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Episode XVII: Battle For Endor : Many Bothans died, and perhaps many of you will too. But this is it everyone. We must take out the Shield Generator if our ships are to have a chance to take out the Death Star II. If the Empire keeps us from knocking the generator out, it's likely most of our troops and ships will be destroyed. Rex: Come on men! Solo said we needed to meet up with him in the trees somewhere. We have to get out of these grass lands! Stormtrooper: Keep moving men! We have to reinforce the Shield Generator! Vader says the Rebels are going to try to blow it up. We must stop them for the Emperor! Game Play Both teams will work to achieve the most XP and end the game. The game ends when the first team reaches the shield generator. The game will be broken up into 1 week periods. During each week period, each team may submit a MOC depicting the terrain of their team's marker. They must also state a direction of travel and an intended destination, no more than 5 squares away (unless a bonus is in play). Each MOC will earn XP which will equal the number of squares a team is allowed to move. RULE UPDATE: Each XP earned will allow a team to move twice as far. This will look something like: The previous entry earned 4XP so the team gets to move up to 4 squares. Bob posts a build showing the grasslands his team is on. Bob chooses where to move with the 4 movement points. He picks to try to head to F2. Map is revealed based on Bob's movement. Bob's build is judged (3XP). The week ends and a new one begins. Jane posts a build, based on the terrain of the square where Bob ended his movement. She chooses where to move with the 3 movement points. And so on. Each team has a beginning square. For the first week, since there was no previous build, each team gets to move up to 3 spaces. Each team can see the squares directly connected to them (not diagonally connected to them) as well as all previously revealed squares. Teams can see the squares revealed by both teams. Movement direction must be specifically declared each turn. For example, move left 3 spaces to F1 and down 1 space to F2. You can also just say "I want to head towards F2, avoiding obstacles." At that point the Game Master will choose the route for you that best avoids obstacles and collects bonuses. Throughout the map are various obstacles and bonuses. Bodies of water and mountains cannot be crossed without a bonus enhancement. Rivers can be crossed at any time. If the declared movement of a team results in them being stopped by a barrier, their movement will be modified. When stating the desired movement (move left 3 spaces to F1 and down 1 space to F2) the player must also state a preference of "up" or "down" and of "left" or "right." This preference will dictate the modified movement. For example, if a player submits a MOC and states they want to "move down 3 spaces and right 1 space;" but they hit a mountain: Then if their chosen preference was "down" and "left" the movement would look like this: But if the chosen preference was "down" and "right" the movement would look like this: Bonuses are obtained if a team lands on or passes through the squares containing the bonus. Bonuses can be revealed but not obtained if a team reveals a square within 3 spaces of the square containing a bonus. Bonuses included, but are not limited to: extra XP earned for the team in increments of 5, 10, and 25XP extra movement allowed next turn the ability to cross bodies of water the ability to cross mountains negative movement restrictions applied to the opposite team For example, if a team moved down and left and there were 2 bonuses near by, this is what the map would look like: MOCs will need to display the terrain the team is currently on. If the team is on a square with grasslands, then some sort of plains should be displayed. If they are on a square with a body of water in or next to it, then a shore line should be part of the build. The list of different terrains you might encounter is: Forest, Plains, Mountains, Shore, Lake, or River. Each team starts on a Forest square. Each MOC will be scored as quickly as possible. All MOCs will be scored by the Monday afternoon after the game week ends. Each MOC will be scored on a scale of 5 points. If the MOC does not match the terrain the team is on, it will not score any points regardless of quality. The judges will be understanding on this point if your collection is limited, but please try to be creative. 1 XP earned allows a team to move 1 square into the unknown/fog or 2 squares into what has already been revealed. This allows teams to travel back to collect bonuses faster if needed. Each player can submit as many MOCs for this episode as they want. But any one player cannot submit more than 1 every 2 weeks. Each MOC must be at least 16x16. There is no maximum size requirement. A game week starts and ends on Sunday at noon, Central Standard Time. The team that reaches the Shield Generator first will receive a bonus of 25XP. At that point the game will end and all XP will be tallied to find the winning team. Some other points of interest: Teams will need to plan in advance for building on different types of terrain. You may want to have a few MOCs in reserve if you land on a different terrain type. The bonus XP that can be found across the map can make or break the game. Don't discount it! The map may have more surprises. Be ready for anything! You can depict your team fighting with locals or forces from the other team. Each team only has one "game piece" to move across the board, but that doesn't mean you can't show skirmishes with other Rebel or Imperial forces you happen to come across in your MOCs. Game masters can build and submit MOCs, but they cannot choose where to move the game piece. Another member of the team must do that. Rules All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Nar Eurbrikka subform, the title prefixed by "[Ep. XVII]", your team, the week you're building for, and your personal title. For example, "[Ep. XVII] [Empire] [Week 3] Dealing with Ewoks." The Episode will start on November 25 and end when a team reaches the Shield Generator. Entries will be judged on a 1-5 point scale, however the judges see fit. This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. Exceptions can be made if you want to enter your MOC for another, current contest. