep the peace. Clearly that is easier said than done with this crowd. Steve is quite proud of his establishment. Steve pours a drink for one of his regulars. Captain Redbeard sips his favorite rum while dining with one of his crew. Don't ever cross Captain Dark'n Stormy or you'll certainly regret it. This build fits right in to Sleepless Night's Lagoon Lockup MOC.
  8. Steve's Doom [ENG] I've previously described Steve's miserable fate as a castaway who settled into a deserted outpost (Steve's Hideout). This MOC shows him heroically fighting off his attacker. [HUN] Korábban már leírtam Steve hányatatott sorsát, ahogy hajótöröttként berendezkedett egy elhagyatott kis helyőrségben (Steve's Hideout). Ez a MOC azt mutatja meg ahogy hősiesen küzdött a támadója ellen.
  9. The Child - Steve's childhood [HUN] Legújabb MOC-om egy másik kihívásra készült eredetileg. Ott nagyon kötött volt az darabszám, így annyira nem volt kidolgozva a MOC, mint ebben az esetben. Persze kompromisszum itt is kellett, hogy beleférjen a 200 darabos limitbe, de úgy gondolom, így is kellően kidolgozott tudott maradni ez az új MOC. Sztoriban csak annyira akartam beilleszteni a mostani kihívásba, hogy "Ő itt Steve gyerekként". Szerintem ennél többet nem is kell elmondani róla, hiszen minden más látszik. [ENG] My latest MOC was originally created for another challenge. There the number of pieces was very limited, so the MOC was not as elaborate as in this case. Of course, I had to compromise to fit the 200 piece limit, but I think I was able to keep this new MOC elaborate enough. In Story, I just wanted to include it in the current challenge as "This is Steve as a kid". I don't think more needs to be said about him than that, as everything else is apparent.
  10. Here it is, the second entry by my daughter Sydney and myself! Steve would take a slightly different career path, so to acknowledge the next step in his journey we had to do a mini build of the Skull’s Eye Schooner (6286). Sydney did most of the build and I helped with some of the complicated parts like the rope (boy are they finicky in BrickLink Studio). And I gave her some tips like using the hats as Jolly Roger flags. Here are some other views: Now I wanted to get the creative critics to help with the next part. I used Part Design to apply decals to a variety of pieces. I also did a little brick-stack Steve. I’d like everyone’s opinion on which looks best and if you feel they are the right scale or not. A huge thanks to all the participants and hosts of this contest for making it fun and engaging! Cheers Mateys! [Edit] I used the clear-square block with decals to complete the pirate crew. 10 extra pieces puts the count just below 200. And to finish off this entry I placed the figs on the ship and recreated the box art from the original 1993 set! I also adjusted the main sail by applying a decal to a 3x3 tile. This saved a few parts so the grand total (figs included) is approx 190pcs.
