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This MOC of author H.G. Wells' time-traveling vehicle from the novel 'The Time Machine' (specifically this MOC is inspired by the excellent 1960 movie version) was designed by user D3ner over on Rebrickable. You can see those free instructions here, though it requires major modifications to be buildable in real life. My brother re-built that MOC digitally in Studio and edited it for me to make it more stable and look better. This model completes my Time Machine collection* and has technically been built since mid-December, but wasn't completed until today when my brother found me an Steampunk Inventor fig from CMF series 27 at Walmart. (Thanks bro!) The Inventor fig fits perfectly with the time machine, and his hat just barely fits over the top of the seat, almost like they were made for each other. *My five time machines include: Bill & Ted's Phonebooth The TARDIS BTTF Time Train BTTF DeLorean H.G. Wells' Time Machine Thoughts? (Also, @Peppermint_M, if you think this belongs somewhere else, feel free to move it where you see fit. I honestly wasn't sure where to put this MOC.)
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- h.g. wells
- steampunk
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Location: H04 - Crofter's Ridge (The time machine is currently located on H04, and the traveler is tied to the machine) Tags: Land Vehicle, Space Vehicle Previously... Credit Where It Is Due The Wrong Hands Chasing Time Aketi Outpost, a bustling city located on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. 1st Novembrinali, AD 3800. *bazoomp* *flash of blinding light that I'm too lazy to edit in* Jebediah O'Reilly: "Oof!" Jebediah O'Reilly: "Where am I? Maybe the question I should be asking is when am I?" Jebediah O'Reilly: "Let's figure out the basics, then I can get down to business. Let's hope Blendin hasn't lost his head..." Bank Attendant: "Welcome to City Bank. How may I help you?" Jebediah O'Reilly: "What's the date today?" Bank Attendant: "The date? It's Novembrinali 1st, of course." Jebediah O'Reilly: "Yes, yes, I know that, but the year?" Bank Attendant: "3800 AD, what else would it be?" Jebediah O'Reilly: "It worked... Thank you." Intercom: "Bank closes in 5 minutes." Jebediah O'Reilly: "Closing already? It's the middle of the day!" Bank Attendant: "You haven't heard? An organization calling themselves the Serpent's Head have been targeting large corporations. Last week they bombed the Octansoft tower on the other side of the district! All the banks have been on high alert and they've cut our hours in half. Have you been living under a rock?" Jebediah O'Reilly: "Oh, I've heard of them..." *bang* *crash* Blenjamin Blandin: "Oi, U-u-u-unhand me, y-y-you fiend!" Policemen: "You're under arrest for disturbing the peace. Stop struggling, you will only make it harder on yourself..." Blenjamin Blandin: "S-s-stop! I-i-i'm from the future!" Jebediah O'Reilly: *facepalm* TO BE CONTINUED... Thanks for looking! Comments & criticism welcome, as always. Please, excuse my awful attempt at background removal on the first picture.
I was wondering if there is any guidance on the passage of calendrical time in BoBS? Is there some kind of timeline of current events as they get MOC'ed? It says on the BoBS intro page that the year is 615, and that was written last year so if we are following real time it must now be 616, right? Maybe its 17th February 616? But then it presumably takes several months to sail to New Terra and nobody wants to wait for their sigfig to make that journey in real time, equally many of the bigger builds would take months of real time, so maybe the game is going faster than real time? Anyone got any ideas or guidance on this? And just so you don't think I'm a total dork, I don't mind what the answer is, I just want to keep my sigfig's adventures within the bounds of the space time continuum. I realise we're all here to have fun, not to create a perfectly realistic parrallel world!
Hi everyone, here is my review of the Lego Adventure Time Ideas set. It is scheduled for release early 2017, I was lucky enough to get it early. I've had it for about a week or so, finally uploaded the review now. Set number 21308, ages 9+, 496pcs, Let me know what you guys think of the set. Overall if you are into Adventure Time, I think you will like it. It displays very nicely. The downside would be the price - it is a licensed theme, as well as an "Ideas" set, which definitely brings the price up. Enjoy!
