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So, in 2006, 6211 Imperial Star Destroyer was released. I really wanted it, and I was able to save up and get. 2014 rolls around, and TLG releases a second one. I was meh at first, as I already had one, but I caved in and bought. After I did, I just knew I had to build my old and and compare the two. and now you can too! prepare for lots of pictures (It's a review, what were you expecting?)

15253754807_2d565d278b_n.jpgBox fronts by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Let's start with the boxes. Very similar looks, though the styling is different. Since there is a 12 year gap between releases, that should be expected. 6211 has a longer box, but 75055 has a thicker box. Part count is very similar with them having 1339 and 1324 respectively (Though Bricklink doesn't take into account the minifigs)

15440335715_ed1c4925bb.jpgBox Backs by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

The back of the box shows various play features, but 6211 has the added bonus of showing alternate models. I give the nod to 6211 for better box, but it was close

15440339985_fcf1436e73.jpgInstuctions by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

On to the instructions. 6211 has 2 sets of instructions, and 75055 has three. All the booklets are in the range of 70-80 pages, so 75055 has more steps, though it has less parts. 6211 also wins, just cause it takes up less space when storing.

No pictures of the build, as I haven't had the time or desire to do it, but I will say that I enjoyed 6211's build more, but I was also really tired when I built 75055. So 6211 takes a 3-0 lead!

15253568069_c80c3d8369.jpgISDs front by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Looking at the two ships straight on, 6211 is definitely larger, though I will say right off the bat that it is weaker. 75055 is smaller, but much more solid. 75055 is also better proportioned. I give 75055 a point for head on view

15253779627_1d311e59e1.jpgISDs top by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

The view from above really shows off the size differential. Top view goes to 75055, as it has the notches in the proper amount and spaces. 6211 now leads 3-2.

15417269586_c6a58b82b8.jpgISDs rear by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Rear view. Both ships are but ugly from this point of view, but 6211's engines look better proportionally. So 6211 now leads 4-2. Honestly, the engines are the ugliest part of 75055. They suck.

15253645140_0643026ebd.jpgISDs bottom by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Bottom view. is this even a contest? 75055 wins hands down, though it is missing the hanger bay opening, which 6211 does have. 6211 leads 4-3

15417278726_8fb7dd3a5a.jpgISDs opened up by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Time to open them up! even though 6211 is prone to falling apart, I much prefer it's method. 75055 seems a bit awkward. And I just like the cute switch at the back to lock the top part of 6211 to lock it into place. And I don't like how the top part of 75055 isn't attached. it just sits there. 6211 leads 5-3.

15440368545_686ee8feb4.jpg6211 inside overview by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Ok, 6211's interior as a whole is pretty spacey. It contains an escape pod (I have no idea why...), a gun rack for some spare guns, Darth Vader's chamber (Which shouldn't be here, as it was on the Executor.) and a hologram of the Emperor with seat.

15440034402_a388e2c0fc.jpg6311 bridge inside by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

There is also the tiny little bridge up top.

15440395365_e0045569a7.jpg75055 bridge by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

75055 shares a few of the same things, like the bridge, weapons rack, and hologram of the Emperor.

15253682900_f54911b13e.jpg75055 Vader's chamber/ engineering? by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

It does not include an escape pod or Vader's Chamber, but it does have a small station with readouts of the Death Star.

Going head to head on the interior, we have:

Bridge: 75055 wins. more space, and looks like a ISD bridge

Emperor Hologram: 75055. That hologram part is what made me buy this set. Seriously. I wanted that part.

Weapons Rack: 6211. It's actually a pretty cool feature, even if it doesn't really look the best. 75055's is just boring.

