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Let me introduse you four of my inventions-

Siamese Twins

Entry #8

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Name: Brawg


Brawg is a brainless brute who dwells within murky underground tunnels. He creates these tunnels using two massive drills, which sink into rock seamlessly. He's never seen the sun, and is blinded by bright lights - however, he is an absolute menace to underground villages.

Spin the gears to rotate the drills!


Entry #9

Link to Official Entry

Link to Gallery

Name: Falmah, Queen of Skull Spiders


She lives in an underground lair, where the stench of death fills the air. The place is dark, yet there is always an unmistakable presence...skull spiders crawl along the walls, and in the center she rests. Slimy green eggs are kept in the shell on her back, and her stinger throbs, always ready to pierce a foe. Beware, for she is...the Queen of Skull Spiders.

My entry for the contest.

Better picture Bionicle Dragon


Edited by Ttimman

My first entry, Destroyer:post-130183-0-13166100-1417295850_thumb.jpg

Edited by K1234

Here is my Naga Invention- Picture 038

Name: Jack in a box

Description: Hides in the throats of his victims and steals the food they eat.

Image (800x600):


Album: http://imgur.com/a/Tg6Gr

Edited by Railblade

Entry #2: Tarbruka The Consumer.


Tarbruka is a much feared being that gains power by consuming life sustaining energy and will destroy

all that gets between him and his meal. Many lands have been stripped of their life and left barren.

When Ekimu and Makuta clashed, the shockwave created was sensed by Tarbruka and proceeded

to head towards Okoto. The Toa will now have to find their masks of power and save Okoto from the

oncoming apocalypse that is Tarbruka!

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/galaxus/15709323288/in/photostream/

LDD file: http://www.brickshel...DD/tarbruka.lxf

Everything should be fine as the whole thing was made in LDD standard mode.

Edited by noodles

Entry #3: Makuta Arachnida


The Toa have failed and Makuta has risen. Makuta used the Mask of Ultimate Power to fuse with the Lord

of Skull Spider to form the ultimate Makuta monster. With ultimate power and the entire spider swarm under

Makuta's control, will Okoto survive the rise of a new evil?

Flickr: https://www.flickr.c...us/15710350649/

LDD file: http://www.brickshel...a_arachnida.lxf.

This should be fine, whole thing was made in LDD standard mode.

Edited by noodles

My second entry, Strenght:post-130183-0-60626500-1417295945_thumb.jpgpost-130183-0-08881100-1417295947_thumb.jpgpost-130183-0-62887000-1417295947_thumb.jpg

Edited by K1234

Malgax the Destroyer (Also known as 'The Dark Titan')

This is one of the biggest MOCs I have ever made. I spent quite a few weeks working on it, and spent some money to get all the parts I needed from Bricklink. I think he comes up to about 2 ft tall. Pretty much everything is made of CCBS, with the exception of a few Technic parts and a couple of Bionicle parts. Every part of his body is custom-built, including the hands, feet, limbs, torso and even the head. Sadly a few days ago, he fell from a high place and got smashed to bits, so I had to spend a while fixing him. If anyone wants any extra photos, just ask.

Sorry for the bad photos by the way, I had a really hard time trying to get the best possible lighting which took days, and even the final result didn't turn out well.

I really do doubt I will win, because there are so many amazing entries here. I've never won any contests before, so maybe this will be a first? Maybe? Possibly? I guess to whoever gets 1st place, enjoy your nice gold mask!

Photos: http://imgur.com/a/UjEZ5

Lighter photos: http://imgur.com/a/rVKIl

Main Photo: http://i.imgur.com/UBDIglo.jpg

Character Description and backstory:

Thousands of years ago, on the mythical island of Okoto, before the Toa, before the Mask Makers, there were the three titans - The Titans of darkness, light and time. These titans towered above all who lived on the island, keeping the island peaceful, ruling their own regions. One fateful day, Malgax, the Titan of Darkness, wanted more power and murdered the Titan of Time taking his land from him. The Titan of Light fought Malgax, but Malgax created an army of his own, using his Staff of Chaos to corrupt inhabitants of the island, horribly disfiguring them and twisting them to carry out his will. When all seemed lost, the Titan of Light used all his power and sacrificed himself to defeat Malgax, ensuring nobody else would suffer. Both Titans were thought to be destroyed, and over the years the inhabitants of Okoto eventually forgot the past. Little did they all know, Malgax would one day return to wreak havoc to the island once again. A prophecy was discovered. A prophecy that told of six heroes that would one day arrive at Okoto to save it from the oncoming darkness. A prophecy that will soon come to be.