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Post pictures no larger than 1024x768, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on as many shots as you like. At least one shot must be posted (under a spoiler tag, if desired) with no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,. All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. Rule Updates/Clarifications: As stated in the rules teams can move 2 spaces through spaces that have already been revealed. However, this only includes spaces revealed on previous turns. It could be argued that the space in front of a team is revealed as they move forward so therefore every space is "revealed." This is not the case. When counting revealed squares for movement, you must round down. Therefore, if you move through 3 revealed spaces, it would count as 2 movements. 1 for 2 revealed squares and 1 for the remaining square. If you move through 3 unrevealed squares and 1 revealed square it would take 4 movements. Squares like the revealed D23 and S2 can be landed on without any bonus even though the square contains much water. As long as at least 1/4 of the square has land on it it can be treated as a land square. Prizes All players with the winning fleet will receive this tag to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index. Physical prizes are also available! The 75178 Jakku Quadjumper will go to the player with the highest amount of XP earned during this episode, and 75183 Darth Vader Transformation to the player who submitted the most builds during the episode, regardless of XP gained (should that player be identical with the first winner, the second prize will instead go to the player with the second-highest amount of builds). You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges for each MOC. The winning team may choose any one unclaimed planet to add to their faction's territory. The players on the winning team will be given bonuses at the beginning of SoNE 2.0
"Quarrie! You ol' junk dealer, how's my new ship coming a long? You know an all out battle is no place for my Lady Luck." "Youur point is well taken Gold Leader. I'm suure a ship will arrive that matches your specifications; new allies aare arriving everyday with any kind of ship that can carry them. We maay not have the largest fleet and much of these beasts are cobbled together freighters with a suspicious number of armaments, buut the strength of the Rebel Fleet lies in it's heterogeneity and the ability of our Admirals to capitalize on those differences when the battle allows it." "Admiral, break off your current operations and send your Task Force to the Hudalla system and prepare for immanent fleet and ground operations." "Yes, my lord." Categories Category A: Starfighter or Freighter (anything under 100 studs) - The weapons race for a game changing starfighter culminates now above the forest moon of Endor. Build the perfect representation of a canonical starfighter or freighter, or create your own. Category B: Capital SHIPs (at least 100 studs) - Whether it's minifig-scale or a massive micro-scale ship, create a SHIP at least 100 studs long. Again, redefine the standard for a perfect canonical ship or create your own to join the fleet. Bonus: Build a scene for your starfighter or SHIP. This will help your score in Wave 1 and Wave 3. Additional story and exposition about the fighter or SHIP will help judges assess Wave 2. Most importantly, get your characters to Endor. Use this Episode as an opportunity to prepare your character for the ultimate battle on Endor. Whether they're piloting or just catching a ride we all know where everybody needs to end up. Make it happen. Rules All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Nar Eurbrikka subform, the title prefixed by "[SoNE Ep. XVI]" followed by "[Cat. A]" or "[Cat. B]" and your personal title. For example, "[SoNE Ep. XVI] [Cat. A] Grey Squadron Leader." You may build in one or both categories. If you use the same bonus scene for both categories, the extra points will be attributed to your Category A build. Canonical ships may be built, but you should improve on previous renditions. There have been a lot of X-Wings; if you're going to do one, do a damn good job. For any non-canonical ships, your score will weigh heavily on the appropriateness of your design and how it fits in with the rest of the fleet. The Episode will run from August 18 to September 30. As long as it is still September somewhere in the world, you can still post your build. