With the establishment of a brick kiln and a lumber mill in the Eslandolan settlement of Interlagos, settlers have been able to build houses, and the growing population has made Interlagos a proper town.
The core of residences has started to give the town a feeling of something more than a military outpost.
With the incoming settlers have come chickens and goats.
Here Mrs. Boer prepares to get some milk.
And her husband shoos the chickens away from the cellar door.
Next door, Mr. Cazador heads out to take his son hunting. Small game animals are plentiful in the light woods around the lakes.
The streets are still nothing but worn paths with some loose stone scattered about. A sailor and a merchant walk by the new residences on their way down to the dock.
Interlagos has already come a good distance from its beginning as a frontier fort. As more settlers come to the town, Eslandian officials hope it becomes a thriving port.
This MOC started as way to experiment with the roof on the tan building and grew from there. I'm trying to capture the early growth of a small settlement in these builds. All C&C welcome.