I have 5 words for you : Villainous Time Traveling Hypnotist Gnomes. So what is this theme? Well the story behind it is that Professor Bronwyn Saturnis has been working on a scientific breakthrough but has run out of funds for the project so she has to turn to a mysterious backer to support her project. But this mysterious backer turns out to the heir to evil, the cruel lord Olpud, son of Ogel! He uses Saturnis's project ,a form of temporal energy, to power an array of time travelling devices! Recruiting the Hyp-gnomes he gathers an army of hypnotised warriors from across history to help he take over the world! Feeling at least slightly responsible for this turn of events Saturnis find herself a team of champions from across time to help her defeat Olpud and hyp-gnomes, Namely: Leo The Spartan prince, Beo the Geatish folkhero, Neo the intergalactic explorer, Cleo the Egyptian Icon, and Theo the American progressive. They must find the pendulum tower, to seek out Hyp-Gnomes not loyal to Olpud's cause who may teach them how the free the hypnotised army from across history so that they might turn them against their kidnapper and commander. SET 1: Hyp-Gnome Time Machine £8.99 - 91 parts ( 80 if we exclude the minifig parts ) Hyp-Gnome time machine 3 by Bismuth83, on Flickr A time machine for a gnome Hypnotist, Leo the spartan is there to stop the Hyp-Gnome from travelling back in time to hypnotise and kidnap warriors from across time to enlist them into Olpud's service. Inspired by the H.G.Wells time machine, it has a spinning time rotor and includes 2 minifigs Leo and a Hyp-Gnome. Set 2: Olpud's HQ - Anachronos Rock £129.99 - 1161 parts (1096 if we don't include the figures ) Olpud's HQ - Anachronos Rock In a foolish attempt to demoralise the champions, Olpud is holding hostage something precious to each of them in his headquarters. Find them hidden in the fortress: Theo's Horse, Cleo's Snake, Leo's Shield, Beo's Monster head, Neo's space helmet and Saturnis's energy hourglasses! These headquarters have plenty of features! with a removable Twin bucket hover catapult with room to store it in the cave, a booby trapped floor in the grey castle tower to drop trespassers into the pit below. There's 5 working cannons and 2 working catapults ( the ammo is include in the build, 4 blue cannisters on the hover catapult and 2 yellow spikeballs on the large catapult. you can separate the fortress into 3 separate sections for better access. you can see across the set the stolen pets and items from the champions. the time energy can be placed into skull totem to power up Olpud's time crown! There's a launcher on top the tower to knock the watchman out of their post. Includes minifigures of : Professor Saturnis (hiking outfit), Theo, Cleo, Neo, Olpud with time crown, Hyp-Gnome (medal piece repurposed as hypnotist's pendulum), Hypnotised Aztec warrior (baseball bat used as a stand it for themacuahuitl part from series 21) , Hypnotised Roman Solider, Hypnotised Persian warrior and a hypnotised Conquistador. Here I've used red eye's to show the 'hypnotised effect' If it were real they would all have unique faces with hypnotised swirly eyes on one side and normal faces on the other, so that you can free the warriors from the hypnosis. All of the names here have meaning, Saturnis is named for Saturn, roman equivalent to Kronos Greek god of time, Olpud is Duplo backwards (like how Ogel is lego backwards) ,hyp-gnome is an obvious portmanteau of hypnotist and Gnome and Champions themselves all share the eo ending and are mostly named for historical figures. Leo is named after king Leonidas of Sparta, Theo is named after Theodore Roosevelt, and Cleo is obviously named for Cleopatra, Beo and Neo are the odd ones out here as they aren't named for historical figure, with Beo being named after Beowulf and Neo meaning new as the future is new? will be