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The Lazy Chicken makes his defence.


"Guys, I can totally exonerate myself, look, I have photos! Look!"

The small crowd around him isn't impressed.

"Look! Why so ser--"

And he disappears.


The host is baffled as well, as the whole thing is a bizarre sort of new territory. The day ends.


The night has come. Kintober wanders the halls.


"I told them I was the cop. Did they believe me? Do they think I'm the cop?"

She hears a sugary voice summon her.


"Well howdy, Investigatirino! How do you do?"

The Ned Flanders dressed character approaches her with purpose.


As he speaks, he raises his tool box toward her. "You must know that publicly claiming cop is a death diddly-eath sentence."

And he brings his tool box upon her head. And again. And again. Leaving behind a Town corpse.




Brickelodeon reflects on her continued existence. "I survived. It was a technicality of sorts, but I survived."


A whirring and clicking, and the hum of electricity alerts her of something that is probably predictable by now.


"I am MODOK, the greatest character ever created, also known as MECHANISED ORGANISM DESIGNED ONLY FOR KILLING. It is not my choice. That is all I can do."

Brickelodeon is about to scream when she is vaporised, a hint of scum left wafting in the air.


And that is the end of night five and the beginning of day six.



"Dr. def is tired and cranky, writing up mafia captions on a Saturday night," MODOK says, surprising the reader. "Already in this game, there has been a rule break God kill, and now on day five, a massive disruption that ruptured the entire day. I trust that the remaining five of you can manage to get through this day without any major problems?"

Voting begins in 24 hours.

Non-Player Characters

15233214767_02391c6d48_o.png Doctor Def


15396635686_e906b196ce_o.png Stickfig (Stickfig) - Cosplays Cyclops

15233137127_bd4c68324e_o.png Captain Settle (Captain Settle) - Cosplays dusty movie Batman

15233003330_f8531971ce_o.png Xenophobic Monoxide (Xenophobic Monoxide) - Cosplays prequels Obi-Wan

15233093028_1306527280_o.png Cutcobra (Cutcobra) - Cosplays Arctic Batman

15233136777_c66e391f77_o.png Goliath (Goliath) - Cosplays Spider-Man

The dead

15298417950_244d1430e2_o.png Jamesn- didn't manage a day one defense - Town

15298417940_44d8f3dbfd_o.png Mostlytechnic - Shocked to death, night one - Town

15524783942_a9071b3f5b_o.png Stinky Dave - Too scurvy to live past day two - Town

15524783772_df6f70790a_o.png Scaevola - snuffed out night two - Town

15338427390_f8dec90412_o.png Richela - went out for a smoke, went out smoking on night two - Scum

14935851433_fb7aa2195d_o.png Lord Duvors - cornered by the town and lynched day three - Scum

15370388860_1eb550f1bf_o.png Mencot - blasted to the past on night three - Town

15370388910_a9960e3ab1_o.png Lind Whisperer - given a taste of MK 42 on night three - Town

15404976449_2e61f846aa_o.png Pyrovisionary - death by God - Town

15405486498_f841d0714c_o.pngAdventurer1 - met her father on night four - Town

15405985820_e9ced92d98_o.pngJluck - Bananaed on night five - Scum

15620117891_b92f0440e8_o.pngThe Lazy Chicken - Too innocent to understand mafia - removed on day five - Town

15436781987_ba93d54287_o.pngKintober - Got what she asked for on night five - Town

15437194760_6862dd4331_o.pngBrickelodeon - Had everyone's suspicions confirmed on night five - scum

Rules (These are 95% the same as the EB standard; deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death on your second offense.

Ok, so we don't know if TheLazyChicken was town or scum? Am I reading that right?

So Brickeldeon was scum... as we expected.

However, I didn't think there would be more than four scum... this, we did not expect.

So who did Kintobor find scummy and who did Brickelodeon defend? You know it! Xenophobic Monoxide, he's the scummiest to me right now.

  On 10/25/2014 at 1:49 PM, Cutcobra said:

So who did Kintobor find scummy and who did Brickelodeon defend? You know it! Xenophobic Monoxide, he's the scummiest to me right now.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe Xenophobic Monoxide is a vigilante or last mafioso?

And like LazyChicken, it appears I have been screwed by dead men.

I'll just say what I said before: I'm just a townie.

