Location: D04 Terrial Minor - inside a Kawashitan Frigate
Tags: MANTIS, piracy, military, spaceship interior
AG: Frigate Raid by David FNJ, on Flickr
Double D's log 13:
We've managed to break into a Kawashitan Frigate in one of its open hallways, and we have located our target. We are after the Kawashitan strategic plans which are encoded inside a funny looking device. We have been tracking the device's movement on the frigate for some time, and now that it is in the open it is our time to strike. They should know that we don't like other corporations moseying around in our territory, and this device will make our attacks more effective later.
The Kawashitan commander will not escape the hand of M.A.N.T.I.S.
Okay, so he got away, but we got the device! Now to head out of here before the rest of the Kawashitan security force arrives!
~ DD out
Here are some extra shots of the build.
Sci-Fi crates!
Bonus pictures of behind the scenes