new? whatever... Beo doesn't actually appear in either of the sets I've made (maybe I should have sneaked him into the time machine set) But I was trying develop an idea for a whole theme not just the sets I've built. I have not made a minifigure line up for the rest of the hypothetical sets so I'm only entering this theme into the first category. But for fun and to help flesh out the theme concept here is a brief outline of the full wave ( which I have not limited to 5 (as is required for category 2) as it's just for fun) Hypnotised warriors battlepack £14.99 - Hypnotised Pict, Hypnotised Joseon royal guard, Hypnotised roman soldier, Hypnotised Dahomey warrior - build is Camel drawn super-laser £24.99 - Cleo, Theo, Hypnotised Persian warrior, Hyp-gnome - the build is a camel drawn wagon with a huge futuristic cannon on it, it includes 2 camels (to pull the wagon) and a horse (for Theo to ride) War Elephant escape £34.99 - Carthaginian warrior x2, Theo (mountaineering outfit), Hypnotised Nubian archer, Hypnotised Aztec - moulded elephant from the city line with a brick built saddle and a rowboat with a hot air balloon modification. Time Lab £39.99 - Saturnis (hazmat suit), Neo (hazmat suit), Olpud (spacesuit), Hypnotised Incan warrior, Hypnotised Ninja - build is an interior of a lab with lots of play features. Champion's basecamp £59.99 - Leo, Neo (Casual outfit), Theo (Pyjamas), Saturnis (Pyjamas), Hypnotised Mongolian warrior, Hypnotised Saxon. - build is a ruined museum with a camp build into it with tents and bed etc. Pendulum tower £89.99 - Hyp-gnome (good)x3, Hyp-gnome (evil) x2, Leo (unarmoured), Beo (unarmoured), Saturnis (casual clothes) - build is a tall toadstool-esque tower with a large hanging pendulum and open back with interior rooms Raid on the Roman arena £139.99 - Roman soldiers x2, Gladiator x2, roman citizens x2, Roman senator, Hyp-Gnome, Hypnotised Redcoat, Hypnotised Samurai, Hypnotised Spaceman, Beo, Neo - the build is a roman coliseum under attack by a wild west style train that has been modified with spaceship parts to make it fly and equipped with weapons from several eras. edit: Accidently corrupted my renders so this took a little longer than it should have.... has going to post this about 8 hours ago.... (not that it took eight hours to render but I had other priorities)
Thrice upon a Time, in a city called Hill Valley California, there was a time machine made out of a Delorean sports car. But this is not about that device and it's many adventures, but a special steam engine that could also travel in time. It was known as... THE TIME TRAIN The Back to the Future (BTTF) Time Train "Jules Verne" has been made in real bricks, and is heavily inspired by he one Team BTTF had presented in their rejected LEGO Ideas model. In BTTF part III, the engine itself was really built, but the tender was CGI animated. The engine used in the film can be seen at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida On the original model, parts of it would spin and the engine could be motorized via Power Functions. I removed those features to save money and make it weight less. I did add working pistons to the model, though. The tender of the time train. "Doc" Emmett Brown (left) and his wife Clara (right) with the time train front and center. EDIT 4/14/15: I removed the cab interior and changed the orange parts on the tender, along with refining the front end. Also, the gizmo no longer spins. EDIT 5/9/18: Added newer pictures, revised the text, and changed some parts of the model to fit into a 10 wide space. EDIT 5/14/18: All but two Bricklink orders are in my hands, with one coming tomorrow and the other on it's way. EDIT 5/20/18: Added real life pictures and revised the text. EDIT 5/25/18: Added revised picture showing the working pistons. The updated LDD file for the finished model is available at Bricksafe.
