In dark, deep space some lost pirates found abonded Blacktron spacebase. They rearrange the underground and main tower in their unique way and build a ship. The thought the aerodynamic is important in space, so what would be better then a bird? Their main bussines is smuggling rum, at least those two barrels they didn't drink.
Pirate uploading rum. There are leftovers of Blactron base in the crater. The pirates use their helmets for a sober up walks in the space.
Whats a pirate without a skull?!
Driver, using only mind and rum to control this ship. No computers needed. And some rum-bucket gun defense...
Laser claws and F.A.R.T. land off motor.
Peek in underground. And the only "window" in a captains room.
Main elevator tower with sniper guards.
It controls every way. (but one hinge is broken, so its needs help from some big extra terrestrial)
Control for an elevator.
Are you afraid?
Low tech elevator to the main "man cave".
Underground. Good look in the crater. There are some uniforms of Blacktrons in the boat. And its all messy...
Room with a view.
Sophisticated wooden toilet
There are some visitors now and then...
Check the link for some more details:
Pictures arent great with that sheets of papers. Sorry.
Half of creation fall from a cabinet and it was preety destroyed. I try my best to repair it, there should be much more details and better solutions if this accident didnt happen.
Comments welcome. Thank you for your time.