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  1. Hey everybody! After my participation in the 80s challenge on LEGO IDEAS, I submitted ''Bob Ross: Studio & Paintings'' with changes as a product idea. We have nearly 5,000 votes in just over a month! I hope you like it and I will appreciate if you consider supporting it on the LEGO IDEAS website. Feel free to leave feedback or ask questions. :) Project link: https://ideas.lego.com/s/p:55877fc73d204a70855ca159c1a3d941 My creating is an art gallery with Bob Ross his studio from ‘’The Joy of Painting’’ and six famous paintings. You can arrange the art gallery walls by your choise, for example by folding it like a heart. The build is multifunctional, so there is the ability to detach paintings and display them as picture frames, or hang them on a real wall.
  2. Studio 2.0 (or rather, "Part Designer") is able to export to LDraw. Unfortunately Bricklink has chosen to roll out their own standard for texture mapping, rather than following the official spec. I do not care for the reason for Bricklink to go this way. It personally took me almost a month to implement it, so I fully understand if they wanted to choose something less complex. Instead I would like to dedicate this thread to converting between the two formats. In order to do this, we have to understand the format that Studio exports to. If you want to jump directly to a live demo, then please click "3D" on the page I have set up here. When creating a new part in Part Designer, you can choose either "Minifig", "Decorated Part" or "Create Part From Scratch". I will start with "Decorated Parts" and take the two other options later. Update! The new location for Studio2LDraw is https://brickhub.org/i/apps/studio2ldraw.htm Using the checker.png by Nils from the LDraw forum and some basic gradient picture, I have created test files for most of the decorated parts currently available from Part Designer The Studio "LDraw" File Format - Findings Exporting to LDraw from the Part Designer will result in .dat files containing something along the lines of: 0 FILE studio_test_1_8_checker.dat 0 Brick 1 x 8 checker 0 Name: studio_test_1_8_checker.dat 0 Author: 0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 BFC CERTIFY CCW 0 PE_TEX_PATH -1 0 PE_TEX_INFO iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN(...)uQmCC 1 16 0.0000 -24.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 s/3008s01.dat 3 16 -80.000 -24.000 -10.000 -80.000 0.000 -10.000 80.000 0.000 -10.000 0.045 0.955 0.045 0.045 0.955 0.045 3 16 -80.000 -24.000 -10.000 80.000 0.000 -10.000 80.000 -24.000 -10.000 0.045 0.955 0.955 0.045 0.955 0.955 Please note that I have inserted the "!LICENSE" line in order to ensure that the files may be shared and used. The commands "PE_TEX_PATH" and "PE_TEX_INFO" are proprietary from Studio. I have not yet found a "PE_TEX_PATH" command that does not say "-1", so let's ignore it for now. The other command has a base64 encoded picture as the argument. The geometry lines have one sub part (in this case "s/3008s01.dat") and 2 or more triangle lines. I have yet to see any file being generated with quads, lines or any other content after the encoded picture. The Encoded Picture The base64-encoded picture is not simply the picture you upload to Part Designer. It will be processed. I have found that the encoded picture is scaled up and has been given a transparent border. I do not know why the border is added - perhaps someone can give me some insight here. Computing Projections In the LDraw specification you have to specify how to project a texture onto underlying geometry. Unfortunately the exported LDraw files from Studio do not contain any other information than what I have stated above. You thus have to take each part one-by-one and compute your own LDraw TEXMAP projections. I have found the following heuristic works for most of the supported parts (see exceptions in the section below): 1) Take the minimal axis-aligned 3D bounding box of all the points of the triangles. Call this box B. Let Bx, By, and Bz be its length along the X, Y and Z-axes, respectively. 2) Expand B by 10% in each direction to account for the border introduced to the picture. 3) If 2*By < Bx and 2*By < Bz, then assume the projection should be performed on an XZ plane. Otherwise, project onto an XY plane. 4) No matter the projection, choose the points for the planar projection defined in the LDraw specification to be corners from B. Exceptions: 2x4 Brick and 2x2x2 Slope For the parts "Brick 2 x 4" and "Slope 2 x 2 x 2" you can choose two pictures for decorating the front and back of the part. For the 2x4 brick, the two pictures get merged into a single picture - the front picture on top and the back picture below. There will be 4 triangles in the LDraw file - the two first for the front side, and the other for the back side. For the 2x2x2 slope, the two pictures also get merged into a single picture, however, this time they are side-by-side: Front picture on the left and rear picture on the right. For both exceptions, I have had to introduce "magical numbers" in order to get a proper alignment of projections. Please see the source code here for how to compute projections in JavaScript for the buildinginstructions.js project. Non-Standard Alignment of Sub-Part and Geometries Please take a look at the line for the sub part: 1 16 0.0000 -24.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 s/3008s01.dat The positioning is off: Normally you would place the sub part at (0, 0, 0), but here it is at (0, 24, 0). This position has to be translated so that the sub part is at (0, 0, 0) in order for the custom part to appear correctly. You have to subtract the position of the sub part from all the positions of the triangles as well. By following the observations above, I have been able to create the converter from Studio LDraw to standard LDraw as seen in the source code here for. This is what powers the 3D viewer here. As you can see, there are still some precision issues - most noticeably on the 1 x 8 tile where the "10% rule" doesn't seem to work perfectly. Another issue is that I cull textured surfaces on transparent parts, while Studio does not. Please tell me if you have other observations. My plan for now is to continue with Minifigs.
