The Antivaxes ravaged the vaccination center. So with great evils, great remedies. Mecha shot vaccination equipped with 4 syringe Gatling guns, huge vaccine reservoir in the back, retention clamps and giant hydroalcoolbrick gel syringe cannons. And for the runaways, we hired Harley Quinn as our chief anesthesiologist ... who won't miss you ! Apocalypse, a small vaccination? by Horlack, sur Flickr
And for humor, in the blink of an eye:
- Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with Radioactive Man Pattern (71006), from the Simpsons set, with the dripping green slim.
Radioactive Man, the superhero, who "heals" all bad guys.
- Tile 2 x 4 with Flowers, Brick, 'MAKE LEGO MODELS' and 'NOT WAR' Pattern (Sticker) of the mythical Set 10220-1 Volkswagen T1 Camper Van (VW Bus)
A proper reference to the MOC itself: an apocalypse scene in lego, in the Flower Power period.
You will go and ask Harley Quinn for the design of Flower Power who will explain, with all his personalized love. xD
- The head of droid R5-D4 in the Mecha's kneepad.
Because red is good for medic !
Robot yet just as mythical and which nevertheless goes almost unnoticed in the trilogy. He was on Tatooine in the Jawa Sand Chariot along with C-3PO and R2-D2. It was bought by Owen Lars with the protocol droid C-3PO, but malfunctioned moments later. So the farmer took R2-D2 instead. And yes, without him, no R2-D2
What do you mean, a robot that unblocks/malfunctions ? I am perfectly in the theme. lol