I'm building a swinging ship to go with my amusement park. I'm trying to drive the thing with a large rubber tire underneath it, but I'm out of my depth when it comes to gears. I need the wheel to spin clockwise for a few seconds and then switch to counter-clockwise. I have tried using a power functions switch, but without enough momentum to flip it, it always gets stuck in the middle off position. I tried using the remote and the IR sensor and manually controlling it, but I'm running my PF motors off of the old 9V train controllers, and there isn't enough power that way to run the IR sensor. I don't want to go with batteries. I wish there was a wall power option for the PF product line, but there isn't. So now I'm trying to create a gearbox that periodically reverses direction, but everything I've tried is close, but not quite there. Does anyone have the know how to create a gearbox that reversed the output direction every 2-4 seconds?