New post in this new year to show you this:
So what connection between this rope and Lego, you say?
The machine that does it, of course !!!
I start with the video.
Edit : WIP vidéo :
Now, photos and explanation.
This braiding is based on the following system: to alternatively turn the trays.
Although it uses 12 strands, braiding is relatively simple:
The strands are braided in fact four by four.
The blue plaques turn to the right and red on the left, etc ..
Between each rotation, the trays are realigned by "jaws".
To power, a motor M is more than enough.
The lever to switch to manual.
Here, the manufacture of the central party of the rope:
This part can be replaced:
Here two little winding mécanisme for the bobbin:
A very important detail: the elastics that ensure proper tightening of the braid.
Finally, different braids made by the machine:
And also
Happy New Year !