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the Episode and will not receive XP. Entries will be judged on a 1-25 point scale, however the judges see fit. Points earned will be attributed to your character at the end of Wave 3. This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Post pictures no larger than 1024x768, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on as many shots as you like. At least one shot must be posted (under a spoiler tag, if desired) with no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. Scoring Scoring will be done in three waves of single loss elimination. Both factions will choose an Admiral to command their fleet (Admirals must be available to choose builds in a timely manner or they will be replaced based on the judges's discretion). Each wave will involve one on one and one on two match ups chosen by the Admirals. Posting of results will depend on the rate of play, so it could be after each SHIP to SHIP or fighter to fighter skirmish or after the entire round; we're not exactly sure how it'll all play out. Scoring (Wave 1) When the submission deadline has passed, the Admiral of the largest fleet will choose a fighter and a SHIP to launch the Wave 1 attack. The smaller fleet Admiral will choose a fighter and a SHIP to counter their respective attackers. Judges will score each individual build (secretly) and the higher scoring builds will advance to Wave 2. The lower scoring build will be eliminated from the remainder of the competition. The smaller fleet Admiral will choose the next fighter and SHIP to attack and the larger fleet Admiral will counter. Judges will score/advance/eliminate builds. This will continue with each Admiral alternating attacks and counter attacks until one side is out of builds. The winning and remaining/unchallenged builds will advance to Wave 2. Scoring (Wave 2) The Admiral with the largest remaining/advanced fleet will choose EITHER a fighter or a SHIP to attack. The Admiral of the smaller fleet will counter with 1-2 builds, likely a capital SHIP and fighter escort. The judges will advance the build they think would win in an actual fight. Therefore, an intricate, perfectly-built transport SHIP, may be destroyed by a smaller, lower scored TIE fighter. Descriptions and stories of the builds will help the judges make their decisions. For example, although Mortesv's Nebulon-B is an absolutely stunning build that should win any competition we put together, but without a fighter escort, it may be destroyed by a crappy little Cutlass-9. Admirals will have to carefully weigh whether their best fighters should be on attack or defense. The Admirals will take turns attacking and countering builds until one side is out of builds. The winning and remaining/unchallenged builds will advance to Round 3. Scoring (Wave 3) Both fleets have suffered heavy attrition and will now face each other in mass. The (secret) scores on each remaining build will be tallied and the highest scoring faction will win the Episode. This is when effective protection of intricate, perfectly-built transport ships will be proven important. In the event of a tie, the judges will judge the entire fleet as a whole without regard for individual points, giving special notice to backstories and collaborations. The best fleet wins. Prizes All players with the winning fleet will receive this tag to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index. You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges in each category. The winning fleet may choose any unclaimed planet to add to their faction's territory.
Once again, tell me exactly what happened on the day of the battle After the final briefing I went straight towards my fighter where our Chief Technician was just doing the final checks of my R2. During the battle, everything went as usual until I came close to mister Skywalker and my droid suddenly began making strange noises, like Bluuuh Bluuuh instead of Beep Beep, and I lost control of my fighter and it began to do Blast Blast towards mister Skywalker, but he managed to Zjoooof and Blast Blast and Bang and... Get hold of yourself, trooper! Hm, sorry. So anyway, mister Skywalker managed to blast my droid. As the battle was coming to a close, we went straight back for the hangar to consult our Chief Technician as to what went wrong. But when she saw us coming, she pulled her blaster out and fired at mister Skywalker! It was like Blaaam - sorry. So, we managed to neutralise her just in time, and that's all I know. Thank you trooper, we know enough. Every one, question those who knew said technician, check everything. I don't care if you end up on the other end of the galaxy, as long as we can stop these attempts! - Ah, Princess, everything is in place to begin our investigation. Excellent, commander. Meanwhile, I've decided to pay a visit to Prince Xizor. His help was invaluable to obtain the supercomputer, so I have no doubt he will be able to help us in this matter. So everything we found up to this point has led us here. But there's nothing to be seen! O wait, here this looks out of place... No no, that's just another one of those moisture thingies. But here... look, footprints! If I recall my days in the Imperial scouts, these can only come from one species... All footprints really look the same to me. Are you really sure this here isn't... Finding clues: The objective of this episode is to find the one responsible for the attack on Luke. To find this person your character first has to gather clues as to who this person is, follow leads, make enquiries... But what do these clues look like? Well, every clue is in fact a certain brick the villain lost on his trip across the galaxy in order to set up layer after layer of deception. In fact, he lost so many bricks that if you manage to find all of the clue bricks and put them together in the right way, they form an unmistakable hint as to who the villain is! A part of these clue bricks has already been found by both factions. However, certain parts are only known to the Rebels, and the remaining clue bricks are only known to the Empire. Your second goal therefore, is to find out what other clues the opponent found... The ultimate goal is to approximate the secret model I made as good as possible. This means that you have to: find out what the model depicts (it's a logical choice if you know your EU a bit and have some common sense) find out what parts the model consists of (see next bullet) put the pieces together to make the model you think I made