  11. Tezclatipoca the cannibal of the Ténotlaxcans or Portrait of a Cannibal and his Jaguar : A strange oil on canvas arrived at the court of Eslandola sent by a certain Felipe de la Manzana; supposed to be lost at sea in his impossible quest of the Golden Apple... The note associated with the painting was saying : "Pray for us and for the soul of our painter ! Tezclatipoca the cannibal of the Ténotlaxcans is going to eat everything !" It was so strange, nobody wanted to keep the painting. It finally ended hanged on a secondary corridor leading to the Royal Kitchen... Here is my participation for this little challenge ! Hope you like ! The pictures of the MOC I've made for the portrait view :
  12. Steve's Boat [HUN] Miután Steve túlélte a nagy csatát és talált egy helyet magának, ahol berendezkedhetet, mindvégig azon volt, hogy egy hajó felfigyeljen rá és visszavigye a civilizációba. Minden nap járta a tengert a kis tutajával, hogyha hajót lát, akkor legyen esélye az útjába kerülni vagy jelezni neki valahogy. Egyik nap rámosolygott a szerencse és egy kis halász hajó vette fel. Onnan Porto Brick-be vitte, ahonnan nem sokkal később már egy kis vitorlás csónakkal távozott. De a kis rejtekhyelye a szívéhez nőtt, ezért ezzel a kis csónakkal időről időre visszatért oda és ott tette le a csempészárut. Ezzel a kis csónakkal járta a környéket. Nem ment nagy távokra. A terve az volt, hogy seftelni fog az árukkal amíg nem találkozik egy régi cimborájával vagy nem tud lopni vagy venni egy bárkát, hogy tovább állhasson. [ENG] After Steve survived the big battle and found a place to settle down, he was determined to get the attention of a ship and return him to civilisation. Every day, he sailed the sea in his little raft, so that if he saw a ship, he would have a chance to get in its way or signal it somehow. One day luck smiled on him and a small fishing boat picked him up. From there he was taken to Porto Brick, where he left in a small sailing boat a short time later. But he grew fond of his little hideaway, so he returned there from time to time in this little boat to land his contraband. He used this little boat to travel around the area. He didn't go very far. His plan was to seft with the goods until he could meet an old mate or steal or buy a barge to keep him going.
  13. Steve's Hideout (UPDATE) [ENG] This set was originally a redesigned version of the 1795 Imperial Cannon. Then I saw this Classic Pirates challenge and thought I'd enter with the peace of mind of the underdog. I slightly modified the set to fit the callout. I hope you guys like it and vote for it. There is, of course, a golden rod hidden on this island. Story: Steve has been a merchant ship captain for many many years. He has always been reliable and has been the most punctual transporter despite the weather obstacles. He knew the sea perfectly. He survived huge storms, avoided many battles. But today, a new and brutal enemy had struck, and so she could not escape her doom. On one occasion he was on a detour route to port when his ship was shrouded in fog. Knowing the sea, he sailed on and only belatedly realised that this fog was in fact the remnants of a gigantic battle. The multitude of shipwrecks indicated that this was a gigantic battle. The silhouette of a ship was silhouetted in the fog, but before he could identify it, the ship had opened fire. His swift ship tried to dodge, but he had no chance. The incoming cannonballs tore the small ship apart mercilessly. Another volley of shells brought in the fatal shot and the ship was swamped. The only survivor was the captain. For days he was tossed about at sea among the remains of the battle. He pulled himself up on a large piece of wood and left his life in the drift. His great good fortune was to be cast towards a small island. He knew the place. It used to be a small outpost for imperial soldiers. It had been abandoned for a long time, and its condition showed. But his luck had not deserted the captain here, for the remains of the battle were drifting nearby, and he was able to get some rum, food, and weapons. He even found the flag of his ship, which he pinned to the remains of the building to mark this as his territory. Maybe one day a ship will come by and rescue him so he can sail the seas again as he once did. [HUN] Ez a készlet eredetileg a 1795-ös Imperial Cannon újragondolt változata. Aztán láttam ezt a Classic Pirates kihívást, és gondoltam az esélytelenek nyugalmával benevezek. Kicsit átalakítottam a szettet, hogy megfeleljen a kiírásnak. Remélem tetszik majd nektek és szavaztok rá. Természetesen egy aranyrudat azért ez a sziget is rejt. Sztori: Steve egy kereskedő hajó kapitánya volt már sok sok éve. Mindig megbízható volt és az időjárási viszonyok okozta akadályok ellenére is a legpontosabb szállító volt. Tökéletesen ismerte a tengert. Túlélt hatalmas viharokat, elkerült rengeteg