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I buy more LEGO than I'm comfortable with. Basically I start feeling guilty. I'm in a good place financially and running out isn't an issue but it feels like a waste.

Why does it feel like a waste? I buy, I display some, I never touch again.

Things that get in the way of me building are the following: My collection is big now. My collection is disorganized for the most part. Organizing Lego is a serious PAIN! There's too much! Last time I tried I spent days and still didn't do more than half. Then every time I build mocs it gets a bit more disorganized and then I have to organize again.

Then when I build mocs I almost never actually finish them. Building mocs is a long term thing and I have so many other things to do in life that I can't usually focus long enough to finish it. Instead they end up unfinished jobs as I get distracted by something else eventually.

Given enough time and space, how would you like to enjoy your LEGO? Build sets and display them? Build MOCs and display them? Collect minifigures and display them. To achieve a goal, you need to be able to define it first. Personally, I want to build a large town/train layout that I can display at shows.

As far as having too much LEGO, I feel your pain. I amassed a large amount of LEGO over the years. Now that I know what I want to do (build a town), I need to start MOCing. To be able to build the way I want, I need to be able to find the right parts, and therein lies the problem. I can't find things because they were never sorted properly.

I'm working on this, but it seems like too daunting of a task, but this thread gave me a good solution. I'm going to take all the unsorted LEGO I have, and dump it into a large tub, and build from what I do have sorted. If I find myself needing pieces, before hitting Bricklink, I'll give this tub a search. And as I have time, I'll sort a bit of it. Sorting is horrible, and tedious. I find the fear of sorting is what's keeping me from building. I plan to eliminate the fear and build with what I can!

I think you need to be more selective when buying LEGO. I mean, you should buy only the sets that really appeal you. I you feel that you wasted your money or that you don't know what to do with them after building, it's probably because you bought them just for consumerism.

My advice to you would be this: if you see a set and you like it and you want to buy it, don't do it immediately. Go home and think about it for 1 or 2 days. After so, if you still want to buy it, then do it. If you only like the minifigures you can get them through Amazon or eBay.

If this doesn't work, then don't buy LEGO for 5 or 6 months and after that think about how you feel. If you don't miss it, then don't buy more.

I hope this helps. :thumbup:

I have a LOT of unopened LEGO sitting around my house. Here's why. LEGO is a luxury good for me. I don't NEED it. But I WANT it. I never spend my family dollars on LEGO. I buy LEGO any time I find it at great prices with the intent of either reselling it to fuel my hobby or to use it at some point in my MOCs. Outside of CMFs and LEGO exclusive, I don't remember the last time I pair MSRP for my bricks.

The key to LEGO isn't in the finished model or in the minifigs. It's the act of building.

Just have fun with it. No hobby should feel like 'work'. If getting back to basics doesn't work for you, then pack it all away and find something else to amuse yourself with. LEGO isn't going anywhere, and you can revisit it when you feel the spark again. :D

Agreed. LEGO should be fun. Find what your "key" to LEGO is. If you can't define it, maybe LEGO is not for you.

I'll add my two cents here:

I would say, go ahead and quit for awhile. If it doesn't take too much space, then keep all your collection in storage somewhere, and if it does, then sell or donate enough until what's left will fit in storage.

Keep it as if in a time capsule--put it in storage and then leave it there for a determined length of time--say, 1 year. Then, with that behind you, go enjoy your other hobbies and the special people in your life.

Over that year, you may find yourself a bit anxious about having locked it all away; that's probably a good thing. If you don't, clearly you are no worse off, and so you can either leave it in storage indefinitely, or whatever. After that year, whether it is a huge relief to have your Lego back or kind of a letdown, at least you'll know better at that point what role it should play in your life. But hold fast to that year (or however long you decide upon) before making a lasting decision.

You stated that you are feeling guilty now, which is why I recommend giving yourself a good long time. Guilt is a powerful emotion that can lead us to make less-than positive decisions, and that waiting period will help you step back and be more objective before doing something that you might regret later on.

Good luck.

Edited by rodiziorobs

guess I am in some stage of dark age as well

However, I am going to regulate myself by trying to buy those I prefer more instead of buying all

Dont take life so seriously mate, its only lego........do whatever you feel in your heart.

"Then I've got deeper money issues that make me wonder if I should help people rather than fuel a barely hobby, but that's for another day."

Buy some people around here a couple of sets, that will make you feel better. :laugh:

Or seriously, donate some to kids in africa and have them take pictures with their creations......start local.

There is probably an orphanage that could do with some of this stuff.

I totally get how you feel. That's why I now limit myself to the sets that I really do want, mainly the SW Marvel and DC then maybe a few other sets from themes that catch my eye. I also collect figures as well, and I sometimes get the same feeling as you described. You just got to limit yourself, or even like other said, take a short break.

In addition to the other great suggestions, you could do something like limiting yourself to minifigs or ~10 dollar/pound/euro/your local currency-type sets. You get that "hey, new LEGO!" feeling, you can build it quickly and mess with it, and then put it away without having to rearrange anything in your life. Maybe partially disassemble and put in a ziploc bag.