~entry 2~


Entry: Rephyk

Entry photo: http://www.brickshel...yk/dsc_0687.jpg

Rephyk is a mysterious, unknown being. Not much is known about him; other than his lust for destruction. Rumors state that he and his unknown, Kanohi-wearing species lived on Destral before the Makuta takeover. Rephyk's powers include psychokinesis (which engulfs his target in a silver energy), mental shielding like the Order of Mata Nui members, and blasts of silver energy unleashed from his hands.

Thank you for reading! happy.png

~entry 3~


I have come here with my entry, Saviant.

Entry photo: http://www.brickshel..._3_47_15_am.jpg

Judges, I ask of you one thing: to read the feedback thread. I know you may just overlook this and think "oh, I don't have time", but seriously, please read it. If you really do not have enough time, please read the brief explanation below. It contains every question you may have, it explains his story more in-depth. The link is: http://www.bzpower.c...hread/?p=787746

Gallery: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=550084

Shall we take a look at his story?

Saviant is the result of (2015) Makuta's Mask of Ultimate Power landing from it's tedious fall, and cracking. Due to the MOUP containing all elements, and since it was so unstable, it began to leak out raw, golden power. And so, Saviant - a being made up from all elements, with the head of Shadow - was formed from the raw power. However, it grew a mind of its own before it's frame could be finished, walked off, and was thus rendered incomplete. (Storywise, not in terms of the actual model.)

Weighs 3.8 pounds, and stands at around 3 feet tall.

Left shoulder - Ice - Left forearm - Sonics - Left hand - Psionics -

Right shoulder - Stone - Right forearm - Plasma - Right hand - Iron -

Left thigh - Water - Left shin - Magnetism - Left foot - The Green/Jungle -

Right thigh - Earth - Right shin - Gravity - Right foot - Electricity/Lightning

Left torso side - Air - Right torso side - Fire -

Head - Shadow -

I don't want to be judged upon my rank. I don't want to lose or be overlooked because I'm not a premier member, or I just joined, or I don't have a signature. I want to be judged upon my build. I've known about BZP for a long time. I am a true fan, I have a big collection, I have a vast knowledge of the story, and I put as much effort as I could into this. I worked about 20 days straight on this. My determination is strong, or at least I think so.

And I think that I do have what it takes to win - I'm not just saying that because I want to.

Honestly? I don't care if I win that golden mask or not. When I first started on this project, which I entitled Project Saviant, I had told myself that I willwin. But, while I was working on it, I began to think that who cares if I don't win it? That would mean that some other big fan and amazing MOCist would get that awesome mask. And I would be happy for them. So, that was what really drove me to build this. I was also applauded by my family for my incredible attitude.

I apologize that my hand is in the way of the Ice shoulder, I didn't realize I had my hand there when the picture was taken. An uncovered picture of the Ice shoulder is in the gallery. I also apologize that I didn't provide a solid color background, it was far too big to have one.

I just would like to say thank you to my friends of Instagram for helping/supporting me through this long journey.

Those people would be -

brickyedits, hail_acheron, bionicle_mech, samdoesmocs, ihoffbro, toa_kratz, and bionicleretold

I highly suggest you go follow them! Sorry if this defies the rules of staying on topic, but these people are true friends to me and they helped me through this. I thought I'd mention them in thanks for their support.

Thank you for actually reading this. I wish the best of luck to all the other participants. :]

Edited by en_1gma

Who wants a villain that is too bulky? How about one that can stand toe-to-toe to the Toa?

Introducing Darkclaw: mobile, lightly armored, limited flight capabilities, and dangerous claws!



Edited by AsheBailey

Entry #1: Pourewa


Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/sets/72157649113753439/

Pourewa used to be a pet Nui-Rama owned by Makuta Chirox and used in experiments. One of these experiments gave it sentience. It also gained an interest in experiments and creations. Pourewa made itself a valuable assistant to Chirox. Some Makuta say Chirox even considered it a friend. One of the first experiments Chirox conducted on Pourewa mutated his lower body and gave it four legs, but also left it vulnerable in the area where its legs and lower body connected. To try and fix this, Chirox repurposed a prototype defense turret from Destral into armored reinforcements for Pourewa’s weak spots. Additionally, the armored reinforcements were weaponized with two sphere lauchers and 16 nozzles (8 on the front and 8 on the back) that could launch Pourewa’s excess bodily energy in the form of bullets. One day, Chirox was summoned to Karda Nui and left Pourewa behind at his home in Visorak for safety. Pourewa, thinking Chirox was kidnapped, armed itself with Chirox’s warhammer and a Cordak Blaster modified to shoot elemental Shadow energy, and set off to find him. Even after the Battle of Bara Magna, Pourewa endlessly seeks his master and friend and crushes anyone he meets who isn’t Chirox.

