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Rebel players only, please! "Welcome aboard the Redemption! From this hub and command center, we coordinate our efforts to fight against the Empire, but at the same time avoid any large engagements with their fleet. I'm sure that in time, with training, you will become some of our most valued soliders and pilots." Introduction Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka is a building RPG set during the Shadows of the Empire time period, between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Builders can join one of two factions, the Empire or the Rebellion, and participate in 'episodes' (challenges) to earn in-game XP, tags, and other rewards, both digital and physical. Builders advance their character through their participation in these episodes. Building Outside of Episodes (Challenges) Feel free to show character progression (within the rules, of course) outside of the episodes in other MOCs. You should post these builds in the main Star Wars forum. Make sure to let us know of these builds in your faction topic (Redemption for the Rebels, Avenger for the Empire) -- they're eligible to be scored on a scale of 1-5 and can earn you up to 5 XP. (Keep your post there In-Character, of course.) Your free builds must be set in locations that your faction controls, the planets which your faction has control of by winning episodes on. Remember that your character is part of a division assigned to a specific ship or base by a commander, so you wouldn't be able to stray far from the planets you're based out of. A list of the planets allowed for each faction is available in the Core Rules topic. Where to Post What This subforum, Watto's Junkyard, is used for contests. As such, you should only post your entries to Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka episodes here. You are free to build in the Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka game outside of the episodes. Post such builds in the main Star Wars forum. The Core Rules topic contains the rules in the the first post and an index of all the players in the second post. Players should introduce characters in the Introduction and Discussion topic, and staff will add them to the player index. All posts in the Introduction and Discussion topic should be Out of Character. These two faction topics, Alliance's Redemption and Empire's Avenger, are used to discuss and roleplay In Character with your teammates. Announce your free builds in your faction topic. Episodes will be announced in their own topics, and you will be able to use those topics to ask questions about and discuss the specific episode.