In the end, the team that approximated the model best will get 5 bonus points added to the faction total, which could turn everything around! The model consists of a total of 220 pieces, with 65 unique part/color combinations of which 62 pieces are unique (if the color wouldn't count). Each brick gets a separate ID so that we can discuss them without revealing what part it is. 42 of these pieces are public for everyone, their ID's start with the letter P 10 of these pieces are only known to the Rebellion, their ID's start with the letter R 10 of these pieces are only known to the Empire, their ID's start with the letter E I created the model in LDD, so it is perfectly buildable with the available parts there. However, not every connection is supported by LDD, so you might have to place some floating parts in the program if you build it there. In reality some studs are only half inserted. The model should be perfectly buildable in real life. Furthermore, I made sure to use mostly parts that are still in production and are therefore readily available. A list of all the parts can be found in a Google spreadsheet template available here. For every part, it contains the ID, the color, the amount of that part used in the secret model and possibly a comment. The public parts are fully identified, for the parts you have to figure out, you can fill in the cells. An LDD file containing all of the public parts can be found here. You can use this to create a template to make recreating the model easier. Instructions on how to do that can be found in the spoiler below. The list of the parts that are exclusive to each faction, can be found in the first post of their secure comm channels. So if you don't have access yet to those channels, be sure to let that know by posting a reply in this thread! In principle, each build should contain one of the secret parts as a seed element. You have to use at least two instances of the part in your build, at least one of which has to be clearly visible in the first picture of your entry! However, it is your goal to keep this part a secret from the opposing faction. Therefore, it is your job to incorporate the part as naturally as possible into your scene, use other weird parts to distract attention... Note that for this episode, builds will also be judged on the originality of the use of the clue part: 25% of the XP you get depends on this factor. For example, if your secret clue part would be minifig legs, and you'd simply use it as the legs of a minifig, the opposing faction will have a hard time guessing that that part was the clue part, but you won't get any points for creative use of the part! It is always possible to include multiple different clue parts in your entry, but know that only one will be count as having featured in your build. Which one, depends on the title of your entry (see the "The Rules" section). Multiple players can build with the same clue part. However, every secret clue part that doesn't get featured in a build, will be made public at the end of the episode, so it is advisable not to leave a part without a builder. Also, it is possible to post an entry without a clue part (if you don't own any of the listed parts and don't want to build digitally), but then you won't get points for the creative use of the part, and loose 25% of the XP the build could get. We don't expect everyone to have the necessary part in the correct color. Therefore, we permit photo editing to change the color of that part (and only that part!) to the required color. If your picture editing skills aren't sufficient, you can always ask someone else to do it for you. After the deadline for the builds, you get a week (7 days) to put together your best guess at the clue model. Before the end of that period, one person from each faction should send me clear pictures (and if possible, a digital file) of the model their faction thinks is the secret model so that we can judge its accuracy. So to recap, you have to build a scene of your character investigating who is behind the attack on Luke. Your build has to feature at least two instances of one of the secret clue parts of your faction (in the correct color or another one, which gets digitally corrected in the picture) incorporated in your scene in a creative way that doesn't seem obvious to the opponent. Your job as a team is to guess what secret clue parts the opposing faction used, and to put them together to recreate the model you think I made with those parts, which will lead you to the villain. The Prizes: Your faction will receive points based on three factors:These three factors are added to each other, and the faction with the higher total is the winner. Points: The average number of points per builder. Builders: One point for each builder Secret model: 5 points for the faction that approximated the secret model I made the closest, and none for the other faction. All the players on the winning faction will receive this tag to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index. The winning team will get to choose a planet to take control of. The winning team must pick a planet that is currently controlled by the oposite team. The player who receives the most total individual points, regardless of team, is guaranteed a spot among the next set of the blog's Showcased MOCs. (This member must still be able to provide a picture big enough and of suitable quality to be used in the Showcased banner.) You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges. The Rules: All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. The Empire's goal and the Alliance's goal is to depict their character searching for clues as to who is targeting Luke Skywalker. Ideally, each entry should contain a clue part incorporated into the build. The goal of each faction is to determine which secret clue parts the other faction is using and to build a model with all of the known pieces (and guesses for the secret pieces of the opposing factions) which indicates who the villain is. There are no restrictions on the size/form/content of the builds, as long as they follow the above described goals. There is no restriction on which planets you can build in this episode. The Episode will run from July 16th to September 4th. As long as it is still September 4th somewhere in the world, you can still enter. The deadline for the submission of the faction's guess at the clue model (one guess per team, to be sent by PM to me) is as soon as September 11th has passed in every part of the world. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the episode and will not be eligible to receive points or XP. Entries will be judged according to the Core Rules, but keep in mind that 25% of the XP depends on the creativity with which the clue part was employed: Your build will be scored in two stages, to make it easier on the judges by lessening the number of builds that must be scored in greater detail: In the first stage, the judges will award a score from 1-10, with a '1' being "Minifig on a Plate", a '5' being "Your Average MOC" and a '10' being "Flawless Concept and Execution". In the second stage, the top five builds of each faction (so ten in total) from the first stage will be scored based on basic predetermined criteria: up to 10 points for the concept and appropriateness to the objective, up to 25 points for your execution of the build, and up to 5 points for your presentation of the entry. For builders who make it to the second stage, their second stage total is added to their first stage points, and that total is divided by two and a half. You can earn a maximum of 20 points in each episode. The amount of points you earn is also the amount of XP your character earns. This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP. Neither can they partake in discussions about what the clue parts of the other faction would be or about what the hidden model could look like! All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Watto's Junkyard subforum, the title prefixed by, "[soNE Ep. XII]" and the ID of the used clue part (For example, "[soNE Ep. XII] R03 - Game of Clues".) So you can have multiple different clue parts in your build, but only the one you feature in the title of your entry counts as having been incorporated in a build. Post pictures no larger than 1000x720, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited, except for the clue part, as stated earlier. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC.
[ Lord Vader, we've been able to identify Black Sun assets in six systems that could spoil our plans against Xizor. Our teams are ready. Do we have your permission to strike? Leave none alive. Orders just came in, boys. Let's move out! Sir, our teams have actionable intel on Black Sun vigos in six systems. We are ready to move in on your command, sir. It's not an order I like to give, but the Alliance itself is at stake. Deploy your troops, Captain. The goal for each side is to show their agents acting covertly to capture or kill targets on each of the controlled planet. This could force the rebels to get their hands dirtier than they're used to, and force the Imperials to question the loyalty and motives of those around them... The Rules: Both factions must quietly nullify Black Sun operatives on each of the following planets: Empire: Tatooine Naboo Hapes Kuat Commenor Bespin Alliance: Hoth Sullust Fondor Ord Mantell Mon Calamari Bothawui Each faction must build separate entries on every planet [controlled by their faction] above (fly-bys do not count). Multiple planets can be depicted, but the target planet must be predominately featured and identified in the title, as specified below. All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Nar Eurbrikka subforum, the title prefixed by, "[SoNE Ep. XIII]" and the Planet depicted (For example, "[SoNE Ep. XIII] Bespin - Black Sun Shakedown") If your build takes place across multiple planets, only the planet identified in your title will be credited towards your faction. The appropriateness, accuracy, and creativity involved in your interpretation of the identified planet will weigh heavily in the points you are rewarded. All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. There are no restrictions on the size/form/content of the builds, as long as they follow the above described goals. The Episode will run from November 1st to December 1st. As long as it is still December 1st somewhere in the world, you can still enter. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the episode and will not be eligible to receive points or XP. Entries will be judged according to the Core Rules: Your build will be scored in two stages, to make it easier on the judges by lessening the number of builds that must be scored in greater detail: In the first stage, the judges will award a score from 1-10, with a '1' being "Minifig on a Plate", a '5' being "Your Average MOC" and a '10' being "Flawless Concept and Execution". In the second stage, the top five builds of each faction (so ten in total) from the first stage will be scored based on basic predetermined criteria: up to 10 points for the concept and appropriateness to the objective, up to 25 points for your execution of the build, and up to 5 points for your presentation of the entry. If we don't have more than 10 players per team, we will skip the second round of judging. That means both teams need at least 10 players for the second round to happen. For builders who make it to the second stage, their second stage total is added to their first stage points, and that total is divided by two and a half. You