6211's escape pod and Vader's chamber vs 75055's panel: I'm going with 75055. That panel has much uses in store for it. Escape pod and Chamber make no sense to be on an ISD. Our total is now tied 6-6

15253544429_5a79b635fe.jpg75055 guns by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Back outside, but for details! 6211 Only has 2 turbolasers on each side, whereas 75055 has the proper 4 on each side. No pictures of 6211's as I forgot, but an extra picture of 75055 to show a play feature. move the thing sticking out on the back, and all the guns (On the one side) move in unison. Guns go to 75055.

15253743087_7bdb3613c4.jpg75055 spare ammo by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

A convenient spot flips up at the back to hide the extra bullets.

15253834817_ff543e4d9e.jpg6211 and 75055 Minifigs by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Now for the figs!

15437100031_01dd00342a.jpg6211 Minifigs by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

6211 has 8 figs and the mouse droid. Two Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Tarkin, Two Imperial Guards, Imperial officer, and a black droid.

15440297685_9261a8263e.jpg75055 Minifigs by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

75055 has 6 and the mouse droid. Two Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, a Imperial technician, and two Imperial Officers.

15253630759_f565987ed4.jpgStormtroopers by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

They both have two stormtroopers. I prefer the old style, though the new ones are growing on me. They also have faces and better guns. Stormtroopers go to 75055

15437214861_570880f2c2.jpgDarth Vaders by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Darth Vader. 6211 is pretty much the original design, whereas 75055 has a new and unique design. Going to go with the classic one, as he has a chrome lightsaber handle and the new guy's head doesn't look like Vader. It was close, as I really like the new one's printing, but going to have to go with 6211

15253709650_00582318f2.jpgImperial officers by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Imperial Officers. Grand Moff Tarkin and a very bland officer loose out to the new and more versatile officer and crewman of 75055

15253856887_d9de6f8a39.jpgOther Minifigs by Elephant-Knight, on Flickr

Extra figs. I will never understand the inclusion of the Imperial Guards. The mouse droids are identical, the black R2 isn't the best black R2, and one can never have enough Imperials, even if they are technicians. 75055 wins, though it was close.

The final votes are in, and 75055 wins 11 to 7! What do you think? Which Imperial Star Destroyer will rein supreme?


Whenever I buy a set, I mostly look for detail accuracy and overall appearance. 75055 is the better of the two IMO.

I actually put the 4 Imperials from the Death Star Troopers BP into my ISD, making my minifig setup even closer to the original, even if it was inaccurate.

IMO, another visual improvement to the 7055 is not seeing the white technic beams inside the hinged area, even if it means the edge isn't accurately shaped compared to 6211.

Nice comparison, though.

I dont know, overall i like the 75055 a tiny little bit more even tho it has some unacceptable omisions. First of all it has got a lower piece count wich is ridiculous and outrageous for 130 bucks. Then is smaller and with no main room of operations. Also as you said, the engines are but ugly. In fact the only redeeming points To my eyes are the minifigures, the overall looks and the fact that is sturdier. This set enrages me if im honest. It could have been perfect with 150 more pieces. Why dispose of the best features like vaders room? Why take one steep foward and two back? A new iteration shoul build on everything that was great of its predecesor and improve it, not flush it down the toilet.

Looking at both incarnations of the ISD from Lego, I prefer for some reason 6211. Sure might not be accurate compared to 75055, but looks not out of place to me in a Imperial fleet.

I struggled with whether or not to buy the 75055 since I already own the 6211, but something about paying more for something that is actually smaller stops me. I figure with a little help with the friendly people at this site, I can make the 6211 look better. I have already replaced the white technic beams with dark gray, added some detail to the bridge and added some support plates to the bottom ( I hated the bottom falling apart every time I picked it up! ).

So, for me, I'm sticking with the 6211. I may take the money I would have spent on a 75055, and buy the MF 7965.

IMO, another visual improvement to the 7055 is not seeing the white technic beams inside the hinged area, even if it means the edge isn't accurately shaped compared to 6211.

I replaced those white beams with dark gray beams. Looking at it from the side, it just didn't look right. I think I may add more detail to the sides at some point.


