Goodbury Mechanicals is proud to present the Sparrowhawk, a new aeroplane utilising Jet-Propulsion! Designed with the aim to break the sound barrier, hopefully the first to do so. The plane has been put through its paces and will be ready to try for the speed record soon, our brave pilot is ready to take off.
It has been a while since I built Sky-Fi, or added anything to the Goodbury product line. So here is the Sparrowhawk, I love to use dark tan and metallic shades. The speed champion hubcaps look great for vents and I used binoculars to create the pew-pews.
Top View, shows off the angles I used in construction, it is also useful to show off the printed/stickered tiles I used for flare.
Side view, shows off the sides of the jet engine. Unusually for me, I built this plane fuselage first. I most often create the engine/propulsion unit and put the wings and cockpit around it. It took me ages to decide the best engine type to use for the fuselage I had created. The "egg" parts make for a super mean looking engine that could power a plane to unknowable speeds.
The rear view of the jets. I love using the ninjago spinner crowns for planes, they just look so cool!
I hope you enjoy my SkyFi MOC, it is a genre I love and one I have not shared a pane from in a long while. Comments etc are welcome.