And if what you have is feeling like a huge mass of stuff you never use, then yeah, it's probably time to donate or sell some. If you don't want to sort, sell in bulk lots. It will free up some space and maybe make you feel like there's room for newer stuff you want.

You can always just give your collection to me.... (I can't believe I didn't read that yet).

As far as how you are feeling, I am actually in that same line of thinking right now. I love LEGO, I loved LEGO. I'm not sure where I am with it now. My daughter definitely loves it, so I play with her a bit and let her play with stuff I've collected, but I don't find the time for myself to MOC or sort or anything really. It definitely makes you lose motivation when you don't have consistent time or money for projects. As much as I want to continue with the hobby (it's my only hobby, mind you) I don't know how to do so while feeling passionate about it.

As far as buying sets for minifigures instead of ebay/bricklink/etc, I understand completely. You end up buying the figures you want for about the same price as the set. Why not just buy the set and get the bricks for "free" that way. That is my line of thinking. But some minifigures are expensive and I don't "NEED" any of them really. There are a lot of wants, but no needs. So it makes it harder to justify.

I think I will agree with most people here. Stop buying (even though you will miss out on some great figures) and see how you feel about it after a few weeks or months. Don't sell anything you may regret later. I still have my childhood LEGO and I couldn't imagine ever getting rid of it, even if only for nostalgia purposes.

FWIW, this thread has got me thinking again about how much I'd like something like "Pleygo" (the LEGO Netflix) if it were good. There are lots of sets and types of sets that I'd like to try out and build and experience, but that I really don't feel the need to keep around my house and don't want to lay out a lot of cash for. Hmm...

Same like food , we eat what we like... sometimes on impulse / sudden craving. I believe this applies to hobbies as well. Stop if its becoming stressful or cause anxiety.. may it be MOC or buying new sets. A hobby is no longer one if you're not ENJOYING it.

during your "exile" , sometimes you might discover renewed interest in LEGO.... or perhaps you might found Pink ponies to be more appealing. Either way.. its a big win for you.

Edited by alanyuppie

  • 2 weeks later...

Man, I'm new to this passion, so all what I can say is what I like to do: Mosaics, hard work but lot of satisfaction when you put on your home wall.

  • 2 weeks later...

Join a LUG. Go to shows.

  • 3 months later...

Thinking off selling off all my Lego, I just don't seem to get any time to keep myself busy with it.

I still find it cool to see stuff being made and build, but the time is lacking to build some stuff for my own.

+1 :thumbup:

I would never quit. Occasionally I don't build so much, or even touch it, but I would never be without it.

I would never quit. Occasionally I don't build so much, or even touch it, but I would never be without it.

Same here. There are times i'm not that interested in Lego but I would never allow myself or someone else to sell them or move them somewhere where I can't reach them.

I would never allow myself or someone else to sell them or move them somewhere where I can't reach them.

That would be considered treason :devil::laugh:

I've recently sold a couple of smaller bits of my collection. Not quitting but curating.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thinking off selling off all my Lego, I just don't seem to get any time to keep myself busy with it.

I still find it cool to see stuff being made and build, but the time is lacking to build some stuff for my own.

So, because you don't have time for it now, you're going to just give it all up? That seems strange. I look at pictures/read more about LEGO far more than I deal with my own stuff, but I wouldn't sell anything just because of that. You said it yourself, you still enjoy it. Hang onto it, it'll still be as it was when you find time. That's my suggestion.

It's normal you feel this way. Lego develops your creativity but only up to an extent and a certain age. Afterwards you realize it's just a kids game and that there are more serious things to invest money in. Lego doesn't really ever return the investment - It only gets addictive.


Here is my inner turmoil.

I like LEGO. I like the idea. I like the minifigures especially.

Here's the facts:

I buy more LEGO than I'm comfortable with. Basically I start feeling guilty. I'm in a good place financially and running out isn't an issue but it feels like a waste.

Why does it feel like a waste? I buy, I display some, I never touch again.

I do occasionally enjoy building LEGO mocs. I'm not sure I enjoy it as much as I should though.

For one, I rarely actually get time to do it. When I have time it's usually spent on my computer, hanging out with people or reading or something else. The end result is me playing with my LEGO like 2 times a year.

Things that get in the way of me building are the following: My collection is big now. My collection is disorganized for the most part. Organizing Lego is a serious PAIN! There's too much! Last time I tried I spent days and still didn't do more than half. Then every time I build mocs it gets a bit more disorganized and then I have to organize again.

Then when I build mocs I almost never actually finish them. Building mocs is a long term thing and I have so many other things to do in life that I can't usually focus long enough to finish it. Instead they end up unfinished jobs as I get distracted by something else eventually.

I feel like I lack the focus, motivation (thanks organization ;p), and passion to really stick to it. At this point I buy sets and put 95% of them into storage after taking the minifigures out. This feels wasteful. It's hard to buy minifigures alone because it always feels like a ripoff (like getting only the minifigures for 50-75% of the price without getting the other tons of pieces).

