Over the past few months I came across a few resources that I simply can NOT find again for the life of me. Tried searching here, google, youtube, etc. I normally take pride in my searching skills.
The first was somebody's design of a 6 stud long sliding axle. I think I'm even subscribed to that person on Youtube, but my subscriber list is so long I can't find their channel. The video I think is less than a month old. This should be easy to find.
The second thing is a list of Technic "almost right" triangles. It is NOT this link: http://www.marshall.edu/lego/lessonplans/MarbleTrack/FindingLEGOAlmostRightTriangle.htm
The one I'm looking for had a list of possible right triangles broken into charts of "good, OK, and not recommended" or something like that. I do still think they used the name "almost right triangles" for the page though (I could be wrong).
Any help is appreciated.