We have seen the return of infamous Captain Redbeard in Pirates of Barracuda Bay, but where was his loyal First Mate Rummy? Propably had too much rum again, got marooned on a ramshackle Renegade's Raft, and woke up in the middle of the ocean, fighting with a big shark, and an even bigger headache, just like before, in a set from 1991:
But now, the raft have recieved a substantial update:
Why just have a flimsy flag and a pair of paddles, when you can have a full Gaff rigged sail, a steering Oar, and fishing rod! Rummy was also wise enough to bring a compass and spyglass to know where he's going. A parrot also perched on the mast top, so old Rummy has someone to talk to, and there's a bottle of unknown contents. Might be drinking water, might be the remainder of his rum binge that ended in this misadventure, or something else? You decide! Overall, it's a simple redesign, of a simple old set. Hope you like it me Mateys!