can earn a maximum of 20 points in each episode. The amount of points you earn is also the amount of XP your character earns. This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP. Neither can they partake in discussions about what the clue parts of the other faction would be or about what the hidden model could look like! All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Post pictures no larger than 1000x720, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. The Prizes: The winning faction will be determined by adding the following: the faction's highest score on each planet; the number of faction builders submitting a qualifying build; -10 times any faction planet not featured All the players on the winning faction will receive this tag (tag subject to change) to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index. The winning team will get to choose a planet to take control of. The winning team must pick a planet that is currently controlled by the opposite team. The player who receives the most total individual points, regardless of team, is guaranteed a spot among the next set of the blog's Showcased MOCs. (This member must still be able to provide a picture big enough and of suitable quality to be used in the Showcased banner.) You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges.
...and I shall be most displeased if he escapes. Understood, my Lord. General Brickdoctor, I never thought I'd say this, but order your troops not to engage rebel forces, if at all possible. And if the rebels fire first? I won't order your troops not to defend themselves, but if Skywalker is killed ... we'll have to answer to Vader himself. Ma'am, we just got word that one of our Pathfinder units encountered Storm Commandos in the sewers. How many casualties? None - apparently the Commandos ignored them, killed a large group of Black Sun mercs, then moved on. If the Imps want to make our jobs easier by taking out Black Sun troops, I don't see any reason to stop them. I agree, but we must be cautious. There may be some larger plot at work here... Sir, we've lost contact with some of the guards on the lower levels. And ... Vader's flagship just entered the system. They dare to strike at me here? Kill them. All of them. For our 15th SoNE Episode, we've invited members of other Eurobricks RPG's, as well as any other Eurobricks members who are interested, to build on behalf of Black Sun. Regular SoNE players will build for their usual faction (Rebellion or Empire). This will be a showdown with the Rebellion and Empire on one side, and Black Sun on the other. Update: the Black Sun sign-up thread is here. Battling through Xizor's Palace The battle for Xizor's Palace will take place in three different locations; entries MUST feature details that represent one specific location, and each faction must post at least one build in each location. The Sewers Imperial and Rebel builders must show their sigfig sneaking through the sewers of Coruscant to infiltrate Xizor's palace Black Sun builders must show Black Sun gangsters protecting the entrance to the palace Xizor's Palace Rebel builders must show their sigfig fighting through the palace to rescue Leia Imperial builders must show their sigfig fighting through the palace to capture Xizor Black Sun builders must show Black Sun gangsters fighting off the intruders Xizor's Skyhook Builders must show a chaotic space battle as Imperial, Rebel, and Black Sun forces fight around the skyhook At the end of the episode, factions will gain 1 Location Point (LP) for each entry in a specific location, with the exception of the highest scored entry in each location, which will receive 4 LPs. The faction with the most LP's in a given location takes control of that location, and the faction that controls the most locations wins the episode. Example: At the end of the episode, 3 Rebel, 2 Imperial and 3 Black Sun builders have posted entries that take place in The Sewers. That would give us the following: Rebels: 3 LPs for The Sewers Empire: 2 LPs for The Sewers Black Sun: 3 LPs for The Sewers When the builds are judged, one of the Black Sun builds earns more XP than any of the other builds which take place in The Sewers. Therefore, the Black Sun entry is worth 4 LPs instead of 1. That gives Black Sun 6 LPs for The Sewers, versus the 5 combined Empire/Rebel LPs, so Black Sun takes control of The Sewers. If there is a tie, the second highest scoring entry in each location will earn an additional LP. XP points will be earned independently from the points you score for your faction (you can score 1 LP for your team and still earn 9 XP at the end of the episode). The Rules: Portray your character completing their mission in ONE of the three locations (Sewers, Palace or Skyhook). The mission goals listed above are just suggestions, but your mission should make sense for your character's faction and role. All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Nar Eurbrikka subforum, the title prefixed by, "[SoNE Ep. XV]" and the Location depicted (For example, "[SoNE Ep. XV] Sewers - Slumming It Home") The appropriateness, accuracy, and creativity involved in your interpretation of the identified location will weigh heavily in the points you are rewarded. All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. There are no restrictions on the size/form/content of the builds, as long as they follow the above described goals. The Episode will run from April 20th to June 3rd. As long as it is still June 3rd somewhere in the world, you can still enter. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the episode and will not be eligible to receive points or XP. Entries will be judged according to the Core Rules: Your build will be scored in two stages, to make it easier on the judges by lessening the number of builds that must be scored in greater detail: In the first stage, the judges will award a score from 1-10, with a '1' being "Minifig on a Plate", a '5' being "Your Average MOC" and a '10' being "Flawless Concept and Execution". In the second stage, the top five builds of each faction from the first stage will be scored based on basic predetermined criteria: up to 10 points for the concept and appropriateness to the objective, up to 25 points for your execution of the build, and up to 5 points for your presentation of the entry. If we don't have more than 10 players per team, only the top 3 entries will move on to the second round of judging. For builders who make it to the second stage, their second stage total is added to their first stage points, and that total is divided by two and a half. You can earn a maximum of 20 points in each episode. The amount of points you earn is also the amount of XP your character earns. This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Post pictures no larger than 1024x768, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. The Prizes: All the players on the winning faction will receive this tag (actual tag subject to change) to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index. If Imperial and Rebel forces win, they will share control of Coruscant (for freebuilds), and each side may choose one unclaimed planet to seize from Black Sun. If Black Sun wins, each faction will lose control of two randomly selected planets. You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges.
The goal for each side is to show a scene from their player's home planet. Or at least a planet their player has called home at one point in their lives (basically, if you can write a story for it, it will work). Your player does not have to be on the planet built, her/she can be having a flash-back. But if you chose to use a flash-back please include a shot of your main character in some way still. Each entry must include enough aspects to distinguish the location built as being from the unique planet chosen by the player. For example, a build set on Mon Calamari would need to include more than just water. The Rules: Both factions may depict every day life on any canonical or legends Star Wars planet. Ideas for what the planets look like can be found on the SoNE Map thread or on Wookiepedia. At the end of the episode each planet (not previously controlled by either faction) built on will fall under the control of the faction that built there. If both factions build on the same planet, whichever faction wins the episode will gain control of the planet. Planets already under the control of a faction can still be built on but will not change hands regardless of who builds on it. Some examples of new planets are Ring of Kafrene, Eadu, Wobani, Scarif, Jedha, etc. All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Nar Eurbrikka subforum, the title prefixed by, "[SoNE Ep. XIV]" and the Planet depicted (For example, "[SoNE Ep. XIV] Wobani - Slumming It Home") The appropriateness, accuracy, and creativity involved in your interpretation of the identified planet will weigh heavily in the points you are rewarded. All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. There are no restrictions on the size/form/content of the builds, as long as they follow the above described goals. The Episode will run from February 1st to March 15th. As long as it is still March 15th somewhere in the world, you can still enter. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the episode and will not be eligible to receive points or XP. Entries will be judged according to the Core Rules: Your build will be scored in two stages, to make it easier on the judges by lessening the number of builds that must be scored in greater detail: In the first stage, the judges will award a score from 1-10, with a '1' being "Minifig on a Plate", a '5' being "Your Average MOC" and a '10' being "Flawless Concept and Execution". In the second stage, the top five builds of each faction (so ten in total) from the first stage will be scored based on basic predetermined criteria: up to 10 points for the concept and appropriateness to the objective, up to 25 points for your execution of the build, and up to 5 points for your presentation of the entry. If we don't have more than 10 players per team, we will skip the second round of judging. That means both teams need at least 10 players for the second round to happen. For builders who make it to the second stage, their second stage total is added to their first stage points, and that total is divided by two and a half. You can earn a maximum of 20 points in each episode. The amount of points you earn is also the amount of XP your character earns. This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Post pictures no larger than 1000x720, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. The Prizes: From the Core Rules: Your faction will receive points based on two factors: Points: The average number of points per builder. Builders: Two points for each builder. [*]These two totals are added to each other, and the faction with the higher total is the winner. All the players on the winning faction will receive this tag (actual tag subject to change) to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index. The winning team will get control of all planets they've built on. The loosing team will get control of all planets they built on that the winning team did not build on. The player who receives the most total individual points, regardless of team, is guaranteed a spot among the next set of the blog's Showcased MOCs. (This member must still be able to provide a picture big enough and of suitable quality to be used in the Showcased banner.) You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges.