Hi guys and girls.
Today I will show you a wagon I built a few months ago. The first version I built in july 2012 and the first short version of it nearly one year later.
In the beginning all my tankcars were used by z-oil (zentral oil), a virtual competitor of octan oil, because the only possible color of the wagons was dark purple. (the white cylinder panel was very expensive, but I could bought some cheap zurg-sets).
But I hoped that lego give us these panels in dark or light bluish gray. In march 2015 was the time for this part. I found it in set 76038 and ordered 36 of these cylinders in the united states. So I finally could build some gray tankcars:
The gray version drives for a lot of different companys, like "x2" or for a the greek company "oλ" (called o'kronlambda) (filled with compressed air :) )
Now I made a building instruction for this tankcar. I'm sorry, that the text is in german, but you only need the pictures to rebuild it. Here you can find the instruction.