Hi everyone, Lego World is getting close. Me and my brother will be there with 5 different landscapes and some Time Cruiser/Twister vehicles. This is my own version of the 6497 Twisted Time Train. The wheels can turn, the flames on the front and the skeleton on the car can turn as well. The ghost in the back hopes (is this the right word?) up and down. I already had a picture a few days ago, but it was a bit dark. A small movie of the build will follow. For more pictures look into my Flickr album. Questions and feedback are welcome. Sander
Hi everyone, I have build my own version of the 6492 Hypno Cruiser. It is motorized and I will add an IR receiver for the kids at Lego World next week. Here is a picture from another angle. The wheels and the propeller are connected and powered by a L-Motor of the Power Functions. For more pictures see my Flickr album. Feedback and questions are welcome. Sander
Hi all, This is my first post so I'll quickly introduce myself : Alex B. Sign, dad x2, judo practiser and AFOL. Thank you for accepting me in your creative community ! I'd like to share with you my MOC I've uploaded on Lego Idea website : The Station of Memories. The Station of Memories is a metaphor of past memories, when the family was gathering for special family events. It is a place out of time, another space-time in which everyone can connect and remember part of his/her life, out of the current everyday life. This is a simple and small family train station located in a pretty countryside little town. Please see samples below (very low quality). You'll find more details and more pics (better quality) about the concept on the Lego Ideas website here I hope you'll enjoy this concept ! If you like it you can support on Lego Ideas Website. Alex B. Sign
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- marcel proust
- time
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This my version of the 2018 Marvel Comics 'infinity War" set 76108 (Sanctum Sanctorum Showdown) for a 1920's-flavored steampunk take on a mad scientist trying to open a time doorway into the beginning of the universe using a time machine modeled after set 76109. (Quantum Realm Explorers) When the mad Scientist Dr. Floyd Hyde opened his doorway to the pre-big-bang time zone for the first time in 1914, he sent his wife Penny (wearing a makeshift gray pressure suit) into the open portal and waited for her quick return. Unfortunately, something happened and the portal itself destabilized and shut down as a safety precaution on it's own. Eleven years pass for the Scientist, who becomes obsessed with reuniting with his lost love, delving every dime and ounce of energy into creating the rescue craft and fixing the portal machine onto said flying time-craft. He finishes it in the middle of the year 1925. An eternity passes for Penny, yet she does not age a day. She is taken in by the Brothers Three, whom she nicknames Alpha, Beta, and Omega. These strange alien beings are the sole inhabitants of the pre-big bang, being the sole survivors of a great war (they may have started it) and becoming almost omnipotent in the process of floating in the vast unending void of space. The Brothers Three ask only one thing of their kindness and helping keep her alive in the harsh environment: when rescue inevitably comes for Penny, let them come with her through the portal so they can help mankind achieve it's "destiny". Let her be their "herald", telling the governments of earth all about their amazing powers and how they can help serve man. So, will Dr. Hyde get his wife back? Will Penny allow the Brothers to follow her through the portal? And just what is this destiny these three are talking about? The choice is up to YOU! L to R: Dr. Floyd Hyde, his wife Penny Hyde (in the gray pressure suit), and The Brothers Three (alien beings from before the big bang) The front of the building, with the conservatory to the rear. I replaced the center round window from the Sanctum Sanctorum with more regular windows to give the building a more average city building appearance instead of a superhero's one. The front of the building also features the year it was built: 1901. The rear of the building has a ground-floor conservatory. The rearmost window on the bottom floor opens up 90 degrees to allow for figure placement in the conservatory. As a side note, the original Marvel model's exploding walls and drop-floors have been removed. The means from getting from one floor to another is a spiral staircase, and a small skylight has been added to the roof. The inside feature's the following: The lower floor has a fireplace with clock on mantle, table with chair, oven, and lamp on a side table. The middle floor features a strange mask on a safe, curio cabinet and a bed, along with an ancient weapons display. The upper floor features a desk with some sort of electricity storage machinery, several flasks, two bookcases, and microscope. The dark red thing in the greenish jar is a beating human heart. This model was inspired by @hachiroku's Indiana Jones Desert Chase car, but remade to have a different color scheme for use with my Adventurer's mad scientist character. The doors to the passenger compartment can also open, and there are taillights on the rear of the car. The vehicle can seat one figure in the drivers seat, and one figure (or a small cargo container) can be placed behind that. Here is Antman's vehicle from set 76109 (Quantum Realm Explorers) as a 1920's-period time machine, as seen above in steampunk form. I fixed the rotating side engines, as these maddening objects are now (mostly) locked in the position shown but for the slight sideways (left / right) motion that I for the life of me can't seem to fix. Oh well, it just gets them closer to the main engine pod in the center, so no harm, no foul. EDIT: 3/5/19: Added new real world pictures and deleted the rest of the ldd screenshots. This project is now done.
Which set took you the longest to build? Mine would probably be Muaka & Kane-Ra from bionicle. It took me a long time and it gave me the worst case of "Technic Hand" I've ever had.
Hello all! Here are a few pictures of my upgrade to The DeLorean Time Machine set. If you have an upgrade to share, put a picture below so we can all see it!
Is it just me or didn't the forum clock switch to winter/normal time? Looks weird when it says "Your last visit was on ... 10:07 PM" when it's only 9:23 PM ;)