House Stonmer of Lenfald - Noble Houses of Roawia
House Stonmer is one of the younger houses of Roawia.
The Lords of Stonmer moved their estate from Loreos to Lenfald only a few generations ago. While their loyalty to Lenfald is not in question, they still keep with the traditions of their former home province: their house colours are read and gold their emblem is the Loreesi gilded falcon.
Their current seat is at Stonmer Manor, in Northern Lenfald only a few miles from the border to Garheim. The Lords of Stonmer only rule over 4 villages and their small estate, but trade with Garheim made them relatively rich and important nonetheless: the regions is rich in fish and is mostly forested, with wood being their major export products.
Additional Images can be found on Flickr: Minifigs + MOC
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