  On 10/25/2014 at 1:29 PM, StickFig said:

Ok, so we don't know if TheLazyChicken was town or scum? Am I reading that right?

It says town under his picture.

Okay, so I reckon there's only one scum left. I too think it is Xenophobic Monoxide, as Kintobor was very suspicious of him. Although, to be honest, any scum would kill him after he announced he was the cop.

  On 10/25/2014 at 4:09 PM, Captain Settle said:

It says town under his picture.

:facepalm: I'm an idiot.

Ok, we're agreed, XenoMono is the next next one. I concur that there's not a lot to gain from Kintobor's death; any scum would kill the cop ASAP.

At the risk of being accused of scumminess for posting statistics, here are the voting patterns updated with our newest knowledge....

Day 1 (Thanks to Stinky Dave)

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Day Two

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Day Three

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Day Four

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Day Five

Reveal hidden contents

Does anyone else find Captain Settle somewhat suspicious? He's never around much, posts very little, and bandwagons somewhere in the middle to the end on whoever most of the town votes.

I recall Kintober saying that he turned up town, but since there was a miller in this game, isn't it likely that there would be a godfather?

  On 10/25/2014 at 11:20 PM, Xenophobic Monoxide said:

Does anyone else find Captain Settle somewhat suspicious?

I've been saying he was suspicious since Day One. No one else seems to care.

  On 10/25/2014 at 11:20 PM, Xenophobic Monoxide said:

Does anyone else find Captain Settle somewhat suspicious? He's never around much, posts very little, and bandwagons somewhere in the middle to the end on whoever most of the town votes.

I recall Kintober saying that he turned up town, but since there was a miller in this game, isn't it likely that there would be a godfather?

I think we already lynched/killed the godfather, who I also believe was Jluck as he appeared very townie.

To be honest, Xenophobic Monoxide, I think you're a scumbag. Everyone here, think about this for a second - Kintobor thought Brickelodeon and Xenophobic Monoxide where scumbags. Brickelodeon dies and turns up to be a scumbag, then Kintobor dies after revealing to be a Town Cop. Is it possible there is one more mafioso and that could be Xenophobic Monoxide? If you think about it, he could have killed Kintobor to either avenge Brickelodeon, kill an investigator, or both.

So, why should I believe you're innocent, Xenophobic Monoxide?

Sadly, I have nothing to convince you other than my word.

  • Author

Sorry, this is a little late: Voting is open!

Vote: Xenophobic Monoxide

Kintobor was right about Brickelodeon, so he may have been right about you. And I've already said that any scum would kill Kintober after he announced he was the cop, but him being suspicious of you and then dying is the best we have to go on right now.

For every reason I stated before, Vote: Xenophobic Monoxide..

For what I have said up above, that's my reason for my vote.

Vote: Xenophobic Monoxide

Once again I wake up and we have a lynch ready to go.

Vote: Xenophobic Monoxide (Xenophobic Monoxide)

Day Six

Reveal hidden contents

If XenoMono is the last scum, then we're done, but if he isn't, maybe our vigilante can help.

  On 10/25/2014 at 11:20 PM, Xenophobic Monoxide said:

Does anyone else find Captain Settle somewhat suspicious? He's never around much, posts very little, and bandwagons somewhere in the middle to the end on whoever most of the town votes.

I recall Kintober saying that he turned up town, but since there was a miller in this game, isn't it likely that there would be a godfather?

  On 10/26/2014 at 7:44 AM, Cutcobra said:

I think we already lynched/killed the godfather, who I also believe was Jluck as he appeared very townie.

I don't think we have much reason to believe jluck was the godfather (if there is/was one). He seemed pretty town, but Kintobor never investigated him, so it's possible he was just plain scum. However, we've been suspicious all along of Captain Settle (and he seems pretty anxious to off XenoMono today), so I think the vigilante should kill him tonight, just to make sure. Anyone have other thoughts?

There's really no point in me voting, since I'm today's lynch and nothing I say will change that. But for the sake of consistency,

Vote: Captain Settle

Hello? Is anyone there?

Echo echo echo echo echo echo

I'm still checking the thread, but there's not much left to say. We're pretty much waiting for the next day to find out if Xenophobic Monoxide is scum.

  • Author

The day is all but over, Xenomophic Monoxide is going to be lynched. If I'd known that nobody was going to discuss anything, I would have closed the thread 24 hours early. Feel free to send in any night actions now.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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