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Three years since the first moc was posted! :classic:


Over the years we've been seeing incredible mocs being made by you guys. Creations from veteran members, but also from newer members who are being welcomed as they were here from the beginning. And in those three years we've created a community that is still thriving and above all, fun to be part of. Especially when seeing everybody improving their techniques, photo and presentations skills and more.

This all needs some kind of celebration of course. So time for a small contest, it requires just 16 figs. Which means everyone should be able to join. Congrats everyone and we are looking forward to see what next year will bring!

The rules.

-A serie has to contain 16 minifigs.

-It needs to represent all of Historica. So at least two figs from every guild

-Mix up gender.

-Presentation; like shown underneath. An overview picture like TLC does. Plus a picture of each minifig individually, accompanied by a short description.

-No clone brand parts. (Because Lego has enough parts, just be creative with those!)

-Deadline 31st of January.

-Name of your entry: "name of member" Collectible Series

-Post a link of your entry topic in this thread.

-Winners will be determined by vote.

-Prizes. Soon to be announced, but of course it will be awesome ones :wink:

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Presentation example:

Title: Ecclesiastes Collectible Serie:




Name: Slithrr

Skill: This serpent being is specialized in using a long sword and sneak attacks. When not using her sword she'd probably go for a venomous bite, numbing her opponent.


Name: Orc Lord

Skill: Even orcs have lords. And although they are known for instantly attacking, this orc will probably talk first before going into battle.


Name: Nightseeker.

Skill: Excels in horseback riding. Will always fight from the shade or at night.


Name: Minotaur

Skill: Brute force, this creature can split a man in half with one blow of his axe.



Name: Valholl Spearman

Skill: Can throw spears over 100m. When accompanied by fellow spearmen they can form a "hedgehock attack" piercing everyone in their way.


Name: Forrest Elf

Skill: Trained to be able to use every kind of weapon. Excellent tree climber as well.


Name: White Wyvern Druid

Skill: Skilled in using a blessed Wyvern Axe, the real power lies in his battlecry. It will summon a Wyvern to help him in battle.


Name: Bersarver

Skill: These tall dwarves are well known for their enormous strength. Barricading or crushing a door, you'll need a Bersarver.



Name: Wanderer

Skill: Spying is what he does best. Looking just like a common by passer he'll see and hear everything. When in danger his walking stick appears to be a deadly weapon, crushing a windpipe with one blow is a piece of cake.


Name: Merchant

Skill: What ever you need, he's able to get it for you. Of course it will cost you money!


Name: Battle commander

Skill: Strategic mastermind. Planning an attack will be pointless without his insights.


Name: Kaddriesie

Skill: Female member of the kaddries, feared mercenaries. Especially deadly in close combat.



Name: Capital Guard

Skill: Loyal till the end, this soldier will never abandon his post until he dies(in battle).


Name: Farmer

Skill: What's an army without any food. This fellow will provide in those needs!


Name: Elf Warrior

Skill: Survival expert. In need of someone to for fill a difficult mission? This is your guy!


Name: Gatehouse Archer

Skill: In training since she was four years old. So of course she's very skilled. It is said she's able to shoot under a dragon's scale to pierce it's heart.

Cool contest! Cool, I'm in the poster! Everyone, ignore my first pic there. :tongue:

Great! I love building minifigures, so I will definitely build an entry once done with Challenge III!

Those are some great fig combos you made, Eccs.! The elf warrior has a sweet combination of Dwalin's torso, that shoulder piece, and the Hun cloak.

I am so dang excited for this. Been waiting for this challenge since it was hinted at! Also, this is the second challenge I think I partially inspired so that's gratifying too.

One question, though, is the use of the term "clone brand". As I understand it, clone refers to KREO and MEGABLOCKS but not the third party stuff from Brick Warriors, which are usually referred to as "third party lego" or "off brand". I think from your wording that you mean LEGO ONLY but I wanted to make dang sure before I start building.

Oooh ooh... also: are Varlyrians allowed!? Drow!?

Edited by mccoyed

Oh this is going to be so fun! I get to figbarf and enter it into a contest? Oh yeah!

Damn, awesome contest! I shall try to get something in for this before I head to Australia!

Oh man this is an awesome contest. I REALLY wish 90% of my figs weren't on the other side of an ocean right now. I don't think I'll be able to enter without them.

Hahahaha I had a bit of a laugh at the first photo, man thats embarrasing...

I'd also like to point out that my 'gallows' was 2012 and my tower was 2013... just saying ;)

Interesting contest, hopefully I can make four characters representing each guild! Also, I really love how the Nightseeker looks like! :wub_drool:

I am very jealous right now.

This is such a cool idea! I'm really looking forward to it!

I've got this! I have been fig building for the past few day since I was bored and already have about 8 figs built! :)

also ,can we use figs that were in past builds?

additionally, do we have to have them all standing on CMf stands in the group shot?

Edited by LordDan

Oh yeah, sweet contest! This is something to look forward to in the coming month when I have time. :)

Wow, this will be awesome, I'm totally in. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! BTW Ecc, what's the torso for the battle commander from kaliphlin? It looks really cool. Actually all the figs look totally cool, but that torso in particular looks really useful.

These are awesome Ecc! I love them!

Awesome contest and idea. :thumbup:

This is driving me 'nuts'. Loving this contest presentation. Even love it, when you are only accepting LEGO official elements for this contest. :wub:

The amount of talent in here just blows me away. I really ought to swing in this forum more often - although I stop in occasionally to see all of the incredible MOCs. Well done to everyone participating in this.

And very nice minifigures, Ecclesiastes! I liked reading the lore.

Good luck to everyone in the contest. :classic:

I'm in! This is gonna be pretty cool I can already tell!

Wonderful contest idea! :thumbup:

My wife and I made 12 last night already! Good thing the deadline is January 31st leaving plenty of time to tinker. Especially since the answers to my prior questions may drastically change what I submit!

What a great way to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of GoH :excited:

Fun to see the drastic change in building skill and presentation :oh:

Your set of minifigs look great!

Great idea for a contest! Looking forward to all the figure combos this will spawn :classic:

What a neat idea! This will be fun.

Congrats on a successful three years - I've definitely enjoyed participating a wee bit throughout Book II, and appreciate all the work that goes into GoH.

Also, I second LordDan's question:

also ,can we use figs that were in past builds?

What a neat idea! This will be fun.

Congrats on a successful three years - I've definitely enjoyed participating a wee bit throughout Book II, and appreciate all the work that goes into GoH.

Also, I second LordDan's question:

Ecc did, so why not? He uses his White Wyverns, Forest Elves, and Berservar "tall dwarves" in his series. All of these featured in previous builds of his.

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