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Who's got the most chances of winning the contest right now ? Just to know the numbers.

EDIT: Nevermind I just uploaded to Flickr.

Edited by Toa of Gallifrey

Who's got the most chances of winning the contest right now ? Just to know the numbers.

Difficult to say. Now we're getting closer to the closing date the entries are flooding in! LOL

Who's got the most chances of winning the contest right now ? Just to know the numbers.

I'd say syoya has the highest chances. :P

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Don't forget, judging focuses on quality, quantity doesn't indicate high chances in this case.

why my entry Drakotaur is disqualified? I read the rules many many times, if you can not use paper to build is prohibited must be specified somewhere, where is it?

I'd say it was the use of paper. I think it says in the rules that you can only use parts that lego has produced, and that includes fabric. Capes from sets would have been the thing to use. That was a cool entry too, bummer man :(

  • Villains containing or depicting contemporary military vehicles or weapons will not be eligible for the competition
  • Villains containing defamatory or degrading elements will not be eligible for the competition
  • Copies of/or in other ways infringements relating to any existing third party property or any other intellectual property right will not be eligible for the competition
  • Use of any toy parts not produced by the LEGO Group will result in your villain being disqualified
  • Entry villains should show your creation only, and should not show recognizable features of any person or any commercial product other than LEGO Products
  • Entries that are obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, pornographic, lewd, derogatory, inappropriate, or otherwise not in good taste, as determined by the LEGO Group in their sole discretion, will not be eligible for the competition
  • You can enter something you’ve published elsewhere before the start of the contest, but we encourage you to build a new MOC worthy of a gold mask
  • Entries must not contain LEGO elements which have been modified from their original form (this includes painted elements)
  • Your entry must be least 75% Constraction/Technic and a maximum of 25% System elements
  • Any cheating or harassment of other participates will result in disqualification from the competition
  • Entries must be made by the user submitting the entry

in this rules is not mentioned anything to regard

  • Use of any toy parts not produced by the LEGO Group will result in your villain being disqualified

It mentions toy parts, but I'm pretty sure that this is the rule that disqualified it. It should be clarified, but I think something like your issue was mentioned in subsequent posts in this topic. Your entry was pretty cool though. I'm kind of glad I don't have to go up against it :tongue:.

EDIT: wait, I thought the competition was still open. Isn't 12 pm midnight?

Edited by DraikNova

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EDIT: wait, I thought the competition was still open. Isn't 12 pm midnight?

12pm CET is noon.

I thought it meant midnight :cry2:. I already had made the picture, I just thought I had enough time to upload it later.

If anyone's still interested, though, here's what I wanted to use as the main picture.

Edited by DraikNova

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Alright after some behind the scenes discussions, let's get this show on the road.

So the contest ended at 12:00 pm CET, as stated in the superseding rules- Most of the sites received a couple entries past the deadline, and to keep things fair, these entries will not be considered in the final judging.

There's a lot of statistics to pull and entries to sort through, however here at Eurobricks we have rung in a total of 286 entries! I do believe BZP will be pulling in the largest total of 800+

Now we have got some work to do as we pick the top 5 from each site, and then it's off to Lego for the judging of the winners!

I want to thank everyone who came together and put their best work forward to creating villains for this contest. It has been a great way to welcome the return of Bionicle, and it's fantastic to see so many people getting back into the spirit of it. I hope everyone has had fun, and even if you don't make it to the finalist positions, remember that we are looking at likely far over 1000 entries, and that it's very difficult to choose among so many awesome entries! This contest has only been the start, I've got a lot of awesome stuff planned for the Action Figure forum here for 2015, so stick around and see what's to follow!

And while the work on our end isn't done yet, I want to also thank the fellow forum staff, Andrew, Eddy, Rack, and Leo, as well Julie Broberg, Sara Moore, and Signe Lønholdt from Lego for helping to make this contest become a reality. This is certainly not the last time that the communities come together to bring you all an epic contest.


Its 2 hours before 24 Central Europe time, Why cant i post Subbmission?

  • Author

Its 2 hours before 24 Central Europe time, Why cant i post Subbmission?

24 CET is the equivalent of 12 AM CET. The contest closed 12 hours beforehand, at 12 PM.

24 CET is the equivalent of 12 AM CET. The contest closed 12 hours beforehand, at 12 PM.

anyways Wouldnt it make more sense when It accualy Lasted till Acctual 24 CET? You know Whole last Day?

anyways Wouldnt it make more sense when It accualy Lasted till Acctual 24 CET? You know Whole last Day?