Pourewa features articulation in its head, jaw, legs, arms, wings, launchers and even its torso. It has internal gears which allow his launchers to be flipped up and down by flicking a lever, as seen in this video:


Entry #2: Moana-Nui


Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/sets/72157649534101275/

Moana-Nui is the fusion of a former Dark Hunter and a variety of aquatic Rahi. Only some Dark Hunters remember who Moana-Nui was before being fused to the aquatic Rahi. Those who know can’t say, for they know what the Shadowed One will do if they speak. The only thing they can say is Moana-Nui sold information on the Dark Hunters, especially the Shadowed One, to the Brotherhood of Makuta. Moana-Nui’s mind and feelings were taken over by those of the Rahi, but one of the Dark Hunter’s feelings remains: hatred. Armed with an axe imbued with elemental Water powers, Moana-Nui despises all living creatures, especially the Shadowed One and will go out of its way to harm anyone, especially Dark Hunters.

Note: edited to fix bad links

Edited by Toa of Gallifrey


Tathos, the Clockwork Dragon!

Entry Image:


Link: http://imgur.com/vRLrZEd

Extended Gallery:



Tathos took more than twenty hours of work to complete. I did him in segments: Starting with the legs one session, then the arms, then the torso and head, followed by the wings and tail.

He stands 58 cm high, with a wingspan of 72 cm.


When the Mask of Ultimate Power flew off Makuta’s face and landed elsewhere on the island of Okoto, it released bursts of energy throughout its flight. These bursts of concentrated elemental energy gave birth to six guardians: The Dragons of Elemental Affinity. Each of them represented one of the six core elements: Fire, water, earth, stone, air, and ice. All of those created by these bursts, however, were corrupted by the innate evil of the mask-and so, their directive was to destroy any who approached the mask or threatened to use it.

These six were named Buerdegon, the Magmatic Dragon, Aqertezal, the Dragon of the Deep, Glacerot, the Frostbite Dragon, Galeratil, the Gale Dragon, Mackinaot, the Dragon of the Peak, and Tathos, the Clockwork Dragon.

Tathos was the most reclusive of the six, his lair being in the underground caverns that he dug himself. He fought the ravenous Splinter Husks that infested the ground of Okoto, and, as his directive called, he seeks Onua, the Master of Earth, as do the other dragons seek the Toa of their respective elements.

Tathos, in particular, was bulky and as resilient as a fortress wall. His hide was nigh on impenetrable, the only true weakness being his own elemental energy, or that of a being of water. He had the ability to see without fault in the dark and, contrary to other creatures with similar abilities, suffered no hindrances when outside in broad daylight. His grip was said to be so strong he could rip giant boulders from mountains, and he dwarfed even the mightiest Toa by almost twenty metres.

As his elemental power was Earth, he could make use of abilities such as digging at rapid speeds, creating an immovable wall with his body, or causing earthquakes by destabilising the gravimetric forces of the planet. His wings were rarely used, hence why they tended to droop, but despite this he could still reach speeds of over two hundred miles per hour, and if his adrenaline kicked in his recorded speed could exceed even three hundred.

Regarding his personality, he was antisocial, preferring quiet and the loneliness of an underground dweller. Despite his bestial appearance, he was completely sentient, and was capable of rudimentary speech (though he and his fellow Guardians preferred to communicate telepathically with each other). He got along most with Buerdegon, as when a magma flow threatened Tathos’ underground tunnels, the Magmatic Dragon ceased the flow and moved the molten rock back from where it came.

I was really looking forward to entering this competition, as the last time Lego ran something like this (the prize being the Platinum Avohkii) I was far too young to enter. Happy I could enter this time round.

Entry #10

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Name: Deridix


Deridix is the last surviving member of an evil organization known as the Sed Flet. As a the sole member, he wears frightening armor, a massive round shield, and a deadly flail. The long spikes emerging from his back are a trademark of his species, as are the black fins on his face. The duty of the Sed Flet is to carry out evil operations all throughout the universe; however, as the only remaining member, he is free to wander and commit dark deeds as he pleases.


Entry #11

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Name: Sangoma


Sangoma is an evil witchdoctor. His odd proportions confuse even the greatest researchers on Okoto. If you approach him from behind, you may think that he is but a harmless, short Turaga...but beware, for he wears the legendary Mask of Vuku, which will cast unbelievable fear in even the strongest of warriors, causing them to kick and scream.

My third entry, Leecher:post-130183-0-13895300-1417296005_thumb.jpg

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