Déclaration du Roi portant établissement de la
Compagnie pour le Commerce de la Nouvelle Terre
Royal Charter for the Royal New Terra Company
His Most Holy Majesty, King Philip the First, by the Grace of the Gods, King of Oleon and Guelph, Protector of New Terra, the True Defender of the Faith and so forth, here directs The Intendant Général des Finances to establish The Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) for the purpose of protecting Oleon’s mercantile enterprises throughout His Sacred Realm.
ARTICLE I: Overview
ARTICLE IV: Region of Trade
ARTICLE V: Common Stock
ARTICLE VI: Preferred Stock
Be it done, that on the Sixteenth Day of the Twelfth Month of the First Year of His Divine Reign, King Philip the First bestows this Royal Charter upon the Royal New Terra Company.
Vive le Roi
Examples of Stock Price and Dividend Calculations
Other Relevant Information
RNTC Officials
Directeur: Pierre Lavalette Genaro (Captain Genaro)
Lieutenants: N/A
Current Holders of Preferred Shares:
List of RNTC Settlements:
Lavalette, Stéphanique
List of RNTC Monopolies:
Wine, silver
List of Public Filings:
Q1 617
FY 617
Q1 618