That's what happened. But you got it wrong, the last day for entering was actually the 30th November, and as soon as the 30th November was over, so at midnight / 24h / 12pm CET, when the date changed, the contest was over. So the contest actually ended on the 1st December, at 12pm.

Anyways, good luck for the judging, VBBN (and good luck to the other judges too).

What?? 12 PM means noon, not midnight. I used a time converter and according to that I should have had another half hour yet... Just finally had an opportunity to take pictures, and was about to post them, but the topic is locked...

EDIT: Apparently it was 5 AM for me, not 6 PM... Don't know what in the world was wrong with the converter I used... Ugh... I built him weeks ago, I just don't have my own camera :/

In the future could contests maybe start including a time chart of some sort, or at least a link to a good timezone converter? Because it's a really sucky feeling missing out on a contest like this because some dumb site didn't work properly. (I had been on my phone when I checked the time, or I would have just googled it, which is what I just now did to get the correct time...)

Edited by JaseTJ

Well, what an awesome contest to be a part of! Words would not be able to describe my feelings if one of my entries was honoured in the top 5... I haven't won in a contest for 10 years, only a few "honourable mentions" along the way. I await the results with bated breath. But... if I don't get anywhere, hey, at least my Constraction and Technic MOC'ing skills have sharpened tenfold recently :wink:

But I feel kinda sorry for the judges... over 1,000 entries in total and you have to pick just 30 to send off? That's a tough call... :oh:

What?? 12 PM means noon, not midnight.

Oh yeah, I meant AM, sorry. :blush:

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In the future could contests maybe start including a time chart of some sort, or at least a link to a good timezone converter? Because it's a really sucky feeling missing out on a contest like this because some dumb site didn't work properly. (I had been on my phone when I checked the time, or I would have just googled it, which is what I just now did to get the correct time...)

A time converter was provided in the official rules (the pdf attached the the first post).

I used the time zone converter. It said that I was in the same time zone. But I still want clarification about the 12:00 pm equals noon rather than midnight thing, because I asked several people what they thought 12:00 pm meant and each one said that that was midnight. And to my mind, 12:00 pm follows 11:59 pm, rather than 11:59 am.

  • Author

I used the time zone converter. It said that I was in the same time zone. But I still want clarification about the 12:00 pm equals noon rather than midnight thing, because I asked several people what they thought 12:00 pm meant and each one said that that was midnight. And to my mind, 12:00 pm follows 11:59 pm, rather than 11:59 am.

By that logic, a clock would never change between a.m. and p.m. 12 a.m. is the beginning of the 12 hour ante meridiem cycle, meaning the hours in the day before noon, which lasts until 11:59 a.m, as of which the cycle changes to post meridiem, after noon, from noon until 11:59 p.m. This is by definition the proper placement of A.M. and P.M.

You can also view it in the sense that A.M. is the start of the first 12 hours of the day, and P.M is the second set of 12 hours. On a 24 hour clock, the day begins at 0:00 (midnight) which begins the A.M. cycle. Once the first 12 hours are gone, the clock reads 12:00 (noon) which begins the P.M. set of hours.

I used the time zone converter. It said that I was in the same time zone. But I still want clarification about the 12:00 pm equals noon rather than midnight thing, because I asked several people what they thought 12:00 pm meant and each one said that that was midnight. And to my mind, 12:00 pm follows 11:59 pm, rather than 11:59 am.

12-hour clock.

Talking of time, when is the semi-final announcement?

By that logic, a clock would never change between a.m. and p.m. 12 a.m. is the beginning of the 12 hour ante meridiem cycle, meaning the hours in the day before noon, which lasts until 11:59 a.m, as of which the cycle changes to post meridiem, after noon, from noon until 11:59 p.m. This is by definition the proper placement of A.M. and P.M.

You can also view it in the sense that A.M. is the start of the first 12 hours of the day, and P.M is the second set of 12 hours. On a 24 hour clock, the day begins at 0:00 (midnight) which begins the A.M. cycle. Once the first 12 hours are gone, the clock reads 12:00 (noon) which begins the P.M. set of hours.

I see your point, but as mentioned here, this whole confusion could have been avoided by simply mentioning that what was meant was noon, as precise knowledge of the definition of am and pm is not particularly common, as evidenced by the flood of comments on Rebrick. I would like to ask you to please still consider my entry.

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