See the rest of the story:Season 1Season 2Season 3Fleshing Out the ProblemBothan Data HubParting WaysSurrender Would Have Been An OptionTo Catch a Thief Imperial Detention Center
Jail Time (yet to be built)
OoC: So I didn't get time to build my Jail MOC before the contest deadline. I have the build planned and the story ready, but you'll have to wait to find out how my character escapes!
Coruscant didn't seem like the smartest place for a ship full of Rebels to be flying to, but MKJoshA wasn't the one in charge now.
The quarters were cramped with so many of them aboard the modified police gun-ship. But at least they weren't prisoners any more.
As they entered the planet's atmosphere, the pilot yelled, "You all have to see this! Looks like we're too late to help the Alliance take out Xizor. The fight has already begun!"
He opened the bay doors...
... right as one of Xizor's Star Vipers flew past!
More pictures of the Star Viper:
It was heading into space, towards the skyhook, and it was being chased by a Rebel Alliance A-Wing.
"Rebel ship, this is Blue Squadron. You're in a battle zone. Clear these air traffic lanes unless you want to get shot at."
Our ship vectored off into a safer part of the atmosphere while Blue Squadron chased down a swam of Star Vipers.
They made a significant difference in the battle.