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Posted (edited)

Returning BIONICLE fans will remember the Toa Haga that came out in 2005. They possessed the Metru build and were originally intended to be the "normal" forms of Toa Duma and Toa Nidhiki (their apperances being painfully obvious leftovers of what could have been). They were released to celebrate LEGO's 50th aniversary, and were instead made into the Toas Iruini and Norik. These sets brought cool recolors of existing pieces, and whole new pieces that would be used in later sets (Norik's mask+ the armors and Iruini's mask respectively)

What if a similar concept were applied with the new LEGO line? Take something from a previous year, and put it into an alternate style. More CCBS-inspired modernizations of older sets perhaps? This could be a cool throwback to Old Bionicle, even in the event of a reboot (if handled correctly).

This thread is mainly for fun to wait til we find out more at NYCC. What few (because we wont see every character come back) sets would you give a remake of in an anniversary scenario, why, and how would you do it? (actual designs down to the piece count are cool but not required)

My ideas: I touched on this in the 2015 thread, and it met some criticisms: Vezon, the Traveling Thief

Named in a style similar to "[Name], the [Title]' we have with the new Toa.

My reasoning for Vezon is that he is an old-plot character that has an easy enough way to explain him getting a brief cameo or mention. There are certain things about his original design that could look really cool in CCBS, and could bring us some interesting new parts. (Please at least read "Incorporation with the Plot")


Imagine a standard ccbs mid-sized frame. Rerelease of his silver-toed claw feet. Mixed silver (like Cragger's spikes) armor shells: small ones for the arms and to replace the metru pieces on the torso, longer ones for the legs, and a mixed-silver torso overlapping the small ones already on the torso. Ofc from there black bones, maybe Reapa's black hand armor upside-down for his shins, and some black hero factory hands or (more original) some new hands that are HF sized but with visible claw nails.

Major New Features:

-In the remaking of his staff, we need it to only occupy one hand for poseability. I would prefer it be made of black versions of the pieces that make up Cragger's Vengdualizer. Metru red, small ccbs shell for the top of the staff. Introduce a whole new lochaber-style axe piece for the top of the staff with a ball join and an axle joint at the bottom to put it on the staff, and put the metru red shell on it.

-A mask made to fit the new Toa's 2-part skull. Similar to Vezon's original head, it would be balanced on the connection point (axles originally, a clip in modern heads) with 2 faces. One should be a face with a huge, manic grin. The other side should resemble a deformed Olmak as a shoutout to Old Bionicle. Red fluorescent eyes.

-The final, universal bonus to MoC'ers everywhere and a piece to cover unsightly lack of back-plates: a tattered (or maybe not) cape. It is possible he would have a gear function like the Toa, but a cape might interfere. A rectangular cut for the gearbox would be more unsightly than no armor, therefore a tear in the cloak's design would allow a similarly colored gear to protrude.

He really doesnt need much more, him being fused to other living things got pretty old. I could see there being a LOSS or some other large rahi combiner, but my version the set itself is just the figure like Norik and Iruini.

Incorporation with Plot:

Plot-wise, he could just not be a big part of the plot at all. Show him on the box art stealing a mask from the toa, getting the beatdown, and finally reprimanded. This method could make him more of a denizen of the new world, with his major features being cool references to the old story.

In the instance it is a total reboot, the original storyline could be considered an alternate reality that Vezon travels from (hence "the Traveling Thief"). This could use the exact same low plot presence. The purpose of this kind of set is more for nostalgia exploitation than plot expansion, and Im sure not everyone wants Vezon to be as big a deal as he was in the previous story.

I doubt a continuation almost completely. It would also defeat my purpose for the set.


This thread is mainly for fun to wait til we find out more at NYCC. What few (because we wont see every character come back) sets would you give a remake of in an anniversary scenario, why, and how would you do it? (actual designs down to the piece count are cool but not required)

Me and someone else in the 2015 thread mentioned Takanuva. He could totally be justified on similar lines to Vezon and it isnt too unlikely that he wont be a member of the new Toa team or that there could already be plans to make him a Titan.