The minifigures, my favorite part, even have their issues. I like them. Something about each new wave of DC, Marvel, Star Wars, etc make me feel a NEED to get them. But then I buy them and display them. And at this point I am basically thinking "and now what?" and can't help but feel like they're useless and empty. I almost feel addicted to them. Appeasing my childhood nostalgia or something. When I buy minifigures and Lego I do get a "that's cool!" feeling. I can spend hours in the Lego store just looking. But then it fades and feels kind of like a carrot on a stick. I'm only here to buy the next wave! It's unending and will claim all my money :P.

Then I've got deeper money issues that make me wonder if I should help people rather than fuel a barely hobby, but that's for another day.

I'm not sure what to do. On the one hand I do like LEGO. I enjoy it when I get them. But then after they go on display, or go in a collection that I fear to organize, they're not much. Sometimes I look at my collection and think "this is pretty cool" but at the same time I'm not sure I'm actually getting anything significant out of LEGO besides that. It feels kind of empty. But maybe I'm being too harsh on myself, letting myself feel guilty over money too easily. I have no idea. Last time I quit Lego I slightly regretted it because I missed a lot of neat minifigures and stuff but at the same time having gotten back into it I perhaps expect TOO much. LEGO isn't the key to happiness or anything of course and lately it's just felt more wasteful. Plus it's freakin' expensive especially now that I live in the UK where everything is ridiculous prices.

I'm having a LEGO life crisis.

OK, here's what I'm hearing:

1) You like minifigs

2) You hate sorting and organizing

3) You take out the minifigs and put the rest of the set in storage.

4) You like MOCing. but you never actually complete a build.

5) You wonder if you should be helping people instead

How about taking the bricks from a bunch of minifig-less sets and volunteering once a month at a local children's hospital? Or scout troop? Or a senior center? Or...... Then every time you volunteered you could bring new bricks since kids are hard on bricks.

You'd get rid of the weight of those bricks in storage. You'd be able to have fun with the bricks, but would not be responsible for finishing a big build. You'd get to keep the minifigs. And you would be helping people.

LEGO is a hobby, not marriage. You don’t have to be passionate about it all the time or else you’d think something is wrong.

Forget about the internet super geeks, normal people have normal lives and a side hobby in spare time to make life more enjoyable. Just keep it simple; gather all your collection somewhere confined so it won’t be in your face all the time, and just pay it a visit whenever you feel like it, enjoy for a couple of hours, and then get back to your life.

LEGO should be for releasing tension not creating one by adding more obligations and must-do-tasks to your adult life.

And here is an idea, since you’re not enjoying playing for now: spend that obvious coming “Dark Age” sorting; since it’s a tedious task you won’t be expecting any fun out of it, so you won’t be disappointed, you already know sorting sucks so you won’t think that your love for the hobby has gone, and you’ll appreciate it very much when you come out of that Dark Age. It’s a lot easier to MOC in an organized environment when you feel like MOCing.

AND even the most passionate MOCer can lose interest because of the effort of finding parts in heaps of disorganized tubs. Also organizing lets you know what you don’t need, which you can donate like people have suggested here and feel good about yourself and your hobby.

I did just that, I spent some years of confusion and lack of interest silently collecting and sorting and organizing, and when I found the time and passion again I found what a great gift I gave myself; all the SW minifigs are there, complete, shiny and beautiful, tons of bricks in all shapes and forms neatly organized by type and color and ready for MOCing.

I also found a donation ready giant tub full of harshly used parts and loads of old grey that I won’t use in MOCs anymore.

As of spending, I’ve limited my purchases to a couple of big Bricklink orders a year; diverse orders lets you get a little bit of everything without spending too much on full sets, a minifig from here, an interesting part from there, your collection grows cautiously and you keep on getting this “new LEGO” feeling that was mentioned here without feeling guilty or overwhelmed by stuff you don’t need. And you won’t miss on the discontinued or hard to find items when you come back to your passion, which is a life saver, believe me.

You don’t need a divorce, you just need a break.

I think the main issue you have got is the fact that your Lego collecting habit is very broad. You need to narrow your choice to one or two particular themes of Lego. I have never understood how some people buy items for their collection and stash them away in a loft or keep them in boxes. To me a collection is something which is displayed so that I can enjoy it every time I go past it.

Personally I have narrowed my Lego collection to just Star Wars minifigures (1 of each, including different colourways, variations, etc). That is my main collection (one which I display in special glass covered cabinets hung on the wall at the side of the stairs. Now and again I will indulge myself in collecting particular Lego minifigures which are non SW which I might like (for example, LotR, Simpsons, etc). I also buy specific Star Wars ships and vehicles (large ones such as ISD, SSD, Venator, etc) mainly UCS.

I usually buy sets when they are on offer on Amazon and other shops. I keep the minifigures that I need and sell the rest of the set on ebay.




  • 1 month later...

Hey man, it's this simple... search for the real truth behind the reason you brick, whether it is for the design, or for the collecting, or the figs, or even to run an inventoried store, get close to it, and enjoy. If you are doing it for any other reason, you're wasting your time. :sweet:

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