This project has been about 4 years in the making, many diffrent designs and ideas have brought me to finnaly being able to produce this train. It's been a long 4 years when I set out making pneumatic trains after not being happy with the trains out there at the time, most of those trains had mostly exposed Technic or just a Technic entirely. No model was really made for show, There was a few like Big Blue and a few G scale train. Anyways I'm proud to present to you.... Drum roll please! The pneumatic 4-8-2 mountain! (Pretend it has the back wheels plz)
Got the who gang together for this!
Comparison to the city square building/vehicle
Comparison to the light rail!
Comparison to one of the trains that started it all!
I'm so happy to have 90% of the locomotive done! Yes the tender will come later just working out how to fir the pneumatics! I really hope you guys here like the locomotive!
The first pneumatic train started out as a rigid 0-8-0 train. It was incredibly ugly and the only folks who saw it was a now disbanded RichLUG
2012-2013 The ESCO Behemoth
A big ugly moving brick! The first train looking pneumatic train!
2013-2014 ESCO Goliath, It never was able to run and it was very front heavy and wasn't suitable for rails. (What gas station was that?)
2015-2016 GOAL COMPLETED. I think I'll always have these things being planned in the back of my head, this has been my longest Lego project ever, I'm so happy to have it just about complete I think I could cry *snif*
I hope you guys enjoy! Thank all of you for helping me with this project over the years!