  3. Hey guys! I have made some custom parts for Stud.io which I wanted to share with you! First of all I added the connectivity to the files of the Big Ben Bricks drivers. In addition I used them as a basis to make part files for the #13 (XXL) drivers as well as thin train wheels in sizes #6, #7 and #9 (MS, M and L using the old naming convention). custom drivers for Studio by ScotNick1, on Flickr Also I created parts for the windows which are in develoment by Fx Bricks: Fx Bricks train windows for Studio by ScotNick1, on Flickr Here are the links for downloading the files: Train Wheels Train Windows Best is to download the whole folder as a package. I also included a text file with instructions how to add the parts to your custom parts library. Keep in mind that some of the dimensions might not be 100% correct, but they are pretty close and have always worked out for me so far While I didn't have any problems rendering the wheels I did run into problems rendering the glass panes of the Fx Bricks windows in trans-clear. Let me know if you run into any problems or struggle with adding the parts! Hope this will be helpful to you! Cheers, Nick
  4. Update July 2024: My described tool here is considered DEPRECATED as the ldraw site has implemented a functionality to download complete .zip files with all needed subparts / assemblies. Scenario: You are in the situation in which you miss some LEGO parts in Studio but have seen them in LDRAW (unofficial) library. Maybe you tried to resolve all the references to all sub-assembly-files once by hand or had a look at the dependencies with some other tools - as I am working in IT and love to automate things and thought "I can't be bothered with doing this manually". And as I want to contribute something back to the lovely community of people I put it online in May 2022 and gave it some little updates inbetween: The LDraw to Studio Exporter (https://www.reum.it/ldraw-to-studio-exporter/) Description This tool is designed to import parts which are available in LDraw, but not in Studio. From the LDraw part number, it zips all relevant sub elements (there can be many!) into a part pack. Howto Visit the LDraw Parts Lookup Search for your part of choice & copy the number Enter this number into the below searchfield A list of all fitting parts from the catalogue will show up - clicking the entries will create a zip package with just the needed parts To use the packs, unzip them and place their contents in your "C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\Stud.io\CustomParts" (Windows) The parts will then be available in Custom Parts palette of Studio Screenshots Entry-Page Example result for query "47373" Details of the zipfile structure of an example part Here is an example of the structure and the needed subparts for one Shock Absorber ("47373-f1"): Some example results as direct links of parts missing in Studio: 65151-f1.zip - Technic Shock Absorber 11L Soft (Extended) 65151-f2.zip - Technic Shock Absorber 11L Soft (Compressed) 47373-f1.zip - Technic Shock Absorber 11L/9L (in Extended Position, not Pre-Tensioned) 47373-f2.zip - Technic Shock Absorber 11L/9L (in Extended Position, Pre-Tensioned) 47373-f3.zip - Technic Shock Absorber 11L/9L (in Compressed Position, not Pre-Tensioned) 47373-f4.zip - Technic Shock Absorber 11L/9L (in Compressed Position, Pre-Tensioned) Updates January 2023: Fix: Nightly refresh of LDraw unofficial files working now, it was buggy before and stuck on the releases from ~August 2022 version Feature: Unofficial files may be downloaded via a new checkbox. Searches are exclusive here, so having the checkbox set means it only goes through the unofficial list (but may grab sub assemblies from the official, where needed) UI: Added Dark Mode awareness UI: Added Font-Awesome Icons for downloads UI: Some tweaks (all professional webdesigners: hush hush, nothing to see here... don't look at my nasty css quirks :P) May 2023: Fix: Textures are now included (they werent before..)
