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A long time ago in a galaxy filled with a bunch of... well you know the rest. The Guardians of the Galaxy find them self in an alternate version of Star Wars in this brand new video! Also be sure to stay till the end of the film to see a sneak peek of the DC/Marvel crossover coming out next month! The reason I wanted to do this video was so that I could further expand my knowledge into 3D animation and also composing dynamic music, I always like to further my knowledge into animation/film.


Bret Newton as Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon, and Ronan

Jack Renard as Drax the Destroyer

Mity Mouse as Groot

Scott Wiley as Wuher the Bartender

Directed, Animated, and Music Composed by Tristan Kilmer

Written by Tristan Kilmer and David Kilmer

3D Models

Mos Eisley Catina by Devon Rutkowski

Imperial Hangar by Lorenzo Mangogna

Available to watch in HD and 3D. Video was completed in 18 days.

Who's who in this video:

Star Lord is Luke Skywalker

Drax is Obi Wan Kenobi

Gamora is Princess Leia

Rocket Raccoon is Han Solo

Groot is Chewbacca

Ronan is Darth Vader

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great job on the bgs, the face warp (was that the puppet tool?) I found a little distracting, but I think it's great you're trying to push new styles of FX. There's alot of nice animation in there. Draxx with the knives was cool!

It's mesh warp with a little bit of Flash and Photoshop. What parts did you find distracting? The explosions were added as it was all to distract Ronan while Rocket goes to blow up the Death Star or do you mean the faces in general. I do the facial expressions as I feel it adds emotion to the character and also so I can apply the mouth movements to a hand drawn animation project I have going on. All the movies I've made over the past year have been test projects as I have an original film coming out next year that I've been working on for the past few months.


The explosions worked. One technique compositors use for explosions, fire, flares and sparks is to change the mode to either an add or screen- It will really blend nicely. If you really want to sell the effect- while you are filming use a light to highlight characters where your explosion comes from.

As far as the face mesh and warp goes, it's an interesting technique... I feel like it pulls me out of it b.c. LEGO characters faces are painted and it breaks the physics of their shape. If you see the mouth movements that the guys at Digital Wizards use they feel more natural, because they are drawn from mouth shapes and patterns from the minifigs.

I think it's great that you are even going for mouth movements, not alot of animators try it... You produced a great animation, and you should be proud of it!

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