csatát. De manapság új és brutális ellenség ütötte fel a fejét és így Ő sem kerülhette el a végzetét. Egyik alkalommal is egy elkerülő útvonalon haladt a kikötő felé, amikor hajója ködbe burkolózott. Mivel ismerte a tengert tovább hajózott és csak késve vette észre, hogy ez a köd valójában egy gigantikus csata maradványa. A hajóroncsok sokasága jelezte, ez egy gigantikus csata volt. Egy hajó sziluettje rajzolódott ki a ködben, de mire azonosítani tudta volna, a hajó már tüzet is nyitott rá. Fürge hajójával megpróbált kitérni ugyan, de esélye sem volt. A becsapódó ágyúgolyók könyörtelenül megtépázták a kis hajót. Egy újabb sortűz pedig bevitte a végzetes lövést és a hajót ellepték a hullámok. Az egyetlen túlélő a kapitány volt. Napokig hánykolódott a tengeren a csata maradványai között. Egy nagyobb fadarabon húzta meg magát és rábízta életét a sodrásra. Hatalmas szerencséjére egy kis sziget felé vetődött. Ismerte ezt a helyet. Régebben a birodalmi katonák egy kis őrhelye volt. Régóta elhagyatott volt már, ez határozottan látszott az állapotán. De a szerencséje itt sem hagyta el a kapitányt, mert a csata maradványai is a közelben sodródtak, így tudott némi rumot, ételt, és fegyvereket szerezni. Még a hajója zászlaját is megtalálta, melyet ki is tűzött az épület maradványaira, hogy jelezze ez már az Ő területe. Talán egyszer majd jár erre egy hajó és megmenti, hogy újra járhassa a tengereket ahogy régen. Yes, I know Steve's outfit has changed, but I have other plans for this version, which is why I was forced to do this. But that doesn't stop him from being Steve!
  14. The enigmatic Steve... pirate or merchant, peg leg or none, hooks and eye patches appear and disappear. How can these all be the same person? Welcome to the International Society of Steve (ISS), where Steves from across the seven seas meet to plot new ways to confuse the public. At their secret meetings, merchants plan new trade routes, sailors look for new work and pirates plot raids on merchant ships (some may say there is a conflict of interest here... ). Not all meetings go to plan, however. Here we see the dramatic scene as the Head Steve forcibly ejects Captain Redbeard from a meeting after the discovery that, despite his dashing red beard, his name is not Steve, but Roger. Captain Redbeard subsequently attempts to get out into the night before that half-filled bottle of rum connects with his skull. Here are some more pictures of the model, which has approximately 161 pieces. Look at the smile on Steve's face as he tosses out Redbeard. I hope you like my entry!
  15. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1766144980096737&id=163864363658148
  16. Hello all, I have just completed a new Brickfilm The UnDead Pirates. This is a mini adventure of a small village that is pillaged by a band of zombie/skeleton/undead, band of pirates. The Bluecoat army is defenceless against these ruthless cutthroat pirates that stop at nothing! however a mysterious Hero comes to take on Brickbone and his undead army of pirates in this Swashbuckling adventure! Well here is the link to the video, and let me know what you guys think! Thanks and enjoy! The Undead Pirates
  17. The waves crashed and roared, and the heavy smoke of the combat still hung low in the atmosphere, as the sinking Shuriken, torn and splintered by the iron rain it had just received, sent its bow high up into the air. Captain Gryple took one last glance at his ship as the waves seemed to leap up greedily to swallow their prize, and looked away, while the musketeer still kept up a scattering fire after the victorious pirates. Ever since Captain Whiffo had taken possession of the Shooting Shuriken from the Monezterrel shipyards in name of the ETWC, Captain Gryple had been in command and had turned over some good profit for the company in his work. But now, on what was likely its most important voyage yet, the ETWC ship had found itself set upon in the vicinity of Terraversa by the infamous pirate captain Unrigged Nordau, who had fired upon the ship with such hot haste that in almost less than ten minutes there was nothing of the wreck remaining, except a few loose pieces of wreckage and the jollyboat with the crew floating on the rolling ocean. Captain Gryple frowned, and turned the boat's head towards Kings Port... Couldn't pass up a good sinking! My MRCA result build from... the MRCA before the last, if I'm correct (I'll just be submitting it as a freebuild, anyways). This is pretty obviously what I was supposed to be building when the Midnight's Mist happened, but two is better than one, you know! And yes, I do know that the sails are annoyingly blocky - I wish I could have done better with those, but really wanted to include the dark green sails of the original ship, and didn't have any other material to make them with than the brick! Thanks for viewing, C&C are welcome as always!