Thanks for the comparison, Elephant Knight. :wink::thumbup:

Edited by TK924

Cool comparison. For a couple of years I debated whether or not to get 6211, and I'm glad I didn't. 75055 looks much better, has better features, and better mini figures. Yeah, its smaller, but size isn't everything.

I went ahead and bought 75055 and am quite happy that I did.

  • 2 weeks later...

I still need to build my 75055 ... and also my SSD by the way. :)

Thanks for the comparison! I would really like to have 6211, and I wish I could have gotten it, but there's not much I can do about it now, barring paying an exorbitantly inflated amount on the secondary market, which I don't consider an option. This, 75055 it shall have to be, for me. Now if only I can scoop one up before it goes away, too...

75055 wins for me as it doesn't have a 160ft tall Grand Moff Tarkin making the entire bridge look like a broom cupboard.

As other people have said on this set... size isn't everything and the new version looks more accurate even at a smaller scale and has better minifigures.

6211 was a fantastic set also but certain scaling issues have always been there for me.

I prefer 75055 it just feels more sleek to me. It hangs from my ceiling in my Lego room next to the Malevolence, Republic Frigate and a few starfighters

I do think that 75055 is the better, even tough the size of 6211 is really nice the much better proportions (6211 is way too tall) of the 75055 and the fact that you can actually swoosh it around without risking destroying it makes it an easy choice - 75055 is the best!

Also are you from the future? Where I am it's a 8 year gap between 2006 and 2014, not 12. :wink:

Nice comparison, I prefer the detail of 6211, though it isn't entirely accurate. I definitely prefer the interior of 6211 to 75055, but 75055 is more accurate and is much more playable than the other, I also don't like it when you can see the blue and what have you coloured frames, it ruins the overall look.

Overall, 75055 is probably the better one for me.

This is a case where I feel that the remake is significantly better than the last. A major downside of the new would be size, however they weight about the same. Infact 75055 is a few grams heavier than 6211, but I digress. With Jabba's Sail Barge I felt ripped off in a way, as stability was not an issue with the previous model. With this, not so much. I'ld prefer a larger ISD, but if it's stability over size, I prefer stability.

  • 1 month later...

Well I picked up the 75055 for my kids for xmas. Inaccuracies aside, I typically go with bigger is better but with the 6211 not being as sturdy, and with younger kids, it was a no brainer.


  • 3 weeks later...

I dont have the new one, and I think is nice, but I think i like the old one better. Some say is flimsy, but I just added a few big plates in the bottom and you can throw this this around. It is bigger and the added bridge is freaking awesome. I do think you get a more finished product with the new one, as some of the old ones's parts look unfinished, mainly the backwall...i guess for display purposes the new one looks good, and the old one is a better playset.

From an engineering standpoint, 75055 wins hands down.

The floor of 6211, like the old Sandcrawler, is more or less 1-ply and tough to play on without separating from the main structure. The bottom of 75055 is two-ply and the outer "skin" is two-ply reinforced in spots by a third layer.

The only place the 75055 cannot be reliably lifted from is the very front triangle. You can even lift it by the all-brick neck (which is hollow in a few places), thanks to some clever SNOT and friction techniques that ensure it stays together.

The playable green lasers on 6211 are more easily lost than the spring-loaded 75055 lasers.

The small laser arrays on 75055 move in sync, while the small laser arrays on 6211 spin around loosely.

The emperor hologram on 6211 is...not three-dimensional. But, the exterior of the bridge of 75055 is...a sticker.

75055 has a handle which disappears nicely to preserve the ISD's profile. No pressure-catch mechanism is needed to gain access to the interior.

There is a place in 75055 where Vader can do the walk of shame while the underlings hope they don't get choked, after Lando and Leia escape Cloud City with Luke.

There are things about the rear of 6211 I like, and its size overall, but after building 75055 and seeing how much thought was put into the design, it has won me over.

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