EDIT: Fix some copy/pasting seams and my Vezon writeup

Edited by InfurnallDragon
Posted (edited)

I'd like to see a dimension-traveler Takanuva for a summer release in 2018. You know, a fifteenth anniversary special edition set for the Mask of Light film. It would also have to fit into whatever 2018's rebooted universe storyline is (assuming we are getting a reboot, which is pretty clear that the story will be one at this point). Also, I'd be shocked if we never got a Takanuva in Generation Two of the line.

He (the same character from the original story) could reach that universe's Toa Mata/Niva and give them an important mission or something, I don't know. Golden armor with white limbs as a color scheme, along with a redesigned Avohkii, would be really cool-looking. His weapons would be a big and gold version of the twin staffs from his 2010 Stars set. That is all.

Edited by Puffle Pal26
Posted (edited)

Theres so much gold and silver already that IDK what they could do to have him stand out as Light-oriented. Fully transparent maybe (I know the cost would be scary)?. I would love to see a new Avohkii too, maybe a more unique staff of light piece/design? I concede that Takanuva is a far stronger contender for this than Vezon.

Edited by InfurnallDragon

Not sure if it could work, but what about a chrome avohkii? I think a white, chrome, and gold takanuva would be awesome.


For Takanuva I'd imagine using Trans Yellow skeleton pieces like Pohatu. White Armor shells and Gold armor add ons on top of that. He'd have the same gear function as the other Toa. His staff would somewhat resemble his 2003 one. And just for fun he'd have a sphere launcher.

Posted (edited)

Why would Takanuva need to be Special Edition?

In the really low but not impossible chance that they dont remake him for the new plot. If they remake him now in gunmetal and white, they could do the anniversary version gold and white later on when theres less gold and silver sets unlike this first wave of all gold and half silver. Or vice versa.

Possibly, they could pull a Jetrax T6 and have Gunmetal in some stores, Gold in others. Or...

SPECIAL EDITION SHELLANUVA. Takanuva in Shell-themed armor shells. I kid ofc...

Edited by InfurnallDragon

Hm....well if there was going to be anniversary sets for BIONICLE, I would love to see...

the reamining Toa Hagah (or new forms of them if they were to suddenly get Adaptive Armor by Artakha).

Vezon sounds like a great idea too! I wouldn't mind seeing him with a fused Kanohi Olmak.

Helryx too would be nice...I would say any of the characters that had not got a set form yet. (Helryx, Tuyet, uhhh...a few others that I cannot think of)

Again these are just my ideas to throw in.


Vezon and Fenrakk as a anniversary set would be pretty cool! He was the third Bionicle set I got, and there would be so much nostalgia overload (not that there isn't already!), but whether this is a reboot or continuation, I want a Anniversary set to be a large scale (think Witch Doctor or 8998 Toa Mata Nui sized) Titan set of Takanuva and Makuta Teridax. Teridax could use dark red, trans red, and gunmetal shells and Kraahkan, while Takanuva is colored white, silver, and gold, with a pearl gold Avohkii. That's pretty much my idea of a good Anniversary set.

Posted (edited)

What if we got a set that was a divider, instead of a combiner. Just an idea, and I wont take it as a real possibility: Takutanuva for Mask of Light anniversary. All the pieces to make Takutanuva. "Combiner" alternate instructions online.

Edited by InfurnallDragon

One problem with such sets is that Lego might feel forced to include them into the story, jumbling it up somehow. I'd rather Lego follow the pace they've set, and introduce new reincarnations of old characters where they see fit.


In the really low but not impossible chance that they dont remake him for the new plot. If they remake him now in gunmetal and white, they could do the anniversary version gold and white later on when theres less gold and silver sets unlike this first wave of all gold and half silver. Or vice versa.

Possibly, they could pull a Jetrax T6 and have Gunmetal in some stores, Gold in others. Or...

SPECIAL EDITION SHELLANUVA. Takanuva in Shell-themed armor shells. I kid ofc...

We need (to quote the Bionicle 2015 rumors forum) a FUNMETAL Takanuva! Complete with swirly rainbow colors!

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