Hi all, I'm sure there's another topic about this somewhere, apologies if there is, and if this needs to be moved that's fine.
Anyway, I picked up the coporate alliance droid tank and it's now sitting at one of my shelves at home, why?- as soon as I had brought it and had taken it home there was a slight rip on the side of the box, my camera isn't working at the moment so I haven't got any pictures but where the tabs are on the box, the
rip is below that. Anyway, I'm not going to take the risk of
opening it just in case some the figures are missing, then again,
it could just be a small tear... The question is though should I
return it or should I open it? I mainly got the set for Jango Fett
and it would be a shame if he wasn't there because someone
had taken him out.
Has this hapened to anyone before?