  5. Are there any Digital / comic creators out there? I know they exist, I belong to them on Discord. Kind regards
  6. Hey all, I organised an LDD contest on my youtube channel and I've received some designs in LDD and Stud.io format. The ones from LDD (*.LXF) can be opened in Stud.io, but not the other way around. The winning design is a Stud.io file. I've uploaded it to a Bricklink Baseplate but I can't find anywhere how to generate a building guide. I can click "step view", but it doesn't do anything (the desing appears to have 2 steps with all the changes in the first step). Is this where the building guide should be?? 1. Is there a way to generate a building guide in Stud.io, if so how? 2. If I can convert the Stud.io file into an LDD file, I could open it in LDD and use the Buidling Guide view mode but it seems this is not possible? Do you have encountered this problem? I really need a solution, since the design has over 1500 parts I hope you can help me out!
  7. Here's what I mean (the 1x1 plate): Basically this is to make sure the user who reads instructions won't miss that part. I cannot find an option in Studio to make it stand out like that. I know how to make an arrow pointing to a piece, but I also want an image of that piece to highlight it. For example I have a modified brick in my instructions that faces away from the user - so it looks like a regular brick instread of the one with a hole - I want to make sure people know what to use and where...
  8. I have made this topic to share my train designs with the Eurobricks community. Here is a quick Moc I made this morning in Bricklink Studio before breakfast. It is a simple diesel shunter with no motor and old style wheels. I will be making a motorized version to and will put in in this topic once completed along with more train stuff. I also will try to make the studio files for most trains available. Here are some pictures; studio file HERE.
  9. How can I add torsos, faces etc of the pirates from the set 21322 to Studio?
  10. How can I make my minifigs hold tiles, like maps for example? cannot work it out
  11. I.e. I want to put this pistol: inside this box: I can use the hinge option on pistol to make it look like it's in a natural position, but when placing it on top of the box it doesn't let me fit it there. This is how I'd like it to look:
  12. So I'm building a MOC in Studio and want to fully slide those technic pins inside the 6 x 1 brick from the bottom (image of how far the software allows me to do it should explain it below). Is there a way to do it in Studio? I'm just learning how to use it, so apologies if it's a basic thing to do.
  13. Hi all, Now that Studio’s Eyesight has been open sourced, I managed to build and run it natively on Linux 🥳 and to make Studio use it seamlessly 🥳🥳 and with the GPU too 🥳🥳🥳🥳 If someone wants to give it a try, I wrote a howto.
  14. Two years passed since I've started to make this art. I like Warhammer Universe and fantasy, but real life leaves its mark on every aspects of our life. Hobby too. The region of Azov sea a tasty piece for the orcs. Unfortunately, after 86 days of siege the big industrial city fell. This art dedicated to all defanders of Mariupol and Azovstal plant. Fearless, and brave defenders against limitless hordes of invaders. I made a lot of test renders and sketches...
  15. Ever since the hack, Studio has been acting a little weird with colours. Building Pixel-Dan's large T6 and plagued by parts showing as unavailable in colours I know they exist in and Bricklink also confirms. The worst example being 24316 - 3L axle with stop. This is only avaiable in one colour, Reddish Brown, and yet Studio flags this as unavailable. The colour validator however does not recognise there being an unavailable colour to fix. Fortunately, if you export an XML it does import into bricklink with the correct colour without a hitch.