  18. My latest ship was created with the specific intention of making a LEGO Ideas project out of it. You might notice some major differences with my other ships (if you're familiar with those). Most notable is the lack of custom rigging on this ship. It's 100% LEGO parts, which is a requirement for an Ideas project. It takes 10000 supporter for a project to be considered to become an actual set and make it to the stores. I hope I can count on your support, it takes only little effort to support my model and it doesn't cost you a thing . Also keep in mind that over time changes will be made to improve the model, I highly value the opinions of a real pirate fan so don't hold back and share your constructive criticism. I'm sure some of you will recognize some similarities with the Red Beard Runner, such as the red hull and the general color scheme . I found that a red hull is in general not very popular amongst ship-builders but I can tell you that I've been working on a brown and a white variant, at the same time I will make an alternative with the new type of hull. I will post these later (still need to gather some parts for that). The sails were taken from the Skull's Eye Schooner and attached using technic ball pins and studded ropes. The crows nest was made using the same technique as I did years ago on my Flying Dutchman (which reached 10000 supporters as an Ideas project). Custom built cannons on deck. You can actually see through the skylight. The CMF pirate would make an excellent crew member. I seem to have lost my interior pictures. Hold on while I retrieve those. They are on the Ideas page if you can't wait though. If you feel like supporting just click any of the pictures, it will lead you right to the project page .
  19. Hi, This is my second ever sailboat MOC. She is a simple little Topsail Schooner although she doesn't have her sails, rigging or a name yet. I will be posting more pictures when she is finished and until then I welcome any and all feedback. More photos on Flickr IMG_3901 by SheepBlubber, on Flickr
  20. Another stop motion. Again for the contest :) Again super short. Again not enough time. Again so much fun making it. Again learned some new stuff :) Read more » Version 1 (standard) Version 3 (haha) Read more at Brickfilm - A LEGO House Dream Adventure Follow my new MOCs and articles at: LEGO Blog | Facebook | Flickr | Google+
  21. With the Seas swarmed by pirates this month, we have now received a message that they are offering to sell off their captured vessels. We have also heard they are offering to sell the vessels back to the original owners (at 125% license value) - but only for the first 3 days of the auction. The following vessels have been captured and are, starting now, up for auction: Shipname Class Current Owner Previous owner Value Flying Colt 3 Bloody Bill @SilentWolf 200 Hades' Trumpet 5 Gregory Decker Sea Rats 420 HRS Ardent 7 Bloody Bill Oleon 700 HRS Tonnant 8 Bloody Bill Oleon 900 Nerdy Mermaid 3 Bloody Bill @pombe 200 Supreme 3 Gregory Decker ETTC 200 The Aspiration 6 Bloody Bill @Phred 560 Wolf II 4 Gregory Decker Sea Rats 300 Name Class Range Maneuver Firepower Crew Cargo Hull Flying Colt 3 3 2 2 1 4 3 Hades' Trumpet 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 HRS Ardent 7 6 3 8 4 0 6 HRS Tonnant 8 6 3 9 5 0 7 Nerdy Mermaid 3 4 4 0 2 3 2 Supreme 3 3 3 2 1 5 1 The Aspiration 6 4 4 2 2 9 3 Wolf II 4 4 2 4 4 1 3 Well, cool, there is an auction, but what do I do now? View the current bids here, and place your bid using this form (I'm sorry, but this is the easiest solution to not spam the forum too much...) Auction ends at the 7th day of November 617, at 10 pm GMT If you placed bids, I would appreciate you mention it here, but you don't have to. If you want to buy back your vessel just post here. If you want to put another vessel up for sale, just tell me and I'll set it up.
