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I'm relatively new with MLCAD and Lpub so I have lots of problems...

One of those is that my Lpub seems to ignore the PLI file located in extras folder (I use Windows 7, 64bit). I have a problem with 32x32 baseplate showing upside down in part list. I want it to show studs up and smaller. If I do any random change in the pli.mpd file to the original entry of the baseplate, which by default looks like this:

1 0 -878.808 0 -839.192 -0.5 0 0 0 -0.5 0 0 0 0.5 3811.dat

I see no changes at all. I have no clue what those numbers mean, so I thought I will make random changes, one number at a time, and simply see what changes. But nothing changes. So I tried to turn this file off altogether in the preferences. No effect. I tried to change to a different file - I can't select any, even the original one in extras folder. I have no more ideas...


Thanks. I did that before but with no effect, so I though I need to do something else. But I did that now again. And again, and again (...) and again and finally it worked. I had some insane values so my baseplate looks now like a green blop on my entire page. I reverted to original values, cleared both caches and again after about 20 or so attempts it finally reverted to the original state with my baseplate upside down...

It's a bit disappointing, the way this software works :/

This is pointless for me to see which of those values will bring my baseplate to have its studs up, and which will make it smaller (not with so many attempt for Lpub to even read this file), so I have another question - do you know how to change those number so that I can achieve what I want?


1 0 -878.808 0 -839.192 -0.5 0 0 0 -0.5 0 0 0 0.5 3811.dat

I see no changes at all. I have no clue what those numbers mean,

A good info for learning what's behind those numbers (position of them) can be found here


It worked! Thank you :)

I downloaded the file from linked discussion and used the entry for that baseplate.

I will probably replace the whole file later on.

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