  16. As SvenF shared his awesome entires to the ReBrick Modular Contest, I thought I'd do the same! Remember, maximum is 16x16, yellow-faced minifigures only and must add to any of the existing modulars. Having said that, let's begin with.... Donatello's Art Studio: An old-style art studio, with all sorts of details and painings. Talking of which, there are three of them reminiscent of real ones: A map of Europe on the back wall, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer and The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. Donatello is the blonde guy's nickname, honouring Donatello the Renaissance Italian painter, the other two bearded minifigs are the judges; they'll decide whether Donatello's work is worth an exhibition or it's just a mere copy of old work... . Would be located on the 1st floor of Pet Shop's brown building. Right now it is at 5th position of the most liked entries, with over 350 views! Jean's Bakery: A modern, sleek bakery, with a vintage touch! White bricks, chequered floor, palet tables are jst some of my favorite details in this one. Jean, as you can imagine, owns this bakery in the south of France, there would be a crêpe-o-maker, but there was no space availabe for that. What there was space for, though, was Jean's second favourite thing: music, and not any sort of music, but classical music. That's why he has the today unused machines there were to play it: a grampohone and a record player. Would be located on Assembly Square's blue building ground floor, instead of that rather boring café. Jean's Bakery is clocking 31 likes with only 300 views, and at 3rd position! Thanks for bearing with me and my long speech, leave comments if you liked it!
  17. G'day Everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. Recently sat down with @pennyforge for an interview following a presentation he did on digital LEGO at London AFOLs. He goes through an introduction to digital modelling, rendering and instruction creation, comparing the pros and cons of popular digital tools like LDD, LDCad and Stud.io. I learnt a lot from the presentation so thought it had to be captured so others could also see it. We cover his letters to LEGO script We also cover his Voxel script Would love to hear anyones thoughts. Anything you learned from it?
  18. Hello everyone, I ventured a bit into stud.io lately and wanted to have Technic planetary wheel hub 46490c01 from set 42099 so after some investigation and suggestions from facebook and instagram I managed to create three separate parts with all connections between them and "the outer world" as well. Feel free to check it out in my bricksafe folder. I suggest putting all three parts together and group them. The hub and the socket can be rotated independently. I hope you find it useful and would appreciate your opinions, especially if you do find any mistakes in geometry or connections. All credits for creating *.dat files for the parts for LDraw go to @Philo - thank you very much. Best regards, Miha
  19. Hello! My first Lego mech. Light construction adapted to work in M-Tron complexes. Easy to configure - there is a possibility to quick change kind of arms. There is a number and type of machine on left arm - LM63 - Light Mech, number 63. I had a lot of issues during rendering, flex element was invisible after render, so I decided to remove that element and use other solution. I hope you enjoy it :) M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr M-Tron Light Mech by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr
  20. Hello! This time other fraction, Wolfpack. This is one of my favourite nation of Lego Castle. Maybe that gatehouse will be a part of something bigger :) I want to build big fortress based on modular elements, which could be useable in other models. But I’m not sure that my computer has enough power, we will see ;) Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr Wolfpack’s Stronghold Gatehouse by Ryszard Bosiak, on Flickr
  21. Hi, My friend and I are working together on a project. He sent me a studio project file which I wish to open in LDD. I didn't manage to find an .lxf option in Stud.io's export menu. Could anyone help?
  22. Hi, I am working in Studio 2.0, and almost done with my design. But when I do the instruction, I notice that I misuse part 4459(pin with friction with central slot) for part 2780(pin with friction without central slot). So the question is, is there a easy way to replace part of one type to another type in studio? Thanks.
  23. When you want to create instructions for your models how do you do that? Is there any better alternatives then generating them in LDD? I tried Studio, but it seems to be a lot of work for more complex models.
