All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players “As You Like It, Act II, Scene vii)
In my MOC Lego minifigs are the players. I have tried to create the world of many of Shakespeare’s plays in Lego. I was inspired by the beautiful painting “Shakespearean Fantasy” by James Christensen, which is why there is a forest above the buildings. There are 19 plays represented in my MOC. Hope you can recognize most of them, although a few are from some less well known plays. I have included some animation and music to the model as well. The movement of Prospero is adapted from Jason Alemann’s Fisherman Kinetic Sculpture on JKBrickworks. Katherine is being chased by Petruchio while the “Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet” by Nino Rota plays. The movement was adapted from Pixeljunkie’s Swan Lake Ballet creation. The videos can be seen on my flickr page as well as closer images of all of the 19 plays.
(I used mostly yellow minifigs except in those instances where the characters skin colour was relevant, they were magical creatures or they were dead or dying.)
*Not sure if this is the correct forum but since most of the plays are set in the late1500s or earlier I placed it here.
Shakespearean Fantasy 2 by Karen Metz, on Flickr
Shakepearean Fantasy 1 by Karen Metz, on Flickr
Shakepearean Fantasy 3 by Karen Metz, on Flickr
Shakepearean Fantasy 4 by Karen Metz, on Flickr
Shakepearean Fantasy 5 by Karen Metz, on Flickr
Shakespearean Fantasy 6 by Karen Metz, on Flickr
The Tempest/Macbeth by Karen Metz, on Flickr