So after looking at my 2-6-2 steam loco a bit harder late last month, I decided the tender for that loco was too small by two studs length-wise. Thus, in order to make it more proportionate in relation between engine and tender, I made a longer tender for that loco (which is already uploaded to EB in it's final form in this thread) and added the old tender to this brand-new 0-4-0 yard goat.
This oil-fired switcher shares a piston design with my MOC of Lady from Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
The rear of the loco. Credit where it's due, the cab design and some of the tender were inspired by @SavaTheAggie's 2-6-2 design from over a decade ago.
Inside the 7 wide cab.
This tiny loco might also be my last Brick Railway Systems engine as the letters / numbers on my engines are getting WAY too expensive, and my stash of them is practically empty. I'll still build other stuff, (probably freight cars, which I don't have a lot of) but I have too many locos as it is, so this might be the end of that. It's kinda funny though, as my locomotive collection started with a 0-4-0 twenty years ago, and it just might end with this same wheel arrangement!