  22. The WTC Beacon, and WTC Icarus Returning was only an hour out of Mesabi Landing when a lookout spotted something WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Two ships on the horizon flying black flags. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr The lookout scrambled down the ladder in alarm. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Captain Carolina sat in her cabin. The Lookout burst in. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr "Captain! We've got two ships on our tail! And they don't look friendly." Captain Carolina frowned. "Get the semaphore to call out the Icarus. Captain Tyrell is in charge here. He'll tell us what to do." WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr There was a frenzy of activity on the deck. Men and women ran down the ship. The Semaphore stood on the front of the deck, and began calling out signs. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr S...H...I...P...S...2....E...N...E...M...Y...! The Relay was passed to Captain Tyrell aboard the Icarus Returning "Pirates! It's about time the WTC taught them a lesson. Not that they've ever really messed with us before, but I want to blow stuff up." Said Captain Tyrell BoC Officer Allen Landon responded. "Uh, is that a good idea? If we lose the battle, the Bank of Corrington would lose money?" "Is that all you care about old man? You sound like an Eslandolan. We're the WTC. We fight back! Bring her around boys! And also Girls!" The signaller from the Icarus responded to the Beacon WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Both ships made sharp turns and faced the two pirates. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Captain Tyrell and Landon walked on deck. "Alright! Let's give those guys a healthy broadside!" Yelled Captain Tyrell Both ships began firing WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr "Report?" Yelled Tyrell "Looks like some damage to their upper deck. They're gearing up to fire!" WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr The ship took a barrage of fire. Explosions hit several decks. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr "Fire Again!" Yelled Tyrell The crew rushed across the deck to put out the flames. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr "Blast! This ain't working!" Yelled Tyrell, as part of the forecastle collapsed. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr "We're hopelessly outgunned!" Yelled Landon "Maybe if you guys had made your ships firepower focused instead of using jack of all trade stats, you could beat them!" "Quit rubbing it in! Pull her around! Telegraph the Beacon, We're going to make a run for it!" WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr The Lifeboat snapped off as the ship turned. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Both enemy ships kept firing as the Icarus and the Beacon made a break for it. "Well, that wasn't so bad. Was it?" Asked Captain Tyrell WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Then the deck collapsed from structural damage. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr But despite the massive damage to the Icarus Returning Both ships survived and escaped. WTC versus the Pirates by North White, on Flickr Tune in next time, the Bank of Corrington tries to imprison the poor WTC's ships! FIN Thanks for viewing everyone. I'm home from college/university this week, so I was able to use these ships in a build, which was pretty lucky. What's it going to take for me to lose a ship though? I really want to lose one of them, so I can rebuild it. C&C appreciated, as usual.
  23. Here's a quick tutorial on how to make a small barrel rack. This could be fun to include in a saloon or brewery.
  24. I think the Pirate Ship is a dream of everyone who was a kid in late 80s/early 90s. This was time when LEGO introduced the classic Pirates series. I remember staring for hours at set 6285 (Black Seas Barracuda). It was so awesome that for me it become an icon how pirate ship should look like. It is the reason behind why I like to build playable set-like ships instead of realistic ones. This is one of them Read more » Bigger photos and full story here: LEGO Gallery - Skulltail - The Pirate Ship Follow my new MOCs and articles at: Facebook | Flickr | Google+
  25. So, I've been looking for Custom Lego instructions lately, and I've come to the disturbing realization that there are almost no instructions for custom pirate ships. I'm looking because I want to learn some new techniques, and maybe even bricklink a model. Which leads me to my two problems. First, there's like no colonial era/pirate ship instructions on the web. Second, the ones I found didn't have parts lists. I don't mind buying instructions, but I won't if they aren't willing to tell me what I need to build them. I mean, lego is expensive, and I want to know how much I would have to spend to actually build the model. Can anyone help?
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