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Many Moons Ago... The creature awakes in pain. He opens his eyes, and sees a foreboding sight... His hand, chained to a pillar. He whips his head around, and sees that his other hand, and indeed all of his limbs, were chained down. He struggles, the chains budging, but not breaking. The ground beneath him rumbles and quakes, the tremors filling the trapped beast with dread. The urgency sets in, and the creature struggles more. It tries to gnaw through its binds, but it was to no avail. It tries to stand up, but feels shooting pain through his back as he draws to full height - a sword was lodged in his back. With the catacombs sinking around him, death looming, a single syllable escapes from the dragon's mouth... "FAUST." Present Day... Five heroes exit the hall, the afternoon sun dangling above the group. As per the instructions of their regal client, they head towards the docks, the smell of brine and fish drifting through the air. Careful to avoid confrontation with some of Eubric's seedier citziens, they make their way through the bustling city, eventually finding their client: Faust, king of Moone. "You're here." says Sandman, checking to make sure his handcannon was loaded. "And not a second too soon. You're all here, yes?" The king casts a discerning glance towards the group of five, waiting for them to confirm they were there. Those five heroes were... The Party: Skrall (Waterbrickdown) 81 year old Male Ogre Hunter Flynn Flisperer, Lind Whisperer, The Grey Foxer (Lind Whisperer) 21-year-old elf Karie Alderflask-Cour, A True Hero (Kintobor) 24? Year Old Human Female Witch Warlen Melimane, Eulalia's Knight (The Chosen Minifigure) 23 year old male half-elf Mystic Knight Jinnipher Buchaire (JimBee) 76-year-old female Moon Elven Knight QM Note: Welcome to Fade To Black! As always, you folks have 24 hours to confirm. I'll post the hero stats when all of you do your shopping at the marketplace.