August 9, 20159 yr All of your builds are fantastic! They are incredibly detailed for such a small scale. I have only built WWII tanks and vehicles in 1/35 but am anxious to try your designs in real bricks. Some suggestions for you for future builds are: Porsche Tiger VK4501(P) - Tiger Prototype Panzer V (Panther) M7B1 Priest M3A1 Stuart/British Stuart III w/side skirts British Sherman MII w/side skirts Churchill Tank
August 9, 20159 yr Can you please send the LDD files for your following tanks: Panzer III Panzer IV Jagdtiger Kingtiger Sturmtiger Karl-Gerät and Munitionspanzer IV These are awesome designs. Well done! Edited August 10, 20159 yr by Shockblast1
August 12, 20159 yr Author Thank you. I sent the requested LDD files in email. Anyway, for most of my tanks the LDD file (as BI) can be downloaded from my mocpages: http://www.mocpages....lder.php/192586 go to the requested tank, you wrote the Panzer III: then go to the bottom of the description to " Download building instructions (LEGO Digital Designer) " Panzer IV's LDD file is now also uploaded to mocpages. Thanks for suggestions. VK 4501 will coming soon, it's done. Panther is in progress, I experimenting with colors and side shapes. Churchill will coming later, it's among my plans. British Sherman: I have some Sherman variant plans, but the problem is, MII Sherman aren't different enough compared to usual M4A1 to be worth to make. M3A1 Stuart and similars: there is a big problem with very small tanks, like they. If they are proportional, their details are so small that they barely looking different from each other. The unique details in turret can't be made because of it's very small size, etc. I also thought about making a Stuart, but because I have a nearly finished M2A4, which looks very similar, probably I won't make a Stuart too. People might not think that small tanks (in 3 and 4 wide) are the hardest to make. I put together all of my Panzer III variants: Edited August 12, 20159 yr by Mbmc
August 12, 20159 yr Author I redesigned a bit the Jagdtiger and the color scheme is new (every color exists): Old one: Instructions for the new: Edited August 12, 20159 yr by Mbmc
August 12, 20159 yr Author I redesigned the Mark IV, it was too big, this one is much more accurate: (the old one: ) What do you think?
August 16, 20159 yr Hey dude absolutely love your miniature tank models! Been looking everywhere for something like this..... Would you mind shooting me the instructions say for all your current tanks models? I'd love to build every single one if its not much of a hassal shoot me them all please, I'd appreciate it dude... Thanks! One of your fans.
August 16, 20159 yr Author Thanks! Give me an email adress, and I'll send you the instructions for all my current uploads. (you can't use currently pm) Anyway, for future uploads, you can find for most of my mini tanks instructions here: http://www.mocpages....lder.php/192586 I always update this album, the ones you see here posted, are in mocpages (and Flickr) too. Edited August 16, 20159 yr by Mbmc
August 19, 20159 yr Author 18. Hetzer light tank destroyer Full resolution picture: It was a very succesful ww2 german tank destroyer, based on the excellent Czech construction, the LT vz. 38. Also, it's one of the most commonly known german tank destroyer. During the building, the hardest part was of course the angled top part with the gun. Lot of compromises were needed, but as I can see, I think I caught the character of this tank. Building instructions for Hetzer: (below) 19. KV-2 heavy tank Full resolution picture: KV-2 was a heavy russian experimental tank during ww2. It was equipped with a terrifying 150 mm gun, and had a very characteristic shape with it's tall turret. It's a must have for my collection. The turret was easy to build, since it's relatively big. Most of my building time was spent to the chassis, especially to make the front part. Building instructions for KV-2: (below) 20. VK 4501 (Tiger P) Full resolution picture: It's the legendary Porsche Tiger, which was on of the two prototypes of the most famous tank, the Tiger 1. It was more complicated with it's ICE-electric drive (failed during many tests), that's why Henschel's design was put into final production. It was one of the easiest build, I combined the chassis of my Ferdinand with the turret of my Tiger 1: Building instructions for VK 4501 Tiger P: (below) Edited August 19, 20159 yr by Mbmc
August 19, 20159 yr very bautifully captured each and everyone thus they don't even look like wartoys
August 20, 20159 yr These are all great! The Stug, T-34, and both Tigers are my personal favorites. Any chance you could make a M18 Hellcat? Edited August 20, 20159 yr by mediumsnowman
August 20, 20159 yr Author Thanks guys. Hellcat: I have the M24 Chaffee on the list, and M18 is similar in size and look, but I'll see, how can I make a Hellcat, and probably I'll do it. Anyway, these US tanks are also on my list: M7 Priest M10 Wolverine M26 Pershing M3 Lee Edited August 20, 20159 yr by Mbmc
September 19, 20159 yr Author 21. M18 Hellcat Full resolution picture: M18 Hellcat was the fastest and most succesful US tank destroyer (and armed vehicle) in ww2. Thanks to it's light construction, it was capable to reach a speed of more than 90 km/h. With Lego, the build was quite easy until the making of the turret, that has a tricky shape for Lego parts. This results contains some compromises. I tried to make the authentic decals too. Building instructions for M18 Hellcat: (below) 22. Char B1 (bis) Full resolution picture: Char B1 bis was an interwar tank, which was used also in ww2 by the French army. This is considered as the last tank with similar shape to ww1 tanks. Had two guns, a big, 75 mm howitzer in the hull, and a smaller one (47 mm) in the turret. Was quite succesful in ww2 compared to it's obsolete design. This Lego model was hard to build because of it's track covering plates (they are made with these panels: ). I tried to give it a characteristic camouflage too.
September 19, 20159 yr Just dropping in to say that you are doing a really cool job here with these tanks.
November 14, 20159 yr Author Newest: 23. Panther Full resolution picture: It's one of the most famous and succesful (German) tanks in ww2, many people consider it as the best medium tank. The building was pretty challenging, it's always hard to create these types of front parts with the driving wheels and angled frontal armor. The rollers are overlapped, and I tried to catch it's angled armor on the sides, back and turret. I also made a camouflaged version: 24. Panzer I Full resolution picture: Panzer I's were used in the beggining of ww2, in large numbers, for many missions, purposes. It was very light and fast, but also weak against other tanks (later). Had no guns, only one or two MGs. The build was easy because of it's size, but also very limited, in very small tanks, like this, there are less possibilities to create a form, a detail. 25. Panzer II Full resolution picture: A bigger brother of the Panzer I, this time with a 20 mm main gun. Was widely used in whole ww2, and many variants were produced. It was quite easy to build, only the rollers were challanging because of the placing. and... I reworked my old Panzer 38(t), which now look better (imho): old one:
November 14, 20159 yr More great work! Would it be possible to get the instructions for the Panther and the Char B1? Can't wait to see what is next!
November 15, 20159 yr Author Thanks! I sent a pm about instructions. Every famous tank will coming, as prototypes, experimental ones too. (anyway, I have a separate topic for ww1 tanks: )
November 17, 20159 yr Author Thank you. Including ww1 tanks too, I'm planning to make this series up to 100 tanks.
December 23, 20159 yr Author 8. Little Willie Little Willie was a prototype in the development of the British Mark I tank. Constructed in the autumn of 1915, it was the first completed tank prototype in history. Little Willie is the oldest surviving individual tank. /Wikipedia/ Since it was made in 1915, now it has the 100 years anniversary, this was a must have in my collection. Full size image: Full size image: Full size image: The build was pretty hard. The form seems to be easy, but there are so many characteristic details that it became difficult to make the proportions and connecting points at the same time. Has no rollers, and two "holes" in the track carrier frame, like the original. In the top, I made the turret connection ring too, that's a pearl dk gray technic disk. Little Willie has two wheels to help in the turning, sadly there is no better alternative, than those 2 studs diamater round tiles. Technic pulleys and medieval coach wheels would be too big. I tried to make as less studs visible, as I could, imho the result is satisfying. The last few posts were written all by me, are there no other ww1 Lego builders/fans except me? Eurobricks is the biggest forum, that should be proven. I'm courios what do you think about ww1 mini tanks. Edited December 23, 20159 yr by Mbmc
May 25, 20168 yr I would like to build the Sherman M4A1 mini tank that you invented. How can I get info for parts and instructions? -James
June 21, 20168 yr Author I would like to build the Sherman M4A1 mini tank that you invented. How can I get info for parts and instructions? -James You can download here (Building Instructions section): Many of my other tanks have instructions in mocpages:
June 21, 20168 yr Author New tanks: 26. Jagdpanther Full resolution picture: It was a quite succesful german tank destroyer in ww2, with robust construction, angled armor, and significant speed. info: 27. Brummbär Full resolution picture: German assault gun in ww2, built on the chassis of Panzer IV. The two 2x1 tiles in the front can be held by strickers, sadly, there is no 2x4 tile with center stud in Lego. info: 28. M24 Chaffee Full resolution picture: Light US tank, used in the end of ww2. The darkgreen color is special, so there are some parts (like the gun) which require darkgreen sticker covers. In reality, the four 1x3 dkgreen tiles above the tracks are held by strickers, like tools, or logs. info: 29. M10 Wolverine Full resolution picture: Probably the most famous US tank destroyer in ww2, can't missing from my series. info: Comments, questions are appreciated.
August 8, 20168 yr Do you have instructions for the T95? It is my favorite tank of all time, if there are no instructions yet, please add them on this website. Thanks. Well like on Lego Designer.
August 16, 20168 yr Author Hi! Here you can download: It's not an easy model, the tracks are held by strings at the ends, you have to attach them to links, and put the other end of string between the front and rear plates. Friction will hold them strongly. Usually, there are some instructions for my mini tanks in Mocpages, but now the site doesn't work. If it will again, first try to search there, not every, but many of my tanks have instructions there. Anyway, it seems to me, this section is quite dead, the military topics especially, I don't know why, this is Eurobricks. I uploaded several new mocs in one post and no reply at all. Should I post in another subforum my tank mocs? Edited August 16, 20168 yr by Mbmc
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