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After much procrastination, my entry is complete! On to the info,

Whacker: Myself (optimus-convoy)

Victim: Unique Builder

Implement of Whacking: a hammer, a big hammer. >:-)


More on the BS.

Another quickee from me. Same baseplate used in the Kill Jar-Jar contest! I appologize for the bad quality due to a lack of my second lamp...which is annoyingly loose. Thanks for baring with the picys. :-) . EDIT: I just noticed, there is a white plate, and a dark grey plate...if you can see it...Yoda (light side) happens to be on the white plate...whereas Vader (dark side) is on the dark grey plat.) An accidental discovery!

Please read Description first!

Well here we are, in some city in the Star Wars universe. I happly wonder about when suddenly a barrel whacks me over my head and gold coins spill everywhere. Who could have caused this. Why, it's that no good Yoda! But what's this? Has he also picked on another? Yes he has! Yoda appears to have stolen Vader's mask and cape, the sneaky little fellow. Vader gasps about and I'm having not that big of a headache because my shako cuishend the falling barrel...still hit me though. Why Yoda!?!

Whacker: Yoda! (Commonly known as xwingyoda)

Whackee(s): Me (ImperialScouts) Vader (Vader)

Methods: Falling barrel (on ImperialScouts) Theft (on Vader)

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Back (friction held bar)


Here's the tricky little guy, Yoda, and Vader!


Me getting whacked on the head!


Finally, what you've all been waiting for: My entry! :-P ;-)

I shall call it:

Gimme RedBull!! Gimme gimme GIMME!!

Whacker: UniqueBuilder

Whackee: Copmike >:-)

Weapon of choice: His very own metal detector! Which I.. Painted grey.. 8-| :-P

The plot: Copmike is done for the day with his copping, and return home to get his daily dose of RedBull.

What he don't know, is that UB is also an addict, which hasn't got his dose! 8-

Edited by UniqueBuilder

Alright, here is mine. The brunt of it had already been together for a while and I thought what a better way to use it than this!

The Whacker - Me, or Majisto the wizard. I chose Majisto because he was my forum name over at CC, and I don't actually own a Chewie fig. :-$

The Whackee - Hinckley :-D

While going for a swim to look for his pretty little Blue Bucket, Hinckley happen to not realize he was on Majistos property. To fix this, Majisto bonked him on the head. All he was doing was trying to knock some sense into him ;-)

You guys can go to the brickshelf folder here when moderated.

EDIT: The pic was amazingly huge, I thought I might as well take it out.

This is my first attempt to use Hinckley's method of taking pictures, so thanks to Hincky!

Whacker (s) As many members of Eurobricks as I can make.

Whackee (s) Me, myself and I.

Implement (s) A 16 tonne weight.

While teaching a Defense against Fresh Fruit class in an abandoned warehouse, Sinner, leaning nonchalantly against a questionably built crane, accidentally unleashes a precariously suspended 16 tonne weight whacking ZBD.




Whacker: Lifeguard

Whackee: Me.


Shouting is heard out side the coastguard station so the lifeguard rushes out,

meanwhile Axle the Guinea Pig is getting onto his sunbed but BAM! He is hit by the door which the lifeguard is running through.


More pics in the gallery. ( When Moderated)


My new sig fig!


Thanks for watching, I'm just entering for fun! X-D

It's a multiple whacking session!

Whacker(s): Horatio Nelson(thank you Mr Mosana!), Bonaparte(I'm sorry about the torso, but my printer gave up..), Hinckley39 and Mr Tiber.

Whackee(s): Horatio Nelson, Bonaparte and Hinckley 39.

Whacking weapons: A strange futuristic stick, a croissant, a broomstick and... a sailboat!

Location: Napoleon's favorite place on earth: Lion Mound!!

EDIT: Seemed my old entry was illegible, here's my new one. (if you want to see my old one, the pictures are still in my BS Folder)

Story: It's 2007. Napoleon Bonaparte has returned from the dead!!

He has heard about a big grassy pyramid in Waterloo with a statue of a lion on it. He directly visits it. He likes it! But when the news about a little green man who has stolen Napoleon's favorite baguette reaches him he gets so angry he immediatly whacks the lion of it's pedestal.

Suddenly, Horatio Nelson, Hinckley39, and Mr Tiber, who has heard Mr Bonaparte is in danger, show op at the mound.

All ingredients for a multiple whacking session!


Bonaparte: WHY ME!?!?!

Horatio Nelson has heard Napoleon's back from the dead, and also returned from the dead to whack Bonaparte real good.

Hinckley39 was going to undust the grass brick in his halloween suit anyway, but is always in for a little whacking!

And Mr Tiber was quite upset two men were going to whack Mr Bonaparte to pieces, and whacked Mr Hinckley with his sailboat!

The gray thing Mr Tiber's standing on is the pedestal of the Lion statue wich was whacked away by Mr Bonaparte.

And they all lived happily ever after...... sort of...

