It was a sunny evening.
The evil pirate captain was reflecting about his latest prey.
Yes, it had been easier to capture the Banana Boat....
Second Speaker: We are making progress.
First Speaker: Excellent news. A banana shake?
Second Speaker: Yes, please.
(No Sea Rat was harmed during the course of these events)
C&C welcome.
Here is the Simian-Plan storyline:
1 MRCA Result April & May: Sunk and Taken by Pirates
2 Has Brickinson gone mad?
3 The End of a Pirate
4 Visiting a Pirate Island
5 A Dream Within A Dream
6 Pirate Hunter King Archibald
7 Woe is me!
8 The Black Moustache and his Green Flying Dutchman
9 ... but I have signed the contract ....
10 Now, what have we got here ...
11 The Great Escape
12 Please don't dive ....
13 The Brickinson Case
14 Island in the Sun