  24. These MOCs are fan concepts of my idea of what sets of a School subtheme for LEGO City would look like. In 2018 LEGO City went back to things they already done before, which being Police Forest, Mining and Arctic. Least 2019 is going to the combine of Airport and Police, along with there being mix of other city related things. But with all these Movie Maker being part of these 3 LEGO Movies, LEGO has yet to bring back Studio as a City Subtheme. So this is my concept idea for sets of a Studio Subtheme for city, and for the fun of it, it's making a big reference to Jack Stone. Minifigure: The director would have the look based on the director from the old Studio theme, I think to save a bit of money on new printing, the face could reuse the old man from the outdoor people pack. Workers would have new torso printing of having name tags, or leg printing of having name tag on the left or right leg instead while the torso could be any civilian cloth. The robbers and Jack Stone would obviously be heavy based on the original along with two of the robbers (no prisoner uniform hidden behind, but I’m pretty sure a guy in a red suit and messy cloth would be obvious already) and I think Han Solo hair would be the most fitting for Jack’s hair. MOCs Golf Cart Target price: $5 Pieces: 60 Minifig: Any fig related to Studio Sticker: 0-1 (hood with Studio logo) I try to target under $10 when making this. While this is to only have 1 minifigure, I try to make it where at least a 2nd minifigure could be put on the back, however that failed so I made a place to put the camera and other stuff in. But there is a mixel joint to make something for the cart to drag along. Accessory would be a camera. Robber Get Away and JackMobile Robber Get Away Target Price $10 Pieces: 73 Minifig: Robber Though this would be more to the police, this one could be tie together with that and the Studio subtheme of being one of the robber actor but with a prisoner uniform. Thinking of what vehicle I wanted to make for the Robber, a Hot Rod come to mind, and red was a no brainer (cop vs. robber, blue vs. red). Thankfully it was easy to add the open doors to this compare to Jack’s Sports car, I even added a book cover for the windscreen. And for a small thing on the side is a fence and chicken. The Jackmobile Target price $10 Pieces: 106 Minifig: Jack Stone I went with a sports car for Jack’s vehicle and decided to use the Speech Champions wheels along with the add-on, also thinking that the book cover piece sense they make great windscreen with no studs on it. I try to make this look like it have 2 seats even though it only holds one minifigure, this is just so I could add doors on the side Cycle Chase Scene / Camera Car This one have two concept version, one with two bikes and one with a single bike but a roof camera attachment. With the car I added a book piece for the front and a snowboard for the back, just to give people some recolor of those pieces. Camera Car: Target price: $15-$20 Minifigure: robber, two studio worker Pieces: 127 Sticker: 0-3 (Studio logo on car door, number 2 on motorcycle) Cycle Chase Scene: Target price: $20 or less Pieces: 106 Minifig: Jack Stone, Robber, Studio worker Stickr: 0-6 (Both side of car door, Jack’s bike, robber’s bike). Cycle Chase Scene target price is around $20, as it have 2 motorcycle and car like two police set that were at the same price (60042 & 60137). Helicopter Rescue Pieces: 237 Target Price: $25-$35 Sticker: 5 - 6 (Studio logo on drone, helicopter with Jack’s logo on front, side and tail) Minifigure: Studio Worker, Jack Stone, civilian I wanted to have the propellers to use to contraction blades in a city just to add something different, along with not having the piece count lower by a lot because of a multiple large pieces. I was thinking of either adding another small Helicopter or a drone, and I choose the latter; so I look at the sets with drone to see what I could do differently with mine. I went with using 3 pieces to make a 2 blade propeller instead of 3 and use a camera piece for its eye. To add some side stuff I went with a dolphin (meant to be fake shark) and a rope latter that can be attach on to the copter. Bank Heist Scene Target Price: $60 - $100 Minifigure: 2 Studio worker, Director, Bank Worker, Jack Stone, 2 Robber Pieces: 584 (565 without the extra pillar) Sticker: 1- 6 (bank sign, bikes, picture, carpet) Though the amount of studio related stuff in this is small, I try to think of what would be the big thing for this sub-theme, I went with a bank heist, along with the first floor window can easily be pushed out, instead of the whole building exploding like the original Studio set ‘1352 Explosion Studio’. The window are blue as blue screen that are used in filming, it also leave the excuse to not put anything behind the window of the front part of the building. (there’s two pin holes on the side to be place side by side with modular buildings With color scheme it was hard to choose from white or tan with dark green or blue, but decided on tan and dark green, also adding some plants and a clock for detail. I choose to have the inside to be separate to have the volt for the robbers to try and break in. Also have a office for a 2nd floor so if people have extra window screen in trans-blue/black/clear, it can be change to a normal bank.
  25. Hello guys , I desperately need a stud.io expert's help : I am doing builds for Star Wars factions using LDD and stud.io and I've stumbled upon some roadblocks in my use of Stud.io. Namely : 1) I cannot find any way to make parts that are supposed to be dual-molded be two different colors. For example I want a minifig's legs to be tan in their upper area , with dark bluish grey as the "boots"/lower part. Another example is a doctor who sonic screwdriver - I want the "body" to be pearl grey but the "light bulb" on top to be a trans green or trans blue . Is there any way , direct or indirect , to achieve that ? 2) What I also looked for , but could not find , was a way to use my own custom decals on , say a minifig torso . Is there any way of accessing the decoration/decal database of the programm and adding my own / replacing an existing one with my own ? If this has been answered / covered elsewhere , feel free to lock / delete the topic and point me to the right direction. Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to help.
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