Mr Tiber

Edited by Mr Tiber

I hope i'm not too late to add an entry.Since i'm into technic and don't have many minifigs i had to whack myself. X-O To do this i used my whack machine. >:-) The pictures shows me programming the machine (note all computers), being on the hammer and lastly having been whacked.

BTW i hope image quality isn't a large factor since i have very little experince in that field. :'-( I'll post more in the comments thread.




Children, sit around and I'll tell you a tale. Some say that it's just something adults tell you in order to get you to behave, but trust me, it's real.

A long time ago, there was once a man named Hinckley. He walked around living his life with a complete disrespect of others (especially the walrus). His sarcasm knew no bounds, and was only equaled by his hatred of ice cube trays...

One day, the Gods, having seen this decided to punish Hinckley for his crimes, for he was not living his life the in the peaceful way it should be lived. They lured him deep into a forest one day, lulled by the voice of a beautiful young woman. Being a pervert, hinckley blindly followed, with complete disregard for his own safety, walking deeper and deeper into the dark forest.

Suddenly the beautiful woman he had been searching for disappeared.

"Where...where am I?" Hinckley cautiously said to no one in particular. He slowly looked around, realizing that he had no idea how to get back.

"Wait! I left crumbs of ice, I knew that stupid ice cube tray had to be useful for something" he exclaimed proudly, marveling at his own genius.

However it was August and the ice had melted.

Having realized this, how blinded he was by his own arrogance, he started crying. Then he saw it, a man clad in shining armor, with a flowing black cape, who wielded a silver axe large enough to cleave a man in two.

"W-who are you?" Hinckley stammered out, watering the grass underneath him as he did so. The dark figure gave no answer. Instead the knight turned and with one mighty swing of his axe, sliced the tree he was standing next two in half.

Hinckley saw this tree starting to fall, standing there with his eyes wide open. Then he got the idea to run.

It was too late for this, however, and as he ran (in a straight line, might I add) he looked back over his shoulder, to see the dark figure standing there, looking back over hinckley at his shoulder.

"Who...are you? WHO ARE YOU?!" Hinckley screamed. Finally the dark figure spoke...

"You have forgotten me so easily, hinckley? A long time ago I knew you. There was a woman who I spoke to, and you made a comment..."Starwars and cutlass_iz, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g :-P", just to antagonize me."

Suddenly Hinckley's eyes widened in realization of what had happened...and then all went dark as he was struck down by the tree.


Suddenly hinckley woke up in a cold sweat in his bed.

"Hah! It was all a dream! That stupid loser could never harm me. Pfft, like I need to learn a lesson...haha" With that Hinckley got out of bed, and went to put his feet on the floor. It was then he noticed his boots were covered in mud.

The Gods have decided to punish Hinckley for his arrogance and evil soul. Every day he will die a horrible death, only to wake up the next morning and be killed again. Learn your lessons well, children. Be good, and tomorrow I will tell you another story of hinckley

Entry posted. It will be the first in a long series of whacks called "The many deaths of hinckley" >:-)

Edited by Starwars4J

One day, Vader was taking a stroll on the Forest Moon of Endor. JoeMI6 was happily sitting in a small clearing by a tree.

When he saw the dark figure walk on past him, Joe had a sudden rush of jealousy. He wanted that cape. He knew how much more badass it would look on him than Vader.

An anime like rage overtook him, and he jumped towards the unsuspecting Sith, wielding the only tool available to him. A frog-on-a-stick.




EDIT: Sorry about the original huge photo sizes, they're a normal size now.

In response to an indescriminiate attack on Lord Vader by the nefarious JoeMI6, another Lord stepped out of the sea, into some clothes and started kicking keister! T is here, pearl silver surfboard his implement of Whackage, to avenge the untimely demise of one of the world's greatest Lords. Oh yeah, and he's going commando.


1043202815_06b7458081_t.jpgPic is link to my Flickr gallery!

Whack (commando) on!

Since Bonaparte seems to follow me to every forum I go (no offence :-D ) and a pirate admin once said:

(quote Mister Phes)You have some competition Mr Bonaparte! You'll both have to build up your armies then war against each other - the victor gets to rule Belgium

A whacking war began for the rule of Belgium...

In this battle, Bonaparte has the advantage of a home match, but Tanotrooper has the element of surprise...


Entry on the last day :D


Edited by Tanotrooper

Here's my entry... Early, ain't I? X-D

I built this pretty quickly as I did not have so much time but here it is:


Yoda's whackin' me into the Sarlaac Pit X-D



Hope you don't mind *yoda* , after all, I'm getting whacked and you're enjoying a nice Summer's day... Why you little... X-D ;-)

I have seen members get whacked with virtually everything but now it is time for my Whack to take place

There once was a person who went by the name Hinckley(I think)

Well we used to be good friend until one day he booed me!

So now I got revenge


As you can see I whacked him Hawaiian Style with a palm tree

The object in the orb is the highly desired Ice cube tray!!


Edited by Piranha

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